torek, 30. april 2019


Can this skeptical player let down his guard long enough to let love into his life, or is this forbidden romance a train wreck in the making?

Ali lahko ta dvomeč igralec pusti svojo stražo dovolj dolgo in spusti ljubezen v svoje življenje ali je ta prepovedana ljubezen razbitina, ki nastaja?

No Feelings Involved, an all-new brother’s best friend standalone romance from USA Today bestselling author Siobhan Davis is available now!

No Feelings Involved, nova samostojna romantična zgodba o bratovem najboljšem prijatelju najbolj prodajane pisateljice Siobhan Davids je že v prodaji!

Title (Naslov): No Feelings Involved
Author (Avtor): Siobhan Davis 
Genre (kategorija): Romance (romantika)


Ryan James doesn’t believe in love.

It’s a truth he learned early in life. A truth he carried with him into adulthood. He broke his golden rule one time, but Myndi trampled all over his heart, cementing his belief that love is a lie and not worth the effort.

Now he’s returned to his cynical views and promiscuous lifestyle, racking up more notches on his bedpost than he can count.

Until Summer Petersen comes crashing into his world, threatening to knock down his walls with her tempting body and sunny, sweet personality.

Summer is determined to lose her V-card before she starts freshman year of college, and the hot, older guy with the cute dimples, dazzling smile, and rippling biceps is just the man for the job. Ryan doesn’t take much persuading, and he rocks her world, giving her a night to remember.

When they walk away, there’s an unspoken agreement it was a one-time thing. Ryan doesn’t do feelings, and Summer doesn’t want to be tied down at eighteen.

But when she moves into her brother Austin’s apartment, she’s shocked to discover her new roomie is the guy who recently popped her cherry.

Ryan can’t believe he slept with Austin’s baby sister, and if he finds out, he’ll literally kill him. Keeping their hook up a secret is nonnegotiable. Keeping his thoughts, and his hands, off Summer, less so. Because the longer he’s around her, the more he finds himself catching feelings for the gorgeous brunette.

Summer doesn’t want to care for her older brother’s best friend, but Ryan makes her feel things she’s never felt before, and she’s slowly falling under his spell.

Embarking on an illicit affair behind Austin’s back has train wreck written all over it, but provided they keep their feelings in check, they can end this before he ever finds out.

It’s not like either of them is in love.


Ryan James ne verjame v ljubezen.

Resnica je, da se je moral zgodaj naučiti o življenju. Resnica, ki jo nosi s seboj v odraslost. Svoje zlato pravilo je prekršil enkrat, ko je Myndi poteptala njegovo srce. Takrat je utrdil svoje prepričanje, da je ljubezen laž in ni vredna truda.

Zdaj se je vrnil k svojemu ciničnemu pogledu in promiskuitetnemu življenjskemu slogu, označuje več zarez na svoji postelji, kot jih lahko prešteje.

Dokler Summer Peterson ne vstopi v njegov svet ter grozi, da bo zrušila njegov zid s svojim zapeljivim telesom in veselo ter prijetno osebnostjo.

Summer je ugotovila, da je izgubila svojo kartico, še preden se je začelo prvo leto študija. Vroč starejši tip s čednimi jamicami, bleščečim nasmehom in valovitimi bicepsi je idealen moški za to nalogo. Ryan se ne pusti prepričevati, razbije njen svet, ko ji podari noč, ki si jo bo zapomnila.

Ko se razideta, med njima ostane neizrečen dogovor o tisti enkratni stvari. Ryan ne občuti ničesar in Summer se ne želi vezati pri osemnajstih.

Ko se ona preseli v bratovo stanovanje, je šokirana, ko ugotovi, da je njen novi sostanovalec tip, ki je nedavno izstrelil  njeno češnjo.

Ryan ne more verjeti, da je spal z Austinovo malo sestro. Če Austin to ugotovi, ga bo ubil. Dokončno se odloči, da bo to obdržal kot skrivnost. Veliko manj ga skrbi kako bo svoje misli in roke držal stran od Summer. Kajti več časa ko je v njeni bližini, bolj se zaveda, da goji čustva do čudovite rjavolaske.

Summer se ne želi zanimati za bratovega prijatelja, ampak Ryan v njej vzbudi čustva, ki jih ni čutila še nikoli in počasi začne podati pod njegov urok.

Začela se je prepovedana afera za Austinovem hrbtom, pod pogojem da čustva pustita ob strani s tem zaključita še preden on to ugotovi.

Saj nista zaljubljena drug v drugega.



Download your copy today or read FREE in Kindle Unlimited!
Priskrbite si svojo kopijo že danes ali jo preberite ZASTONJ s Kindle Unlimited!

ADD TO GOODREADS (s klikom na napis, lahko knjigo dodaš na svoj Goodreads) 

Watch the trailer (oglejte si napovednik):


USA Today bestselling author SIOBHAN DAVIS writes emotionally intense young adult and new adult romantic fiction with swoon-worthy romance, complex characters, and tons of unexpected plot twists and turns that will have you flipping the pages beyond bedtime! She is the author of the international bestselling Kennedy Boys, Saven, and True Calling series’. Siobhan’s family will tell you she’s a little bit obsessive when it comes to reading and writing, and they aren’t wrong. She can rarely be found without her trusty Kindle, a paperback book, or her laptop somewhere close at hand. Prior to becoming a full-time writer, Siobhan forged a successful corporate career in human resource management. She resides in the Garden County of Ireland with her husband and two sons.

Najbolj prodajana pisateljica SIOBHAN DAVIS piše čustveno izrazite mladinske in odrasle romantične zgodbe s časti vredno romanco, zapletenimi karakterji in ogromno nepredvidljivih zapletov zgodbe, kar vas pripravi do tega, da boste pred spanjem obračali strani. Je avtorica svetovnih uspešnic Kennedy Boys, Saven in zbirke True Calling. Njena družina vam bo povedala, da je malo obsesivna kar se tiče branja in pisanja in ne motijo se. Redko jo najdete brez njenega zvestega Kindla, knjige v mehki vezavi ali prenosnika v bližini roke. Preden je postala redna pisateljica, si je Siobhan ustvarila uspešno poslovno kariero pri poslovanju s človeškimi viri. Stanuje v Garden Country na Irskem s svojim možem in dvema sinovoma.

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Look at this pretty cover! Poglejte to prekrasno naslovnico!
With love, Knjigoljubka Maja

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