“Whoa. Undeniable is one of my top reads! Sizzling chemistry, off the charts sexual tension and all the feels I’ve come to expect with a Melanie Harlow romance!”- Ilsa Madden-Mills, Wall Street Journal bestselling author
"Undeniable je moje top branje! Vroča kemija, spolna napetost in vsi občutki, ki jih lahko pričakujem od romance Melanie Harlow!" -Ilsa Madden-Mills, najbolj prodajana pisateljica
Undeniable, an all-new sexy standalone second chance romance from USA Today bestselling author Melanie Harlow, is available now!
Undeniable, nova seksi samostojna romanca z drugo priložnostjo najbolj prodajane pisateljice Melanie Harlow, je že v prodaji!
Title (Naslov): Undeniable
Author (Avtor): Melanie Harlow
Genre (Kategorija): romance (romantika)
When we were eleven, Oliver Ford Pemberton dared me to jump off a barn roof. He said you couldn’t break a leg from a 12-foot-jump.
He lied.
(You can also break a collarbone, which served him right as far as I was concerned.)
I wish I could say it was the last dare I ever took from him, the last bet I ever made with him, the last time I ever trusted Oliver Ford Pemberton.
But it wasn’t.
Because he had the nerve to grow up gorgeous, charming, and sexy. And as we got older, the dares only got dirtier—and the betting stakes higher—until finally, he left me in pieces. I swore I’d never talk to him again.
But twenty years after I took that flying leap, he’s back in my life, daring me to risk everything for him: my job, my self-worth, and my heart.
How many chances does true love deserve?
Ko sva bila stara enajst let, me je Oliver Ford Pemberton prisilil, da sem skočila iz strehe skednja.
Rekel je, da si ne moreš zlomiti noge z višine 12 nožnih stopinj.
Lagal je.
(Lahko si celo zlomiš ključnico, kar mu je bilo čisto prav, kolikor mene skrbi.)
Želim si, da bi rekla, da je to zadnji izziv, ki sem ga sprejela od njega. Zadnja stava, ki sem jo sklenila z njim. Zadnjič, ko sem zaupala Oliverju Ford Pembertonu.
Ampak ni tako.
Zato, ker je odrasel v čudovitega, šarmantnega in seksi. Ko postanemo starejši, izzivi postanejo bolj nespodobni- in stave so višje- dokler me končno ni pustil v koščkih. Prisegla sem si, da ne bom nikoli več govorila z njim.
Dvajset let po letečem skoku, je prišel nazaj v moje življenje. Upala sem si tvegati vse zaradi njega: mojo službo, lastno vrednost in moje srce.
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MELANIE HARLOW likes her martinis dry, her heels high, and her history with the naughty bits left in. When she's not writing or reading, she gets her kicks from TV series like VEEP, Game of Thrones, Succession, and Homeland. She occasionally runs three miles, but only so she can have more gin and steak. Melanie is the author of the ONE & ONLY series, the AFTER WE FALL series, the HAPPY CRAZY LOVE series, the FRENCHED series, and the sexy historical SPEAK EASY duet, set in the 1920s. She lifts her glass to romance readers and writers from her home near Detroit, MI, where she lives with her husband, two daughters, and pet rabbit.
MELANIE HARLOW obožuje svoj martini, svoje visoke petke in svojo nagajivo preteklost v sebi. Ko ne piše ali bere, spremlja televizijske nanizanke kot so Podpredsednica, Igre Prestola, Nasledstvo in Domovina. Včasih preteče tri milje, ampak samo zato, da si lahko privošči več gina in zrezka. Melanie je avtorica zbirke One & Only, zbirke After We Fall, zbirke Happy Crazy Love, zbirke Frenched in seksi zgodovinskega dueta Speak Easy, ki se dogaja v letu 1920. Rada dvigne kozarček bralcem in pisateljem romance v svojem kraju blizu Detroita, kjer prebiva s svojim možem, dvema hčerama in domačim zajcem.
Connect with Melanie (Melanie lahko spremljate na njenih družbenih omrežjih):
So sweet cover! Čudovita naslovnica!
Happy reading, Knjigoljubka Maja
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