sreda, 24. januar 2018


Title (Naslov): Finding Tomorrow
A sexy new standalone novel from USA Today Bestseling author (Nov seksi samostojen roman najbolj prodajane pisateljice)
Author (Avtor): Kahlen Aymes
Genre (Kategorija): contemporary romance (sodobna romantika)

Publishing date (Datum izida): 21st March 2018 (21 marec 2018)

Finding Tommorow - A complete STANDALONE follow-up to Kahlen's smash hit, Traiding Yesterday, which has been touted by many as the best romance of 2017!
(Finding Tomorrow - popolno samostojna, ki sledi Kathlenini uspešnici Traiding Yesterday, ki je bila prodana med  najbolj prodajanimi romancami v letu 2017)


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Outwardly, I had it all.  As a sports commenter at ESPN, I travel the world, attending the most prestigious sporting events, and meeting all sorts of famous people. I’ve got great friends, and women whenever I want them, but I miss the little girl I helped raise and still adore. My heart was broken when my best friend came back to step in and take my place as her dad.  It left a huge hole in my life. 

At least, my career was on the uptick, until Missy Ellington sailed into my network intent on stealing the promotion I’d been working my ass off to attain.  The new job would allow me to travel less and stay in Atlanta so I’d be able to spend more time with my little Remi. I wasn’t about to let some woman no one ever heard of come in and usurp that chance. 

Missy was beautiful and smart, but her relentless ambition and cold demeanor was off-putting as hell. She was the type of woman any red-blooded man would be attracted to, if it weren’t for the arctic freeze.  I was intrigued, but professional ethics meant I had to keep it under wraps. There was something about her that told me that she wasn’t just a ruthless media shark.  I sensed a  vulnerability lurking beneath the surface that attracted me as much as her fiery personality and stunning looks. At first, she came off as a shrew with a serious aversion to men, but I was determined to find out what caused the pain behind her brilliant aquamarine eyes. 

When I discovered Missy’s single-minded ferociousness to succeed was driven by a painful past and a little boy, named Dylan, protectiveness overcame my better judgment and my heart started to overrule logic.  As we began to open up to each other, I couldn’t help but be drawn into her world and at the same time, she started to trust me.  The details of her secret past enraged me and I vowed, as long as I was breathing, nothing, or no one, would ever hurt Missy or Dylan again.

Navzven sem imel vse. Kot športni komentator pri ESPN sem potoval po svetu, obiskal sem najbolj prestižne športne dogodke in spoznal različne slavne ljudi. Dobil sem odlične prijatelje in žensko katerokoli sem hotel, ampak sem pogrešal majhno dekle kateri sem pomagal odraščati in jo oboževal. Moje srce je bilo zlomljeno, ko je moj najboljši prijatelj zasedel moje mesto in postal njen oče. To mi je pustilo veliko luknjo v mojem življenju.

Vsaj moja kariera je bila na vrhuncu, dokler ni Missy Ellington vdrla v službo in mi želela prevzeti napredovanje na katerem sem dolgo delal. Nova služba bi mi omogočala manj potovanja in več časa bi preživel v Atlanti, kjer bi lahko več časa preživel s svojo malo Remi. Ne bom dovolil, da neznana ženska pride in mi spodnese to možnost.

Missy je bila lepa in pametna, toda njena neusmiljena ambicija in hladno obnašanje je bilo nadležno. Bila je tip ženske, ki bi privlačila vse moške, če ne bi bila tako arktično hladna. Bil sem očaran, vendar mi profesionalna etika ni dovolila kaj več. Nekaj je bilo na njej, ki je govorilo, da ni samo neusmiljena medijska psica. Občutil sem ranljivost, ki jo je skrivala in me je prevzela tako kot njena goreča vsebnost in osupljiva lepota. Sprva je bila strgo nenaklonjena moškim, ampak jaz sem bil odločen, da ugotovim kaj je povzročilo bolečino v njenih čudovitih zeleno-modrih očeh.

Ko sem ugotovil, da je Missyjina zagnanost in neusmiljenost posledica boleče preteklosti in dečka po imenu Dylan, sem postal zaščitniški in moje srce je zavračalo logiko. Ko sva se začela odpirati drug drugemu, si nisem mogel pomagati, da sem padel v njen svet in začela mi je zaupati. Podrobnosti njene skrivnostne preteklosti, so me razburile in prisegel sem, da dokler bom jaz živ nihče več ne bo prizadel Missy in Dylana.


KAHLEN AYMES is an award-winning author of sizzling hot, deeply moving contemporary romance. Her stories are filled with intense love, passion, angst and emotion that breathes life into her characters and leaves her readers captivated. She lives near Omaha, Nebraska with her daughter, Olivia, and their three dogs. Creative by nature, she enjoys the arts, music and theater... But the love of her life is writing! 
She has three finished series, and two stand-alone angst-filled, super hot novels; One Step Closer, a Stepbrother romance, and Trading Yesterday, the story of a soccer player who leaves behind the love of his life to follow his dream of playing professionally, only to realize, maybe too late, what really matters.

KAHLEN AYMES je nagrajena avtorica gorečih in ganljivih sodobnih romanc. Njen zgodbe so napolnjene z izrazito ljubeznijo, strastjo, tesnobo in čustvi, kar prinese življenje v njene like in očara bralce. Živi v bližini Omaha, Nebraske s svojo hčerko Olivio in njunimi tremi psi. Po naravi je kreativna, uživa v umetnosti, glasbi in gledališču... Ampak ljubezen njenega življenja je pisanje!
Dokončane ima tri zbirke in dva samostojna s tesnobo napolnjena, zelo vroča romana; One Step Closer, romanca s krušnim bratom in Traiding Yesterday, ki je zgodba o nogometnemu igralcu, ki je za sabo pustil ljubezen svojega življenja, da bi sledil svojim sanjam profesionalnega igralca, ki prepozno spozna, kaj je bolj pomembno.

Connect with Kahlen (Kahlen lahko spremljate na njenih družbenih omrežjih): 

Look at this beautiful cover. Poglejte to čudovito naslovnico.
With love, Knjigoljubka Maja

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