torek, 8. maj 2018

Book Tour: ISAN by MARY TING

Title (Naslov): Isan
Author (Avtor): Mary Ting
Genre (Kategorija): Dystopian (distopija), Science Fiction (znanstvena fantastika), Young Adult (mladinski roman)
Published by (Založba): Vesuvian Books
Publication date (Datum izida): May 1th 2018 (1. maj 2018)


Meteors devastated the Earth. World Governments developed plans to help surviving citizens. The United States disbanded and salvageable land was divided into our quadrants—North, South, East, and West—governed by The Remnant Council.
Struggling to survive, seventeen-year-old Ava ends up in juvenile detention, until she is selected for a new life—with a catch. She must be injected with an experimental serum. The results will be life changing. The serum will make her “better.” To receive the serum, Ava agrees to join a program controlled by ISAN, the International Sensory Assassin Network.
While on a mission, she is abducted by a rebel group led by Rhett and told that not only does she have a history with him, but her entire past is a lie perpetuated by ISAN to ensure her compliance. Unsure of who to trust, Ava must decide if her strangely familiar and handsome captor is her enemy or her savior—and time is running out.

Meteorji so opustošili Zemljo. Svetovni guvernerji so načrtovali kako pomagati preživelim mestom. Združene Države so razpustile in ukrotile deželo, razdelile so jih na kvadrante - Severni, Južni, Vzhodni in Zahodni -  vladal jim je Remant Counchil.
V boju za preživetje je sedemnajst letna Ava končala v mladinskem zaporu, dokler ne bo izbrana za novo življenje- z ulovom. Okužili jo bodo s eksperimentalnim serumom. Rezultat bo spremenjeno življenje. Ta serum naj bi jo naredil "boljšo". Da prejme serum, Ava privoli, da se pridruži programu, ki ga kontrolira ISAN (International Sensory Assassin Network).
Ko je na misiji, je ugrabljena od uporniške skupine, ki jo vodi Rhett. Pove ji, da  je njuna skupna zgodovina zgrajena na laži od ISANa, da zagotavlja skupno skladnost. Ker ni prepričana komu zaupati, se mora Ava odločiti ali je njen nenavadno prijateljski in čeden ugrabitelj njen sovražnik ali rešitelj - medtem pa čas že teče.


When the bodyguard with the gun directed the weapon at Roxy, something dangerous ignited in me knowing my team would be next. This foreign existence in my core wanted blood. It wanted death. It wanted destruction. I became a monster. Helix transformed me into a shallow shell to servitude—a perfect model of ISAN assassin.

I pulled my gun from the side of my boot and took aim. The bodyguard who had shot Roxy’s team went down first, followed by the others.

Don’t look at their faces. Don’t make eye contact. But I did look at their faces, and I did make eye contact.

Each guard held my foster father’s cruel face, his steel malevolent eyes. I saw the man who ripped the happiness out of my soul, who towered over me into submission, and molded me into a terrified little girl. For a heartbeat I froze, knees buckling, heart palpitating with trepidation and regret. I became that little girl. A rat, he had called me, and beat me until I stopped crying from missing my mother.
No more. No more. I am no longer that petrified girl.
Then, one after the other, as hunger for revenge drove me, as if each of the men was him, I shot them until they were all down.


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International Bestselling Author MARY TING. Clarke resides in Southern California with her husband and two children. She enjoys oil painting and making jewelry. Writing her first novel, Crossroads Saga, happened by chance. It was a way to grieve the death of her beloved grandmother, and inspired by a dream she once had as a young girl. When she started reading new adult novels, she fell in love with the genre. It was the reason she had to write one-Something Great. Why the pen name, M Clarke? She tours with Magic Johnson Foundation to promote literacy and her children’s chapter book-No Bullies Allowed.

MARY TING je najbolj prodajana pisateljica po svetu. Živi v južni Kaliforniji s svojim možem in dvema otrokoma. Uživa v risanju z oljnimi barvami in izdelavi nakita. Svoj prvi roman Crossroads Saga je napisala čisto slučajno. Bila je žalovanje za svojo babico in navdihnjena s svojimi otroškimi sanjami. Ko je začela prebirati NA romance, se je zaljubila v ta žanr. To je bil tudi razlog, da je napisala knjigo Something Great. Zakaj jih je izdala pod psevdonimom M Clarke? V turneji se je združila z Magic Johnson fundacijo za promocijo pismenosti s svojo otroško knjigo No Bullies Allowed.

Connect with Mary (Mary lahko spremljate na njenih spletnih straneh): 


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Enjoy reading, Knjigoljubka Maja

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