Anthony pisateljice Kelsie Rae je izšel!!!
Title (Naslov): Anthony
Author (Avtor): Kelsie Rae
Series (Zbirka): Signature Sweethearts #7
Release day (datum izida): June 25, 2019 (25. junij 2019)
Release day (datum izida): June 25, 2019 (25. junij 2019)
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Being responsible hasn't gotten me anywhere in life. My girlfriend left me for another guy. My career is over. I feel like I've lost everything.
Then I meet Sway Swenson.
She's sexy, fun, spontaneous, has zero inhibitions, and thinks relationships are a waste of time. Just like me. She's perfect for getting me back into the game without looking for anything serious. The only problem? My heart has other ideas, and I don't think I can handle another rejection.
I don't do relationship. A crippling experience in high school was enough to make me avoid them like the plague.
Then I meet Anthony Wright.
Everything is fine until he decides to take off his stupid shirt and gives me a glimpse of his washboard abs. When he suggests hot and sweaty sex with no strings attached, I'm stupid enough to jump in with both feet. Yup. I fall for his ludicrous idea, but I refuse to fall for the man himself. Even if he makes me curious about what life could be like if I wasn't broken.
Being responsible hasn't gotten me anywhere in life. My girlfriend left me for another guy. My career is over. I feel like I've lost everything.
Then I meet Sway Swenson.
She's sexy, fun, spontaneous, has zero inhibitions, and thinks relationships are a waste of time. Just like me. She's perfect for getting me back into the game without looking for anything serious. The only problem? My heart has other ideas, and I don't think I can handle another rejection.
I don't do relationship. A crippling experience in high school was enough to make me avoid them like the plague.
Then I meet Anthony Wright.
Everything is fine until he decides to take off his stupid shirt and gives me a glimpse of his washboard abs. When he suggests hot and sweaty sex with no strings attached, I'm stupid enough to jump in with both feet. Yup. I fall for his ludicrous idea, but I refuse to fall for the man himself. Even if he makes me curious about what life could be like if I wasn't broken.
Odgovornost me v življenju ni pripeljala nikamor. Moje dekle me je pustilo zaradi drugega fanta. Moja kariera je končana. Počutim se kot, da sem izgubil vse.
Nato sem spoznal Sway Swenson.
Ona je seksi, zabavna, spontana, brez zadržkov in misli, da so razmerja izguba časa. Tako kot jaz. Ona je prava, da me spravi nazaj v igro brez, da bi se držal resnosti. Kakšen problem? Moje srce ima druge ideje in mislim, da ne bom zdržal še ene zavrnitve.
Nisem za razmerja. Huda izkušnja iz srednje šole je bila dovolj, da se jim izogibam kot kugi.
Nato sem spoznala Anthonyja Wrighta.
Vse je bilo v redu, dokler se ni odločil, da sleče svojo neumno srajco in mi da hitri pogled na njegove bicepse. Ko predlaga vroč in prepoten seks brez niti povezovanja, sem dovolj neumna, da sprejmem predlog. Seveda. Padem na njegovo absurdno idejo, vendar odklanjam, da padam tudi na njega. Čeprav me dela radovedno kakšno bi bilo življenje, če ne bi bila prizadeta.
Avtor: Kelsie Rae
Zbirka: Signature Sweethearts #7
Zbirka: Signature Sweethearts #7
Prevod: /
Založba: Kindle edition (e-knjiga, ARC, 2019)
Ocena: 5 ★★★★ ★
Kategorija: romantika (romance), novi odrasli (new adult), sodobna romantika (contemporary romance)
Glavni liki: Sway, Anthony
Kraj dogajanja: ZDA
English review is on Goodreads!
Anthony je še ena čudovita lahka romanca, ki je idealna za plažno branje. Torej, če še vedno izbirate kaj bi brali na dopustu, vam priporočam tole knjigo. Bere se hitro in tudi jaz sem hitro obračala strani na Kindlu. Sicer je sedma knjiga po vrsti v zbirki Signature Sweethearts, vendar se lahko bere samostojno. Anthonyja ste že spoznali tisti, ki ste prebrali knjigo Rhett.
Ko Anthony po dolgoletnem razmerju ostane samski, se mu vse življenje sesuje. Bil je deloholik in se ni dovolj posvetil svoji partnerki. Vendar se tega zaveda prepozno. Potuje po Ameriki, popiva in se zabava. Nespametno ravnanje pa ga popelje na novo življenje. Pot mu prekriža energična in dobrosrčna Sway, z roza lasmi, katerim se Anthony najprej čudi, kasneje pa jih vzljubi. Sway ni za razmerja, Anthony pa želi poskusiti nekaj novega. Tako se zmenita za kompromis. Vendar med njima tli ljubezen, ki se bo vsak čas vžgala in razvila v močna čustva.
Kelsie nam ponovno predstavi ljubezen, ki ji je dana druga priložnost. Take so po navadi najlepše. Splet okoliščin, ki spremlja naša junaka v nas vzbudi čustva. Seveda to naredi zgodbo še bolj unikatno. Tukaj ne morem, da ne bi omenila konca zgodbe. Kelsie se je dotaknila občutljive teme o kateri se malo govori, ampak te problematike je čedalje več okoli nas. Ne bom vam razkrila za kaj se gre, ker potem vam razkrijem delček zgodbe. Boste mogli kar prebrat, če vas zanima. Bo pa presenetilo tudi vas. Sama sem imela solzne oči, čeprav nisem jokala. Bila pa sem čisto na robu. Res sem bila lepo presenečena nad zaključkom.
V knjigi veliko vlogo igrajo tudi mačke. Sama vem, da je Kelsie ljubiteljica mačk in samo čas je rabila, da ustvari "mačjo" junakinjo. Sway čudovito skrbi za svoje mucke. Po celem svetu je velik problem potepuških muck. Ljudje se jih naveličajo in jih kar nekje izpustijo. Žalostno vendar resnično. Pisateljica nas je želela opozoriti na to. Sama prihajam iz družine kjer smo vedno imeli psa in mačke. In še vedno imamo. Na živali sem zelo navezana in težko si predstavljam, da ne bi bile okoli nas. Tale zgodba se me je še posebno dotaknila.
Če se vrnem k našima junakoma. Oba sta se mi prikupila in v oba sem se z lahkoto vživela. Anthony je res krasen "book boyfriend" in zagotovo bo očaral vse bralke. Super sta se ujela s Sway. Kelsie zna lepo razvit svoje junake. Njen stil pisanja je res nekaj posebnega in z vsako zgodbo me očara. Ko me je vprašala, če želim prebrati ARC (Advance Reader Copy) njene nove knjige, sem z navdušenjem sprejela. Ko pa sem prvič videla naslovnico, sem se zaljubila v njo. Nato pa še v zgodbo. Hvala Kelsie za še eno odlično knjigo! Komaj že čakam naslednjo. Jaz že vem kateri lik bo tokrat v ospredju, ampak vsega vam pa ne smem povedati.😊
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"Is that what we are? Friends?"
The surprise in his voice makes me pause, and my gaze bounces around his
face in hopes of piecing together his thoughts. Unfortunately for me, he’s like
a steel vault.
"What label would you use?"
Scratching his jaw, he weighs his options while I find myself waiting on
pins and needles. “Friends, I guess."
"Why do you sound so surprised?"
"I don’t really have friends,” he admits. “Damn, that sounds pathetic. I
had coworkers. I had a girlfriend. And I had my parents. But friends? I
didn’t have time for those before….” His voice trails off, leaving me hanging.
"Before what?” I inquire while continuing to assess him curiously.
"Before I lost everything.” He pauses then adds with a dry laugh, “Except
my parents. They’re still around and as nosy as ever."
Licking my lips, I let his words soak in before my two-cents slips past my lips.
“No offense, but it sounds like you didn’t have much to lose in the first
place. But I’m glad I can help you make a fresh start.” A light laugh escapes
me when a thought hits me like a brick. “Man, Anthony. Are you sure you’re not
a cat?"
He snorts. “Excuse me?"
"My entire job is giving them a fresh start,” I explain. “Plus, they’re kind
of moody, have lost their homes, purr one minute then wanna bite your head off
the next. Don’t tell me you don’t see the similarities.” I pop my hip out and
place my hand on it before smirking at him. “At the very least, it’s your
spirit animal. Come on, I’ve seen you with Jasper."
"Jasper, as in the cat who is severely overweight and won’t let people
touch him?"
I nod, trying to hide my grin. “Yup. Twins, I tell ya. Twins."
KELSIE RAE is a sucker for a love story with all the feels. When she's not chasing words for her next book, you will probably find her reading or, more likely, playing with her "monsters".
She adores chocolate, photography, baking, and chick flicks. And now that she's actively pursuing her writing dreams, she's set her sights on someday finding the self-discipline to not eat an entire batch of cookies in one sitting.
KELSIE RAE pada na ljubezenske zgodbe z vsemi vpletenimi čustvi. Ko ne izbira besed za svoje nove knjige, si vzame čas za branje ali igranje s svojimi "pošastmi".
Obožuje čokolado, fotografiranje, kuhanje in tek. Zdaj, ko aktivno uresničuje svoje sanje s pisanjem, si želi, da bi nekega dne odkrila disciplino kako ne pojesti celotne serije piškotov v enem nizu.
Follow Kelsie online (Sledi Kelsie na spletu):
KELSIE RAE is a sucker for a love story with all the feels. When she's not chasing words for her next book, you will probably find her reading or, more likely, playing with her "monsters".
She adores chocolate, photography, baking, and chick flicks. And now that she's actively pursuing her writing dreams, she's set her sights on someday finding the self-discipline to not eat an entire batch of cookies in one sitting.
She adores chocolate, photography, baking, and chick flicks. And now that she's actively pursuing her writing dreams, she's set her sights on someday finding the self-discipline to not eat an entire batch of cookies in one sitting.
KELSIE RAE pada na ljubezenske zgodbe z vsemi vpletenimi čustvi. Ko ne izbira besed za svoje nove knjige, si vzame čas za branje ali igranje s svojimi "pošastmi".
Obožuje čokolado, fotografiranje, kuhanje in tek. Zdaj, ko aktivno uresničuje svoje sanje s pisanjem, si želi, da bi nekega dne odkrila disciplino kako ne pojesti celotne serije piškotov v enem nizu.
Obožuje čokolado, fotografiranje, kuhanje in tek. Zdaj, ko aktivno uresničuje svoje sanje s pisanjem, si želi, da bi nekega dne odkrila disciplino kako ne pojesti celotne serije piškotov v enem nizu.
Follow Kelsie online (Sledi Kelsie na spletu):
Keep reading, Knjigoljubka Maja