nedelja, 24. marec 2019


The Hardest Route, an all-new emotional and romantic standalone from A.S. Teague is available now!
The Hardest Route, nov čustven in romantični samostojen roman pisateljice A.S. Teague, je že v prodaji!

Title (Naslov): The Hardest Route
Author (Avtor): A.S. Teague 
Genre (kategorija): Romance (romantika)
Release date (datum izida): March 21, 2019 (21. marec 2019)


My friends used to tell me ‘What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.’ Clearly, they lied because a few months later, I found out my one-night stand was pregnant.

I couldn’t handle a baby. I was Griffin Rockwell, the best wide receiver the league had ever seen. But what choice did I have? My baby girl was coming whether I was ready for her or not.

Brooke turned out to be an amazing woman and mother. For seven years, we were the MVP’s of co-parenting—and even better friends.

That all changed when tragedy struck our makeshift family and I was faced with the terrifying possibility of losing the one woman I was quickly realizing I couldn’t live without.

I was at the height of my career and on the path to becoming the greatest of all time.

But keeping my family together, with Brooke by my side, might prove to be the hardest route of all.

Moji prijatelj so mi govorili 'Kar se zgodi v Vegasu, ostane v Vegasu.' Očitno so lagali, ker čez nekaj mesecev sem ugotovil, da je moja eno nočna aktivnost postala noseča.

Ne morem imeti otroka. Jaz sem Griffin Rockwell najboljši prejemnik kar jih je liga imela. Ali imam izbiro? Moja dojenčica je na poti, če sem pripravljen ali ne.

Brooke se je izkazala za čudovito žensko in mamico. Sedem let sva si delila MVPjevo skrbništvo in bila dobra prijatelja.

Vse je spremenila tragedija, ki je prizadela našo začasno družino. Soočiti sem se moral z grozno izkušnjo, ko sem izgubil edino žensko za katero sem hitro odkril, da brez nje ne morem živeti.

Bil sem na vrhuncu svoje kariere in na poti, da postanem najboljši v tem času.

Držati družino skupaj z Brooke ob strani, se je izkazalo, da je najtežja pot v življenju.



Download your copy today or read FREE in Kindle Unlimited!
Priskrbite si svojo kopijo že danes ali jo preberite zastonj v Kindle Unlimited!

ADD TO GOODREADS (s klikom na napis, lahko knjigo dodaš na svoj Goodreads) 


A.S. TEAGUE enjoys the warmth of South Carolina with her husband and two daughters. The stereotypes about peach cobbler and sweet tea are not overstated. After years in the medical field, she is now enjoying every minute of being a stay-at-home mom. She loves wine, the beach, wine on the beach, and crying at Disney movies. When she doesn't have a book in her hand, she can be found pestering her husband with pictures of animals she wants to rescue, as well as debating whether to exercise or take a nap.

A.S. TEAGUE uživa v topli Južni Karolini s svojim možem in dvema hčerkama. Stereotipi o čevljih breskev in sladkih čajih niso pretirani. Leta je bila na medicinskem področju, zdaj uživa vsako minuto kot mama gospodinja. Obožuje vino, plažo, vino na plaži in joče ob Disneyevih filmih. Ko nima knjige v rokah, nadleguje svojega moža s slikami o živalih, ki jih želi rešiti ter z debato o tem ali bi telovadila ali vzela počitek.

Connect with A.S. Teague (A.S. Teague lahko spremljate na njenih družbenih omrežjih): 

I really want to read this book. Zelo so jo želim prebrati.
Happy reading, Knjigoljubka Maja

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