ponedeljek, 18. september 2017


Title (Naslov): Dear Bridget, I Want You
A standalone novel (samostojni roman)

Author (Avtor): Penelope Ward & Vi Keeland
New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestselling Authors

Genre (Kategorija): contemporary romance (sodobna romantika)

Release date (Datum izida): 9/18/2017 (18.9.2017)


Dear Bridget,
I’m writing this letter because it’s highly doubtful I’ll ever garner the courage to say this to your face.
So, here goes.
We’re totally wrong for each other. You’re the proper single mum with a good head on your shoulders. I’m just the carefree British doctor passing through town and temporarily living in your converted garage until I head back to England.
But here’s the thing… for some bloody reason, I can’t stop thinking about you in very inappropriate ways.
I want you.
The only reason I’m even admitting all of this to you right now is because I don’t believe it’s one-sided. I notice your eyes when you look at me, too. And as crass as I appear when we’re joking around about sex, my attraction to you is not a joke.
So, what’s the purpose of this note? I guess it’s a reminder that we’re adults, that sex is healthy and natural, and that you can find me just through the door past the kitchen. More specifically, it’s to let you know that I’m leaving said door cracked open from now on in case you’d like to visit me in the middle of the night sometime.
No questions asked.
Think about it.
Or don’t.
Whatever you choose.
It’s doubtful I’ll even end up sliding this letter under your door anyway.

Draga Bridget,
Pišem ti pismo, ker ne vem, če bom kdaj zbral pogum, da te pogledam v oči in ti to povem.
No, naj začnem.
Midva nisva za skupaj. Ti si sposobna samska mama, ki ve kaj počne.  Jaz sem brezskrben Britanski zdravnik, ki je trenutno v tvoji državi in začasno živi v tvoji garaži. Vendar bom kmalu odšel v Anglijo.
Problem je takšen...da iz nekega razloga ne morem nehati misliti na tebe.
Želim si te.
Mislim, da tega ne čutim samo jaz. In to je tudi edini razlog zakaj sem ti vse to priznal. Videl sem te, ko si me opazovala. Veliko se šaliva okoli seksa, vendar to, da me privlačiš ni šala.
Kaj je torej namen tega pisma? To je opozorilo, da sva odrasla ter da je seks zdrav in naraven. Najdeš me takoj za vrati v kuhinji. Posebej ti sporočam, da puščam vrata odprta, če se slučajno odločiš, da me kdaj ponoči obiščeš. 
Vprašanja niso potrebna.
Razmisli o tem.
Ali pa ne.
Karkoli boš izbrala.
Čeprav sem v dvomih, bom vseeno pustil tole pismo pod tvojimi vrati.


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PENELOPE WARD is a New York Times, USA Today, and #1 Wall Street Journal Bestselling author of thirteen novels. With over a million books sold, her titles have placed on the New York Times Bestseller list seventeen times. She is the proud mother of a beautiful 12-year-old girl with autism (the inspiration for the character Callie in Gemini) and a 10-year-old boy. Penelope, her husband, and kids reside in Rhose Island.

PENELOPE WARD je ena izmed najbolj prodajanih pisateljic po svetu. Napisala je trinajst romanov. Prodala je na milijone knjig, njeni naslovi pa so se sedemnajstkrat pojavili na lestvici najbolj prodajanih knjig New York Times. Je ponosna mama dvanajstletne deklice z avtizmom (navdih za lik Callie v knjigi Gemini) in desetletnega dečka. Z možem in otroki živi na Rhode Islandu.

Connect with Penelope Ward (Penelope Ward lahko spremljate na njenih družbenih omrežjih):

VI KEELAND is a #1 New York Times Bestselling author. With more than a million and a half books sold, her titles have appeared in over eighty Bestseller lists and are currently translated in seventeen languages. She lives in New York with her husband and their three children where she is living her own happily ever after with the boy she met at age six. 

VI KEELAND je ena izmed najbolj prodajanih pisateljic po svetu. Prodala je milijon in pol knjig. Njene knjige so se pojavile na osemdesetih listah najbolj prodajanih knjig po svetu in so prevedene v sedemnajst jezikov. Z možem in tremi otroki živi v New Yorku. Našla je svoj "Skupaj za vedno" s svojim možem, ki ga je spoznala pri šestih letih.

Connect with Vi Keeland (Vi Keeland lahko spremljate na njenih družbenih omrežjih): 

Happy reading, Knjigoljubka Maja

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