sreda, 25. julij 2018


Title (Naslov): Love Online
Author (Avtor): Penelope Ward, NY Times, USA Today, and #1 Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author
Genre (Kategorija): standalone contemporary romance (samostojna sodobna romantika)

Cover designer (Oblikovanje naslovnice): Letitia Hasser, RBA designes
Cover Model (model na naslovnici): Eddy Putter
Cover Photography (fotografija naslovnice): Nicole Langholz

Publishing date (Datum izida): August 27, 2018 (27. avgust 2018)


From New York Times bestselling author Penelope Ward, comes a new, sexy STANDALONE novel. 

We met in the least likely of places. It started out innocently enough. I was “ScreenGod” and she was “Montana,” but of course, those weren’t our actual names, just the virtual cloaks we hid behind. 

Logging in at night and talking to her was my escape—my sanctuary. Her real name was Eden, I’d soon come to find out. 

From the first time we connected online, I found myself transfixed. 

She was an addiction. 

At first, we knew nothing about each other’s real identities…and she was adamant that we keep things that way. Anonymity had no effect on our unstoppable chemistry, though. If anything, it allowed us to open up even more in ways we may not have otherwise. 

Eden was funny, intelligent, gorgeous—everything I’d ever wanted in a woman. 

But I couldn’t really have her. 
I had accepted things would have to stay the way they were—until the day I found a clue that led me straight to her. 

So I took a chance. 

And that was when our love story really began.  

Najbolj prodajana pisateljica na lestvici New York Times, Penelope Ward pripravlja nov seksi samostojen roman.

Spoznala sva se na najmanj verjetnem kraju. Začelo se je čisto nedolžno. Jaz sem bil "ScrenGod" in ona je bila "Montana". Seveda to niso bila najina prava imena, ampak samo vzdevka za katerimi sva se skrivala. 

Vpisovanje ponoči in klepetanje z njo je bil moj pobeg - moje zatočišče. Njeno pravo ime je bilo Eden, kar sem kmalu ugotovil.

Že od samega začetka, ko sva se dopisovala, sem bil prevzet nad njo.

Ona je bila odvisna.

Na začetku nisva vedela ničesar o drug ona je vztrajala pri tem. Anonimnost ni imela vpliva na najino privlačno kemijo. Dovolila nama je, da sva si še bolj zaupala, kot bi se v drugih okoliščinah.

Eden je bila zabavna, inteligentna in čudovita - vse kar sem vedno želel pri ženski.

Ampak nisem je mogel zares imeti.
Sprijaznil sem se, da so stvari takšne kot so. Dokler nisem našel sledi, ki me je pripeljala naravnost do nje.

Zato sem izkoristil priložnost.

In tako se je najina ljubezenska zgodba začela. 


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(Tukaj se vpišite in izveste prvi, kdaj bo knjiga izšla na Amazonu.)
**No Amazon e-book preorder. Will go live on/around release day.**
(**Na Amazonu eknjie ni v pred naročilu. Izšla bo okoli datuma izida.**)

**Watch out for a special excerpt sneak peek of Love Online on Au-gust 22nd!!**


Ward Pic

PENELOPE WARD is New York Times, USA Today, and #1 Wall Street Journal Bestselling author of contemporary romance. 
She grew up in Boston with five older brothers and spent most of her twenties as a television news an-chor. Penelope resides in Rhode Island with her husband, son, and beautiful daughter with autism. 
With over one-point-five million books sold, she is a twenty-time New York Times bestseller and the author of over twenty novels. 

PENELOPE WARD je ena izmed najbolj prodajanih pisateljic po svetu. 
Odraščala je v Bostonu skupaj s petimi brati. Svoja dvajseta leta je preživela na televiziji kot gostiteljica novic. Penelope stanuje na Rhode Islandu z možem, sinom in čudovito deklico z avtizmom. 
Prodala je 1,5 milijonov knjig in dvajsetkrat postala najbolj prodajana pisateljica po New York Timesu. Izdala je več kot dvajset romanov.


Find Penelope here (Penelope lahko najdete na družbenih omrežjih): 
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What do you think about the cover? Kakšna se vam zdi naslovnica?
Kisses, Knjigoljubka Maja

ponedeljek, 23. julij 2018


Title (Naslov): Handle With Care
Author (Avtor): Nina Croft
Genre (Kategorija): Romance (romantika)

“Heat, heart and plenty of happy sighs.”-- Avery Flynn, USA Today bestselling author
"Vroča, srčna in polna srečnih znamenj."-- Avery Flynn, USA Today bestselling author

Handle with Care, an all-new romantic standalone from Nina Croft is coming July 30th!
Handle With Care, nova samostojna romantična knjiga pisateljice Nine Croft, prihaja 30. julija!


What if all you want is the one thing you can’t have?
First grade teacher Emily Towson always does the right thing. The sensible thing. But in her dreams, she does bad, bad things with the town’s baddest boy: Tanner O’Connor. But when he sells her grandmother a Harley, fantasy is about to meet a dose of reality.
And then he goes and calls her “sensible”...
Tanner can’t believe sweet Emily is standing in his shop. Yelling and waving her hands and looking so god damn sexy he’s having trouble focusing. He’d spent two hard years in prison, with only the thought of this “good girl” to keep him sane.
He really should send her away...
Before either one thinks though, they’re naked and making memories on his tool bench with apparently the oldest condom in history. Now Tanner’s managed to knock-up the town’s “good girl” and she’s going to lose her job over some stupid “morality clause” if he doesn’t step up.
But can this bad boy teach his good girl they’re perfect for each other in time?

Kaj storiti, če je edina stvar, ki si jo želiš tista, ki je ne moreš imeti?
Učiteljica prvega razreda Emily Towson je vedno delala pravilne stvari. Razumne stvari. Ampak v svojih sanjah počne slabe stvari, zelo slabe stvari z najbolj slabim fantom v mestu: Tannerjem O'Connorjem. Ko on proda Harley njeni babici, se fantazija sreča z realnostjo.
Takrat pride in ji reče "razumno"...
Tanner ne more verjeti, da je prisrčna Emily stopila v njegovo trgovino. Zaradi kričanja, navala čustev in ker ona zgleda tako zelo seksi, ima velik problem, da se fokusira. Dve težki leti je preživel v zaporu. Da je ohranil trezno glavo, mu je pomagala samo misel na to "dobro dekle".
Res bi jo moral poslati stran...
Preden kaj pomislita, odvržeta oblačila in ustvarjata spomine na staro klop z najstarejšim kondomom v zgodovini. Zdaj je Tanner uspel prekleti mestno "dobro dekle", njej pa preti nevarnost, da bo izgubila službo zaradi "klavzule o marali", če ne bo naredila koraka nazaj. 
Ali lahko slab fant nauči dobro dekle, da sta ustvarjena drug za drugega?


Pre-order your copy now!


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“Tanner.” Just the way she said his name, sort of breathless, made him hard. He nodded.“Emily.” “What are you doing here?” Her eyes narrowed.“Did you follow me?” “You looked a little upset. I was just making sure no one else followed you.” “You mean Ryan? He’s being a total pain in the…” “Ass?” “Yes.” She pressed her finger to the spot between her brows.“I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’m usually so…” She took a couple of deep breaths.“He was making me so angry.” “I thought he was your boyfriend?” “Not anymore. It’s over between me and Ryan. It was over before that night you and I…” He decided to help her out.“Had hot, dirty sex on top of the workbench in my garage. Then up against the wall in my garage.” She gritted her teeth but gave a quick nod. “Why was it over with Mr. Perfect? Did he finish with you?” Maybe she’d needed some sort of affirmation of herself as a sexy woman. He wanted to beat Ryan for that, though he had ultimately benefited from it.“None of your business.” “Come on, Em. I’m curious.” Her face took on a mutinous expression, lips pursed.“He said I was sensible and then he asked me to marry him.” Tanner managed to choke back the laugh, but she must have seen it on his face. “It’s not funny.”He’d proposed? That made Tanner want to growl. But she had a point. It sounded as though Ryan had fucked up on the proposal. Tanner certainly wasn’t sorry. Ryan’s loss, his gain.“Let me get this straight. If he hadn’t called you sensible, you would have said yes?”“Probably not. He told me he’d decided it was time to settle down, and I was a nice, sensible woman, and would make him a suitable wife. Or something like that. I sort of stopped listening at ‘sensible.’What sort of man starts a proposal by saying you’re sensible?” “An asshole?” “Yes. Exactly. I said I didn’t think we were suited and walked out. Then when I got home, Mimi told me she’d bought a bike from you, and then she more than hinted that I was sensible, too. So when you said it as well, I just…sort of blew.” “Actually, you kissed me, then you stripped, then you threw yourself at me. I didn’t stand a chance.” He had an image of her standing naked in front of him, challenging him to do something, and almost groaned.“I did not throw myself at you.” He just stood there, one eyebrow raised. She folded her arms across her chest.“Anyway.I thought you were pretending that never happened?”“Believe me, I’m trying. But I keep getting these little flashbacks at the most inappropriate times. Like when I’m picking up a tool from my work bench and there you are, all soft and naked and panting for me.” Why did he do this to himself? His dick was almost painfully hard. She was staring at him wide-eyed, her pink lips slightly parted. She didn’t move. He cast a quick look around the street—it was empty—then he closed the space between them, lowered his head, and kissed her before she could even have an idea of his intentions. He half expected her to pull back and run away, but her lips softened, then parted under his, and he slipped his tongue inside, sliding it along the length of hers. He kissed her until they both ran out of air. He hadn’t thought kissing was such a big deal, but he could kiss Emily all night.


Growing up in the cold, wet, north of England, NINA CROFT spent a lot of time huddled under the blankets dreaming of faraway sunnier places and ponies. When she discovered both could be found between the covers of a book, her life changed forever. 
At the age of eighteen, in an attempt to turn dreams into reality, she headed south in search of the sun. She quickly picked up the perfect husband along the way, and developed a taste for red wine and holidays in warm places. 
Soon holidays weren’t enough, and together they volunteered to work in Africa where they both discovered a love of traveling and a dislike of 9-5 work. Afterward they spent a number of years travelling (whenever possible) intermingled with working (whenever the money ran out.) Eventually they stumbled upon a remote area in the mountains of southern Spain where they bought the small almond farm they now call home. 
No electricity, no neighbors, no chocolate shops, but on the plus side, stunning scenery, a vineyard to make her own red wine, and far enough away from anywhere to satisfy Nina’s hermit tendencies. She shares the farm with her husband, and an ever increasing number of animals, including Piggles, a three-legged Vietnamese pot-bellied pig.  
Nina now spends her days riding her mare Gencianna under the blue Spanish skies—sunshine and ponies. She reckons this is proof that dreams really can come true if you want them enough. 
She still travels, but usually only in her imagination, and can often be found lying under a fig tree, wine in hand, plotting stories of love in faraway places. 
Nina believes love can come to anyone, anytime, anywhere and her books reflect this.

NINA CROFT je odrasla v mrzlem in mokrem severu Anglije. Veliko časa je sanjarila pod odejo o pobegu v toplejše kraje s poniji. Ko je končno spoznala oboje, se je našla med knjigami in njeno življenje se je spremenilo.
Pri osemnajstih letih se je odločila spremeniti sanje v realnost in odšla na jug proti soncu. Hitro je našla popolnega moža, razvila okus za dobro rdeče vino in našla počitnice v toplem raju. 
Kmalu ji počitnice niso bile dovolj, zato sta oba skupaj odšla v Afriko kot prostovoljca. Oba sta spoznala svojo strast do potovanja. Veliko let sta potovala (kjerkoli je bilo možno), tam tudi delala (karkoli se je dalo zaslužiti). Sčasoma sta se ustalila v odmaknjeno okrožje gora v južni Španiji. Kupila sta majhno kmetijo, ki ji pravita dom.
Brez elektrike, brez sosedov, brez trgovin s čokolado, vendar na drugi strani čudoviti razgledi, vinograd in izdelava lastnega vina ter daleč od vseh. Skupaj sta si delila kmetijo, povečevala število živali, tudi pujsov.
Nina preživlja dneve z jahanjem svoje kobile Gencianne pod modrim Španskim nebom, v sončnih zahodih in s poniji. Meni, da svoje sanje lahko uresničiš, če si ji res zelo močno želiš.
Še vedno potuje, ampak samo v svoji domišljiji. Pogosto leži pod figovim drevesom z vinom v roki, kjer sestavlja ljubezenske zgodbe v oddaljenih krajih. 
Nina verjemame, da ljubezen lahko pride vsakomu, kadarkoli, kjerkjoli in njene knjige to izražajo. 

Connect with Nina (Nino lahko spremljate na njenih družbenih omrežjih): 

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Can't wait to read it!
With love, Knjigoljubka Maja

sreda, 18. julij 2018


"Twisted and sexy, this story grabbed me from the VERY FIRST WORD and never let me go. 6 STARS!" -Alessandra Torre, New York Times bestselling author

"Zapletena in sexy, Zgodba, ki me je potegnila vase že s prvo besedo in me ni razočarala. 6 zvezdic!" -Alessandra Torre, najbolj prodajana pisateljica New York Timesa

Broken Edge, the highly anticipated third installment to the "intensely sexy" and "mindblowing" Edge Series by New York Times bestselling author CD Reiss is available NOW!

Broken Edge, zelo pričakovana tretja knjiga v intenzivno vroči in odštekani zbirki Edge najbolj prodajane pisateljice CD Reiss je že v prodaji!

Title (Naslov): Broken Edge
Author (Avtor): CD Reiss
Genre (Kategorija): Romance (romantika)


You think you’d go far for love?
Think again.
She really knows how to push a man.
She finds the cracks and she goes right for them. She’ll travel across the world just to break me apart, piece by piece, until every last secret is exposed and every weakness revealed.
I swear to God, I love her so much I’ll let her do it.
I’ll let her do anything.
But when she hurts herself to protect me?
That’s a line in the sand.

Mislite, da bi za ljubezen šli dovolj daleč?
Premislite še enkrat.
Ona resnično ve kako osvojiti moškega.
Ona poišče pomanjkljivosti in se spravi na njih. Ona bo potovala okrog sveta, da bi me razbila na pol, košček za koščkom, dokler ne bi razkrila zadnje skrivnosti in vsake šibkosti.
Prisežem pri Bogu, da jo ljubim tako močno, da ji bom to dovolil.
Dovolil ji bom vse.
Kaj pa ko bo ranila sebe, da bi mene zaščitila?
To je črta v pesku.


Download your copy od Broken Edge today!
Prenesite svojo kopijo knjige Broken Edge že danes!

Amazon US
Amazon Universal
Google Play

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Start the Edge Series today Free with Cutting Edge
Začnite brati zbirko Edge že danes s Cutting Edge, ki je zastonj.


CD REISS is a New York Times bestseller. She still has to chop wood and carry water, which was buried in the fine print. Her lawyer is working it out with God but in the meantime, if you call and she doesn't pick up she's at the well hauling buckets. Born in New York City, she moved to Hollywood, California to get her master's degree in screenwriting from USC. In case you want to know, that went nowhere but it did give her a big enough ego to write novels. She's frequently referred to as the Shakespeare of Smut which is flattering but hasn't ever gotten her out of chopping that cord of wood. If you meet her in person, you should call her Christine.

CD REISS je najbolj prodajana pisateljica po New York Timesu. Ona še vedno seka drva in nosi vodo, kar je zakopano v drobnem tisku. Njen odvetnik opravljanja to delo. Če jo pokličete in se ne bo oglasila verjetno vleče svoje vedro. Rojena je bila v New Yorku, preselila se je v Hollywood, da bi magistrirala v pisanju scenarijev na univerzi USC. Če vas zanima, od tega ni bilo nič ampak ji je dalo dovolj velik ego, da je začela pisati romane. Pogosto se obrača na Shekespeara, ki je laskav ampak ji ni odgovarjal tak način pisanja. Če jo kdaj srečate, ji lahko rečete Christine.

Connect with CD Reiss (CD Reiss lahko spremljate na njenih spletnih straneh): 

Thanks for reading!
Hvala, ker me berete!
 Knjigoljubka Maja

sreda, 11. julij 2018

Cover Reveal: JUDE by KELSIE RAE

Title (Naslov): JUDE
Author (Avtor): KELSIE RAE 
Series (Zbirka): Signature Sweethearts; Book 3
Genre (Kategorija): Contemporary Romance (sodobna romantika)

Available for Pre-Order! (Na voljo v prednaročilu)

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When Jude is offered the position of assistant coach to an online gaming championship, he'd be a fool to turn it down. But when his celebrity crush ends up being on the team, he decides to teach her a lot more than a few gaming tricks.

Quin doesn't date. Being the breadwinner since she was sixteen will do that to a girl. So when the sexy new British coach shows up, she refuses to be distracted. She has goals, and she will achieve them. No matter the cost.

But is she willing to lose the only thing that matters to her in order to do so?

Jude dobi ponudbo za trenerjevega asistenta na prvenstvu in bil bi neumen, če bi priložnost zavrnil. Ko izve, da je njegova zvezdniška simpatija v ekipi, se odloči, da jo bo naučil veliko več kot le trike v igri.

Quin ne hodi na zmenke. To se je odločila že pri šestnajstih letih, ko je postala hranilka. Ko se pojavi novi seksi Britanski trener, ne želi biti opažena. 
Ona ima načrte, katere si želi doseči. Ni pomembno koliko jo stanejo.

Ali se je pripravljena odreči edini stvari, ki je pomembna, da bi lahko to dosegla?


KELSIE RAE is a sucker for a love story with all the feels and enjoys a solid chick flick, too. When she's not chasing words for her next book, you will probably find her reading or, more likely, playing with her "monsters".
She adores chocolate, photography, baking, and running. And now that she's actively pursuing her writing dreams, she's set her sights on someday finding the self-discipline to not eat an entire batch of cookies in one sitting.

KELSIE RAE pada na ljubezenske zgodbe z vsemi vpletenimi čustvi. Ko ne izbira besed za svoje nove knjige, si vzame čas za branje ali igranje s svojimi "pošastmi".
Obožuje čokolado, fotografiranje, kuhanje in tek. Zdaj, ko aktivno uresničuje svoje sanje s pisanjem, si želi, da bi nekega dne odkrila disciplino kako ne pojesti celotne serije piškotov v enem nizu.

You can easily find Kelsie online (Kelsie lahko najdete na spletu): 

Hosted by RRR Promotions  

Happy Summer reading, Knjigoljubka Maja

petek, 6. julij 2018


Title (Naslov): TWELFTH FLOOR
Author (Avtor): Monica Corwin
Genre (Kategorija): Adult (odrasli), Contemporary (sodobni), Romance (romantika)
Publication date (Datum izida): July 3rd 2018 (3. julij 2018)


This isn’t your high school Shakespeare.
Violet Cesario fled the shipwreck of her father’s company to Illyria Pharmaceuticals. As the newly appointed, and untried CFO, the board gave her thirty days to prove her worth. Thirty days to bring up the numbers. Thirty days to fend off the advances of her secretary, Olivia. Thirty days of hiding her submissiveness inside a dominant’s shell.
Thirty days gets complicated when Duke Orsino, the CEO, offers her a deal. Help him win over Olivia and he will sway the board in Violet’s favor. If she agrees to teach him the games behind dominance and submission Violet’s career will be made. As the play turns more and more true to life, the lines blur between fantasy and reality. Can Violet hide her desire for Duke long enough for him to woo Olivia? And if he succeeds can Violet endure it for the sake of her career?

To ni šolski Shakespeare.
Violet Cesario je pobegnila iz uničenega očetovega podjetja k Illyria Phaumacerticals. Kot nova zaposlena in neizkušena CFO, ji je odbor dal trideset dni časa, da pokaže svoje znanje. Trideset dni, da pokaže svoje prednosti. Trideset dni, da prepreči napredek svoje tajnice Olivie. Trideset dni, da skrije svojo podrejenost znotraj prevladujoče lupine.
Trideset dni postane komplikacija, ko ji Duke Orsino CFO ponudi posel. Pomagati mu mora premagati Olivio in on bo delal v Violetino korist. Če privoli, da ga nauči igre med prevladujočim in podrejeno, bo njena kariera uspešna. Ker igra postane vse bolj resnična, so meje med resničnostjo in fantazijo meglene. Ali lahko Violet dovolj dolgo skriva svoje poželenje pred Lukom, da ne privabi Olivie? In če njemu uspe, ali lahko Violet preživi za voljo svoje kariere?

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Chief Financial Officers didn’t last long at Illyria. Handling billions of dollars seemed to weigh on even those who chose the profession as a career. The appointment of Violet Cesario had gone against the board’s request. I was the one who selected her, despite the impressive and complete collapse of her last company.
However, the research I conducted on the matter showed more than gross negligence on the part of the company’s owner. I wasn’t going to hold that against her, but the board did, and would, if she didn’t survive her first thirty days. They’d try to hold it against me too. Until I’d not so subtly remind them of the last time they went to war with me.
My question, or goading, didn’t cause even a flicker of anxiety to cross her features. When purposefully hiring new executives, I pushed them, pounded them into the ground, and walked across the ashes of who they were before they came to my company. All this in preparation to make them the best at their job. And yet, my usual tactics didn’t seem to faze her. Not the show I put on as she entered the building, not my goading…which made her more than interesting to me. I’d met far weaker men than the woman sitting across from me with the ice in her eyes.
The board controlled my CFO position, until their last incompetent choice lost us a quarter-million-dollar asset. Now, the board submitted to my selection. And I would prove my choices were irrefutable. If not God damn impeccable. “You’re aware of the thirty-day mandate the board put on your employment?”
She shifted her legs, carefully sliding one long lean calf over her other knee. Not even stockings in the way of her smooth skin’s passage. In any one else, I would have considered it a seduction technique, but not this woman. As if her body language screamed two different things at once: ‘come closer’ and ‘back the hell off’. Or maybe that was the point. Draw them in only to crush them under her four inch heels.
“I’m not sure if that was a question or a statement.” She paused briefly before continuing. “The probationary period is a clause in the contract I signed.” Her tone called me a bastard in the nicest way I’d ever heard it. I loved a little fire in a woman. Even more so in a woman forging an intimate relationship with my money. By the second Violet was accruing more respect than I’d been preparing to dole out.
“Of course,” I said, mimicking her caustic tone. Why did I need a reaction from her so badly?
She gave me nothing but a careful blink.
Maybe working with Violet might prove more fun than I originally estimated. I didn’t interview her personally, and there were no pictures with her file, so when I arrived, I expected a thirty-something powerlifting champion in a pinstriped suit. Violet had almost a delicacy about her inviting wariness. Meeting her in person, I wanted her to do well, for her benefit—not only mine. “I’m here to tell you how you will succeed in your goal.”
A line formed in the middle of her forehead as she considered my words. “And why would you do that? Isn’t it in your best interest to choose the right person for the job, not the make the person fit the job?”
“Usually, but I went to bat to hire you. Challenging the board with my choice. If you succeed, it looks good for me, and it keeps me from having to vet and hire yet another CFO.” I didn’t reveal my ongoing clash with the board about new executive hires. Or that the probationary period resulted from my pushing them about bringing her specifically.
She forced out a controlled sigh, and I watched her for any other outward reactions to me, the conversation, the thirty-day time limit on her employment. Absolutely nothing. Incredible.
“I can see the logic in that.”
I glanced over at Olivia to see if she got a reading on Violet that I missed. Olivia was better than most when it came to insight about other women.
Or maybe I just wanted a stolen moment to watch her. The only woman who eluded me. To be fair, I’d never put in much of the chase to catch her.
Even dressed for work, without the skintight dresses and sky-high heels, she looked like an idea.

Something yet for me to discover.
At the club we both attended, secretly on my part, of course, she always looked even better, more like a revelation.
Something I knew all along.
With her head bent over the notepad she held in one hand, she scribbled in quick, precise strokes. I realized Violet had been talking while I’d been gawking. I glanced up to find a silent Violet studying me with her head cocked to the side.
Between seconds, between heartbeats, between her look and my silence…she knew.
We stared each other down, Olivia completely oblivious to the growing tension stretched taut between Violet and me. A tension built precariously on a shared secret.
Violet repeated what I’d missed. “And what did you suggest, Duke, to preserve my place here?”
My name thrown in a gauntlet was not something I could ignore. I narrowed my eyes at her. I didn’t enjoy puzzles. And the five minutes I’d spent with Violet told me she’d be far more difficult to decipher than most.
“Olivia,” I said, not even looking at her, still grappling in the strangest battle of wills with Violet. “Will you give Ms. Cesario and me a moment?”


Here is the playlist for Twelfth Floor. When I sit down and write I usually have one song in mind that sort of captures my hero and heroine throught the book. 

That song is this one: Hate to See Your Heart Break by Paramore I prefer the one she sings with ger sister you can find here:

There are other songs I listened to while writing Twelfth Floor. Here they are:

We Are Young cover by Hozier:
Too Good at Goodbyes by Sam Smith
The Fall of Rome by The Airbone Toxic Event
You Don't Own Me by Grace ft. G-Easy
This is Gospet (acoustic) by Panic at the Disco
The Heart Wants What It Wants by Selena Gomez
Jolene (backyard sessions) by Miley Cyrus
Let It All Go by Birdie Rhodes

This is the most part my usual playlist for writing but there were a few things thrown in here I don't usually listen to. I hope you like it. And I hope you hear Duke and Violet in the music. To be fair though I usually listen to some of them on Vinyl so they sound a little different to me than here on Youtube. But, I hope you enjoy. 

Tukaj je seznam glasbe za knjigo Twelfth Floor. Ko se usedem in pišem imam ponavadi eno pesem v glavi, ki ujame trenutke mojega junaka in junakinje skozi knjigo.

Ta pesem je Hate to See Your Heart Break skupine Paramore. Ljubša mi je tista, ko ona poje s svojo sestro.

Tukaj so še preostale pesmi, ki sem jih poslušala, ko sem pisala Twelfth Floor.

We Are Young cover od Hozier
Too Good at Goodbyes pevca Sam Smitha
The Fall of Rome skupine The Airbone Toxic Event
You Don't Own Me pevcev Grace in G-Easy
This is Gospet (acoustic) skupine Panic at the Disco
The Heart Wants What It Wants pevke Selena Gomez
Jolene (backyard sessions) pevke Miley Cyrus
Let It All Go od Birdie Rhodes

To je moja običajna glasba, ki jo poslušam med pisanjem. Dodane so tudi nekatere pesmi, ki jih ponavadi ne poslušam. Upam, da so vam všeč. Upam, da boste slišali Duka in Violet med poslušanjem. Naj še povem, da običajno poslušam glasbo na Vinyl, kjer se sliši malo drugače kot na Youtube. Upam, da boste uživali.


MONICA CORWIN is a New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author. She is an outspoken writer attempting to make romance accessible to everyone, no matter their preferences. As a Northern Ohioian, Monica enjoys snow drifts, three seasons of weather, and a dislike of Michigan football. Monica owns more books about King Arthur than should be strictly necessary. Also typewriters...lots and lots of typewriters.

MONICA CORWIN je najbolj prodajana pisateljica. Je odkrita pisateljica, ki poskuša romantiko narediti dostopno vsem, ni pomembno kakšne so njihove prednosti. Kot prebivalka Severnega Ohia, Monica uživa v drsenju na snegu, v treh letnih vremenih in ne mara Michiganskega nogometa. Monica ima veliko več knjig o Kralju Arturju, kot bi jih potrebovala. Tudi pisalne stroje... veliko pisalnih strojev.

Connect with Monica (Monico lahko spremljate na njenih spletnih straneh): 

Happy reading, Knjigoljubka Maja