sreda, 18. april 2018


Title (Naslov): Rebel Heart
Book Two in the Rush Series (druga knjiga v zbirki Rush)

Author (Avtor): Penelope Ward & Vi Keeland
New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestselling Authors

Genre (Kategorija): contemporary romance (sodobna romantika)

Model (model): Micah Truitt
Photographer (fotograf): Leonardo Corredor
Cover designer (oblikovanje naslovnice): Sommer Stein, Perfect Pear Creative

Release date (Datum izida): 5/22/2018 (22.5.2018)


Rush and Gia’s story continues in the gripping conclusion to Rebel Heir… 

How to screw up a great summer in the Hamptons: 

Sleep with your boss. Check. 

Blow all your money on a rental you can’t afford. Check. 

How to walk away from a man you fall in love with at the end of a summer: 

…I’ll let you know when I figure it out. 

Rebel Heir is the second book in the Rush Series Duet. Book One, Rebel Heir, is available for sale now.

Zgodba Rusha in Gie se nadaljuje od napetega zaključka iz Rebel Heir...

Kako si uničiti najboljše počitnice  v Hamptonsu:

Spati s svojim šefom. Kljukica.

Zapraviti ves svoj zaslužek za najemnino. Kljukica.

Kako na koncu poletja oditi od moškega v katerega se zaljubiš:

...Obvestim vas, ko ugotovim.

Rebel Heir je druga knjiga v Zbirki The Rush Duet. Prva knjiga Rebel Heir je že v prodaji.



PENELOPE WARD is New York Times, USA Today, and #1 Wall Street Journal Bestselling author. 
She grown up in Boston with five older brothers and spent most of her twenties as a television news anchor. Penelope resided in Rhode Island with her husband, son and beautiful daughter with autism. 
With over a million books sold, she is a seventeen-time New York Times bestseller and the author of over fifteen novels, including RoomHate which hit #2 on the New York Times bestseller list and #1 on the Wall Street Journal bestseller list. Other New York Times bestsellers include Stepbrother Dearest, Neighbor Dearest, Drunk Dial, Cocky Bastard, Stuck-Up Suit, Playboy Pilot and Mister Moneybags (the latter four co-written with Vi Keeland). 

PENELOPE WARD je ena izmed najbolj prodajanih pisateljic po svetu. 
Odrasla je v Bostonu skupaj s petimi brati. V svojih dvajsetih letih je delala na televiziji kot gostiteljica novic. Stanuje na Rhode Islandu z možem, sinom in prelepo hčerko z avtizmom. 
Prodala je na milijone knjig, sedemnajstkrat postala najbolj prodajana pisateljica po New York Timesu. Skupaj je napisala petnajst romanov, tudi RoomHate, ki kraljuje na prvih mestih lestvice Wall Street Journal Bestseller. Ostale najbolj prodajane knjige so Stepbrother Dearest (Prepovedana Romanca), Neighbor Dearest, Drunk Dial, Cocky Bastard, Stuck-up Suit, Playboy Pilot in Mister Moneybags (zadnje štiri je napisala skupaj s pisateljico Vi Keeland).

Connect with Penelope Ward (Penelope Ward lahko spremljate na njenih družbenih omrežjih): 

VI KEELAND is a #1 New York Times, #1 Wall Street Journal, and Today Bestselling author. With more than a million and a half books sold, her titles have appeared in over ninety Bestseller lists and are currently translated in twenty languages. She resides in New York with her husband and their three children where she is living her own happily ever after with the boy she met at age six. 

VI KEELAND je ena izmed najbolj prodajanih pisateljic po svetu. Prodala je milijon in pol knjig. Njene knjige so se pojavile na devetdesetih listah najbolj prodajanih knjig po svetu in so prevedene v dvajset jezikov. Z možem in tremi otroki živi v New Yorku. Našla je svoj "Skupaj za vedno" s svojim možem, ki ga je spoznala pri šestih letih.

Connect with Vi Keeland (Vi Keeland lahko spremljate na njenih družbenih omrežjih): 

With love, Knjigoljubka Maja

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