četrtek, 14. december 2017


Title (Naslov): She Asked For It
Author (Avtor): Willow Winters 
Genre (Kategorija): Romantic Suspense (napeta romantika)
Cover Design (oblikovanje naslovnice): Coverluv
Photo (fotografija): James Critchley
Model (model): Martin Williams

Release date (Datum izida): January 23, 2018 (23. januar 2018)


You’ll tell me you don’t… but you already think you know what my story’s about.

You have no idea. 
Just like the people sitting in this courtroom. 
She asked for it.  That’s what they keep saying.

And no, it’s not because my skirt was too short or I was drunk at a party. 
It’s nothing like that.  It’s because of what I like and how I like it. 

They’re judging me as I sit in the front row, my eyes drawn to the man on trial. 
If I’d known it was going to end like this, I never would have gone home with him. 
But he’s the type of man I just can’t say no to. 

I wanted to feel his lips kiss down my neck. 
I dreamed of running my fingers along the rough stubble on his jaw.
I craved his hands on me, pinning me down.
I needed to whisper his name in the dark, late at night. 

You still think you know what happened? You don’t. 
He’s innocent and I enjoyed every second I was with him.

Let me tell you my story … all about how I asked for it.

Rekli mi boste, da je ne...ampak si mislite, da veste kakšna bo moja zgodba.

Toda nimate pojma.
Kot ti ljudje, ki sedijo v tej sodni dvorani.
Sama je prosila za to. To neprestano ponavljajo.

Ne gre zato, ker je bilo moje krilo prekratko ali, ker sem bila pijana na zabavi.
Ni nič takega. Gre za to kar imam rada in kako imam rada.

Obtožujejo me, ker sedim v prvi vrsti, moje oči pa počivajo na moškemu, ki mu sodijo.
Če bi vedela, da se bo tako končalo, ne bi nikoli odšla domov z njim.
Ampak on je tip moškega, kateremu ne morem reči ne.

Želela sem si čutiti njegove ustnice, ki me poljubljajo po vratu.
Sanjala sem kako moji prsti potujejo po njegovem grobem strnišču in čeljusti.
Hrepenela sem po njegovih rokah, ki me ukleščijo pod njega.
Moram šepetati njegovo ime v temi, pozno ponoči.

Še vedno mislite, da veste kaj se je zgodilo? Ne veste.
On je nedolžen, jaz pa sem uživala vsako sekundo z njim.

Dopustite, da vam povem svojo zgodbo...vse o tem kako sem prosila sama zato.

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Too Easy - a prequel to She Asked For It - FREE!

(Na voljo je tudi brezplačna knjiga Too Easy, ki je pred zgodba knjige She Asked For It)


WILLOW WINTERS is so happy to be a USA Today, Wall Street Journal and #1 Contemporary Bestselling Romance author. She likes her action hot and her bad boys hotter. She certainly doesn't hold back on either one in her writing! 
Willow started writing after having her little girl, Evie, December 2015. All during her pregnancy with Evie she continued to read and she only wanted to read romance. She was reading a book a day — sometimes two.
In January 2016 Willow was staying up late with Evie and just thinking of all these stories. They came to her constantly so she finally sat down and just started writing. She always wanted to do it so she figured, why not? Today Willow cannot be happier for making that decision!

WILLOW WINTERS je zelo srečna, ker je pristala med najbolj prodajanimi pisatelji sodobnih ljubezenskih romanov. Rada ima vroče akcije in še bolj vroče poredne fante. Vsekakor tega pri pisanju ne skriva. 
Willow je začela pisati, ko je rodila svojo deklico Evie, decembra 2015. Celotno nosečnost je nadaljevala z branjem knjig, brati pa je želela samo romance. Prebrala je knjigo na dan, včasih celo dve.
Januarja 2016 je ostajala pozno pokonci zaradi Evie in razmišljala o zgodbah. Zgodbe so se ji pojavljale v glavi, zato se je odločila, da začne pisati. Vedno si je to želela, zato si je rekla, zakaj pa ne. Danes ne more biti bolj srečna kot je, ker se je tako odločila.

You can easily find Willow Winters online (Willow Winters lahko najdete na spletu): 


There is a giveaway for a $20 Amazon gift card. (V nagradni igri lahko osvojite bon za spletno trgovino Amazon v vrednosti $20)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Look at this amazing cover! Poglejte si to čudovito naslovnico!
Enjoy reading, Knjigoljubka Maja

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