četrtek, 11. julij 2019


Just love, an all-new standalone contemporary romance by Prescott Lane is LIVE!

Just Love, nova samostojna sodobna romanca pisateljice Prescott Lane, je že na voljo!

Title (Naslov): Just Love
Author (Avtor): Prescot Lane
Genre (kategorija): contemporary romance (sodobna romantika)


There’s two sides to every love story. The how you fell in love, and the how you fell apart.
This is ours.
The cardinal rule of friendship is you don’t mess with your friend’s sister.
That goes double when she’s his little sister.
It was just supposed to be fun.
She wasn’t supposed to end up being the love of my life.
And I definitely wasn’t supposed to break her heart.
Ainsley is a wedding dress designer. That should’ve been a warning that she’s a hopeless romantic. That should’ve clued me in that she believes love conquers all.
But there are some things that love can’t fix. I’m one of them.
She thinks love is the answer.
But love is the reason I let her go.
A stand-alone, contemporary romance.

Vsaka ljubezenska zgodba ima dve strani. Ko se zaljubiš in ko razpadeš.
Ta je najina.
Glavno pravilo prijateljstva, je da se ne smeš zaplesti s prijateljevo sestro.
To se podvoji, če je njegova sestra mlajša.
Moglo bi biti zabavno.
Ne bi smela postati ljubezen mojega življenja.
Definitivno ji ne bi smel zlomiti srca.
Ainsley je oblikovalka poročnih oblek. Že to bi mi moralo povedati, da je brezupno romantična. Po tem bi moral sklepati, da verjame, da ljubezen premaga vse.
Ampak so stvari, ki jih ljubezen ne pozdravi. Jaz sem eden od njih.
Ona misli, da je ljubezen odgovor.
Ampak ljubezen je razlog, da sem jo zapustil.
Samostojna sodobna romantika


Download your copy today! 
Priskrbite si svojo knjigo že danes!


ADD TO GOODREADS (s klikom na napis, lahko knjigo dodaš na svoj Goodreads)


PRESCOTT LANE is the Amazon best-selling author of Stripped Raw. She's got seven other books under her belt including: First Position, Perfectly Broken, Quiet Angel, Wrapped in Lace, Layers of Her, The Reason for Me, and The Sex Bucket List. She is originally from Little Rock, Arkansas, and holds a degree in sociology and a MSW from Tulane University. She married her college sweetheart, and they currently live in New Orleans with their two children and two crazy dogs. Prescott started writing at the age of five, and sold her first story about a talking turtle to her father for a quarter. She later turned to writing romance novels because there aren't enough happily ever afters in real life.

PRESCOTT LANE je s knjigo Stripped Raw postala najbolj prodajana pisateljica na Amazonu. Napisala je še sedem drugih knjig: 
First Position, Perfectly Broken, Quiet Angel, Wrapped in Lace, Layers of Her, The Reason for Me in The Sex Bucket List. Njene korenine prihajajo iz Little Rocka v Arkansasu. Diplomirala je iz sociologije in MSW na Univerzi Tulane. Poročila se je s študijskim prijateljem in trenutno prebivata v New Orleansu z dvema otrokoma in dvema norima psa. Prescott je začela pisati pri petih letih, svojo prvo knjigo o govorečih želvah je prodala svojemu očetu za četrtino. Kasneje je začela pisati ljubezenske romane, ker v resničnem življenju ni dovolj srečnih koncev.

Connect with Prescott (pisateljici lahko sledite na): 

I love this cover! Obožujem to naslovnico!
Happy reading, Knjigoljubka Maja

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