torek, 10. december 2019


“This is Hoover at her very best.” Publishers Weekly

"To je Hooverjeva v svoji najboljši plati" - Založniki Weekly

Regretting You, an all-new poignant and moving novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author Colleen Hoover, is available now!

Regretting You, novi ganljiv in stateški roman najbolj prodajane pisateljice Colleen Hoover, je že v prodaji!

Title (Naslov): REGRETTING YOU
Author (Avtor): Colleen Hoover
Genre (Kategorija): Romance (romantika)


Morgan Grant and her sixteen-year-old daughter, Clara, would like nothing more than to be nothing alike.

Morgan is determined to prevent her daughter from making the same mistakes she did. By getting pregnant and married way too young, Morgan put her own dreams on hold. Clara doesn’t want to follow in her mother’s footsteps. Her predictable mother doesn’t have a spontaneous bone in her body.

With warring personalities and conflicting goals, Morgan and Clara find it increasingly difficult to coexist. The only person who can bring peace to the household is Chris—Morgan’s husband, Clara’s father, and the family anchor. But that peace is shattered when Chris is involved in a tragic and questionable accident. The heartbreaking and long-lasting consequences will reach far beyond just Morgan and Clara.

While struggling to rebuild everything that crashed around them, Morgan finds comfort in the last person she expects to, and Clara turns to the one boy she’s been forbidden to see. With each passing day, new secrets, resentment, and misunderstandings make mother and daughter fall further apart. So far apart, it might be impossible for them to ever fall back together.

Morgan Grant in njena šestnajstletna hči Clara ne bi želeli nič več in biti ničemur podobni.

Morgan je odločena, da svoji hčerki prepreči, da bi ponovila njene napake. Svoje sanje je opustila, ker je zanosila in se poročila premlada. Clara noče slediti stopinjam svoje matere. Njena nepredvidljiva mati nima spontane kosti v telesu.

Z bojevito osebnostjo in konfliktnimi cilji, Morgan in Clara vedno težje sobivata. Edina oseba, ki lahko prinese mir v njuno gospodinjstvo je Chris- Morganin mož, Clarin oče in družinsko sidro. Vendar se ta mir izniči, ko je Chris udeležen v tragični in negotovi nesreči. Srce parajoče in dolgotrajne posledice bodo dosegle Morgan in Claro.

Medtem ko sta se borili popraviti vse kar se njima je zrušilo, najde Morgan tolažbo v osebi katere to je najmanj pričakovala. Clara pa se videva s fantom, ki ji je bil prepovedan. Ko dnevi minevajo, prihajajo nove skrivnosti, zamere in nesoglasja, ki mamo in hčerko potisnejo še bolj narazen. Tako daleč narazen, da bi bilo nemogoče, da se vrneta nazaj.


Download your copy today or read FREE in Kindle Unlimited!


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COLLEEN HOOVER is the #1 New York Times and International bestselling author of thirteen novels and multiple novellas. She lives in Texas with her husband and their three boys. She is the founder of The Bookworm Box, a non-profit book subscription service and bookstore in Sulphur Springs, Texas.

COLLEEN HOOVER je najbolj prodajana pisateljica trinajstih romanov in številnih novel. Prebiva v Texasu s svojim možem in njunimi tremi sinovi. Je ustanoviteljica The Bookworm Box, neprofitne knjižne organizacije in knjigarne v Sulphor Springs v Teksasu.

Connect with Colleen (Colleen lahko sledite na): 

I want to read this book.
To knjigo si želim prebrati.
Happy reading, Knjigoljubka Maja

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