sreda, 6. marec 2019

Cover Reveal: HABITS by ANNA B. DOE

Some habits are too sweet to give up...
Nekatere navade so presladke, da bi jih opustili...

A brand new standalone in Greyford High series is coming March 27th!
Nova samostojna knjiga v zbirki Greyford High prihaja 27. marca!

Title (Naslov): Habits
Author (Avtor): Anna B. Doe 
Series (Zbirka): Greyford High
Cover Designer (oblikovanje naslovnice): Najla Quamber Designs

ADD TO GOODREADS (s klikom na napis, lahko knjigo dodaš na svoj Goodreads)


Senior year.
Three girls. Three guys.
Secrets and lies.
Demons of past and present.
Old insecurities and new fears.
One more year left to pretend.
One more year to wreck it all.
The countdown begins.

All Jeanette Sanders wanted to do was escape her past and forget everything that has happened. Coming to Greyford was supposed to be her new beginning, a clean slate. Only it seems like her past doesn’t want to let her go. As her old insecurities start to return in full force and lies grow bigger than ever, the only thing left is the hope that her broken heart will survive this time around.

Andrew Hill has been betrayed one too many times in the past. Cynical and cold-hearted, he closed off his heart for good and doesn’t plan on letting anybody in ever again. Especially women. But his heart doesn’t seem to care and starts beating faster every time a particular black-haired beauty gets in his way and puts him in his place.

He wants her body, not her heart. She tries to resist him, but the pull is too much.

They know they’re all wrong for each other, but some habits are too sweet to give up.

Zadnji letnik.
Tri dekleta. Trije fantje.
Skrivnosti in laži.
Demoni preteklosti in prihodnosti.
Stare negotovosti in novi strahovi.
Samo še eno leto je ostalo za pretvarjanje.
Samo še eno leto, da vse uničimo.
Odštevanje se začenja.

Vse kar si je Janette Sanders želela je, da pobegne svoji preteklosti in pozabi na vse kar se je zgodilo. Prihod na Greyford naj bi bil njen nov začetek, popolno šolsko leto. Samo njena preteklost je ni želela zapustiti. Njene stare negotovosti so se začele vračati z vso močjo in laži so rasle v še večje. Edina stvar, ki ji je ostala je bilo upanje, da bo njeno zlomljeno srce to preživelo.

Andrew Hill je bil prevečkrat izdan v preteklosti. Ciničen in hladnega srca je zaprl svoje srce in ni imel v načrtu, da bi še kdaj koga spustil vanj. Še posebej ženske. Ampak njegovo srce se za to ni zmenilo. Vedno, ko je zagledal črnolaso lepotico, ki je prišla mimo, je začelo biti hitreje.

Želel si je njeno telo ne njenega srca. Poskusila se mu je upirati, ampak privlačnost je bila močnejša.

Vedela sta, da sta napačna za drug drugega, vendar so nekatere navade presladke, da bi jih opustili.


Pre-order Habits for only $2.99!


ANNA B. DOE is an indie author. She has bachelor’s degree in Education Science and Spanish from University of Zadar. She works full time in an office and gives English and Spanish classes in her free time. When she’s not working for living or writing her newest book you can find her reading books, watching TV shows, or traveling the world. She is addicted to coffee and a big lover of dogs. Anna writes what she loves to read, which is romance. She is currently working on various projects. Some more secret than others.

ANNA B. DOE je neodvisna pisateljica. Diplomirala je iz znanstvenih študijev in spanščine na Univerzi v Zadru. Zaposlena je v pisarni, v prostem času pa poučuje angleščino in španščino. Ko ne dela in ne piše, jo najdete kako bere knjige, gleda televizijske nanizanke ter potuje po svetu. Je tudi velika ljubiteljica kave in psov. Piše take zgodbe, ki jih rada tudi sama prebira in to so romantične. Trenutno dela na raznovrstnih projektih. 

You can easily find Anna online (Anno lahko najdete na spletu): 

How beautiful is this cover? Purple is my favourite color! 
Kaj ni čudovita naslovnica? Vijolična barva je moja najljubša!
With love, Knjigoljubka Maja

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