četrtek, 17. januar 2019

Book Tour & Review: THE KISS THIEF by L.J. SHEN

Title (Naslov): The Kiss Thief
Author (Avtor): L.J. Shen

Publishing date (Datum izida): January 9th (9. januar)
Cover Designer (Oblikovanje naslovnice): Letitia Hasser at RBA Designs

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They say your first kiss should be earned. 
Mine was stolen by a devil in a masquerade mask under the black Chicago sky. 
They say the vows you take on your wedding day are sacred. 
Mine were broken before we left church. 
They say your heart only beats for one man. 
Mine split and bled for two rivals who fought for it until the bitter end. 
I was promised to Angelo Bandini, the heir to one of the most powerful families in the Chicago Outfit. 
Then taken by Senator Wolfe Keaton, who held my father’s sins over his head to force me into marriage. 
They say that all great love stories have a happy ending. 
I, Francesca Rossi, found myself erasing and rewriting mine until the very last chapter. 
One kiss. 
Two men. 
Three lives. 
Entwined together. 
And somewhere between these two men, I had to find my forever.

Pravijo, da si je treba prvi poljub zaslužiti.
Meni ga je ukradel hudič z masko pod črnim Chicago-vim nebom.
Pravijo, da so poročne zaobljube svete.
Moje so bile zlomljene še preden sva zapustila cerkev.
Pravijo, da tvoje srce bije samo za enega moškega.
Moj je bil in krvavel za dva tekmeca, ki sta se borila do konca.
Obljubljena sem bila Angelu Bandiniju, dediču ene najbolj vplivnih družin v Chicago Outfit.
Potem me je vzel senator Wolfe Keaton, ki je preganjal mojega očeta, da me je prisilil v zakon.
Pravijo, da imajo velike ljubezni srečen konec.
Jaz, Francesca Rossi sem našla sebe med brisanjem in pisanjem zadnjega poglavja.
En poljub.
Dva moška.
Tri življenja.
Prepleteni skupaj.
Nekje med tema dvema moškima, sem našla moj za vedno.


Originalen naslov: The Kiss Thief
Avtor: L.J. Shen
Prevod: /
Založba: Kindle edition (e-knjiga, ARC, 2019)
Ocena: 4,5 ★★★★
Kategorija: romantika (romance), new adult (novi odrasli), contemporary (sodobni roman)
Glavni liki: Francesca Rossi, Wolfe Keaton, Angelo Bandini

English review is on Goodreads!

Knjiga The Kiss Thief je nekaj posebnega. Že prve besede so me pritegnile in do konca nisem mogla nehat brat.  Tudi naslovnica je čudovita. Pisateljica je napovedala izid knjige že decembra in Instagram so preplavile njene slike. Povsod so pisali o njej. Bila je najbolj pričakovana romanca v januarju. Tudi mene je osvojila. Prostovoljno sem se javila, da preberem ARC (Advance Reader Copy) izdajo in ni mi žal. Ob tej neverjetni zgodbi med Francesco in Wolfom sem res uživala. 

Knjiga je sodobna romantika, vendar malo drugačna od običajnih. Gre za dogovorjeno poroko med starejšim moškim in devetnajstletnico. Na koncu doživita svoj srečen konec, vendar pot do tja je dolga... 
Francesca je princesa v Italijansko Ameriški družini. Je pogumno in močno dekle, čeprav ji je vse prepovedano, saj je vzgojena, da nadaljuje svoj rod. Hrepeni po svojem prijatelju iz otroških let, prepričana je, da se bo poročila z njim... Ali se bo res? Oče ima za njo druge načrte, ti pa prinesejo za seboj tudi skrivnosti.
Wolfe je krut pameten in seksi senator. Na vse načine se trudi maščevati svojo družino, ko mu načrte prekriža Francesca. Obvaruje jo pred njenim očetom.

Zgodbo spremljamo iz obeh perspektiv in z obema likoma sem se lepo poistovetila. Oba se bralcu prikupita s svojo življenjsko zgodbo. Tudi meni sta se. Knjiga je lahko berljiva in toliko napeta, da bralca priklene nase. Sama sem jo prebrala kar hitro. Priporočam jo vsem navdušencem romantičnih zgodb. L.J. Shen se je odlično odrezala in zagotovo bom še posegala po njenih knjigah.




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“Are you sure you’re on my card?” I turned to the man with a polite yet distant smile. I was still disoriented from the exchange with Angelo when the stranger pulled me against his hard body and pressed a possessive hand lower than socially acceptable on my back, a second from groping my butt.
“Answer me,” I hissed.
“My bid on your card was the highest,” he replied dryly.
“The bids are undisclosed. You don’t know how much other people have paid,” I kept my lips pursed to keep myself from yelling.
“I know it’s nowhere near the realm of what this dance is worth."
We began to waltz around the room as other couples were not only spinning and mingling but also stealing envious glances at us. Naked, raw ogles that told me that whomever the blonde he’d come to the masquerade with was, she wasn’t his wife. And that I might have been all the rage in The Outfit, but the rude man was in high demand, too.
I was stiff and cold in his arms, but he didn’t seem to notice—or mind. He knew how to waltz better than most men, but he was technical, and lacked warmth and Angelo’s playfulness.
“Nemesis.” He took me by surprise, his rapacious gaze stripping me bare. “Distributing glee and dealing misery. Seems at odds with the submissive girl who entertained Bishop and his horsey wife at the table."
I choked on my own saliva. Did he just call the governor’s wife horsey? And me submissive? I looked away, ignoring the addictive scent of his cologne, and the way his marble body felt against mine.
“Nemesis is my spirit animal. She was the one to lure Narcissus to a pool where he saw his own reflection and died of vanity. Pride is a terrible illness.” I flashed him a taunting smirk.
“Some of us could use catching it.” He bared his straight white teeth.
“Arrogance is a disease. Compassion is the cure. Most gods didn’t like Nemesis, but that’s because she had a backbone.
“Do you?” He arched a dark eyebrow.
“Do I…?” I blinked, the courteous grin on my face crumpling. He was even ruder when we were alone.
“Have a backbone,” he provided. He stared at me so boldly and intimately, it felt like he breathed fire into my soul. I wanted to step out of his touch and jump into a pool full of ice.
“Of course, I do,” I responded, my spine stiffening. “What’s with the manners? Were you raised by wild coyotes?"
“Give me an example,” he said, ignoring my quip. I was beginning to draw away from him, but he jerked me back into his arms. The glitzy ballroom distorted into a backdrop, and even though I was starting to notice that the man behind the demi-mask was unusually beautiful, the ugliness of his behavior was the only thing that stood out.
I am a warrior and a lady…and a sane person who can deal with this horrid man.
“I really like Angelo Bandini.” I dropped my voice, slicing my gaze from his eyes and toward the table where Angelo’s family had been seated. My father was sitting a few seats away, staring at us coldly, surrounded by Made Men who chatted away.
“And see, in my family, we have a tradition dating back ten generations. Prior to her wedding, a Rossi bride is to open a wooden chest—carved and made by a witch who lived in my ancestors’ Italian village—and read three notes written to her by the last Rossi girl to marry. It’s kind of a good luck charm mixed with a talisman and a bit of fortunetelling. I stole the chest tonight and opened one of the notes, all so I could rush fate. It said that tonight I was going to be kissed by the love of my life, and well…” I drew my lower lip into my mouth and sucked it, peering under my eyelashes at Angelo’s empty seat. The man stared at me stoically, as though I was a foreign film he couldn’t understand. “I’m going to kiss him tonight."
“That’s your backbone?"
“When I have an ambition, I go for it."
A conceited frown crinkled his mask, as if to say I was a complete and utter moron. I looked him straight in the eye. My father taught me that the best way to deal with men like him was to confront, not run. Because, this man? He’d chase.


L.J. SHEN is an International #1 best-selling author of Contemporary Romance and New Adult novels. She lives in Northern California with her husband, young son and chubby cat.
Before she’d settled down, L.J. (who thinks referring to herself in the third person is really silly, by the way) traveled the world, and collected friends from all across the globe. Friends who’d be happy to report that she is a rubbish companion, always forgets peoples’ birthdays and never sends Christmas cards.
She enjoys the simple things in life, like spending time with her family and friends, reading, HBO, Netflix and internet-stalking Stephen James. She reads between three to five books a week and firmly believes Crocs shoes and mullets should be outlawed.

L.J. SHEN je pisateljica sodobnih romanc in NA romanov, ki je prodajana po celem svetu. Živi v Severni Karolini s svojim možem, mladim sinom in mačko.
Preden je ustanovila L.J. (čeprav misli, da je pisanje v tretji osebi trapasto) je potovala po svetu in pridobivala prijatelje na vsaki lokaciji. Prijatelji z veseljem povedo, da je slaba spremljevalka, ki vedno pozabi prijateljeve rojstne dneve in nikoli ne pošilja božičnih voščilnic. 
Sama uživa v preprostih stvareh kot so preživljanje časa s svojo družino in prijatelji, branje, gledanje HBO in Netflix-a ter internetno zasledovanje Stephena Jamesa. Bere tri do pet knjig tedensko. Verjame, da bi morali čevlje Crocs in frizuro mullets prepovedati.

Connect with L.J. Shen (L.J. Shen lahko spremljate na njenih spletnih straneh): 

I highly recommend! Priporočam za branje!
Knjigoljubka Maja

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