torek, 28. maj 2019


Meet the unforgettable men of London's most notorious tavern, The Wicked Duke. Seductively handsome, with charm and wit to spare, one night with these rakes and rogues will never be enough…

Spoznajte nepozabne moške v najbolj znanih Londonskih razvpitih gostilnah, zlobne vojvode. Zapeljive lepotce s šarmom in vsem kar je potrebno, da vam ena noč s tem razuzdancem in falotom nikoli ne bo dovolj...

One Night of Scandal, an all new standalone in the historical romance series The Wicked Dukes Club from USA Today bestselling author Darcy Burke, is available now!

One Night of Scandal, nova samostojna zgodovinska romanca v zbirki The Wicked Dukes Club najbolj prodajane pisateljice Darcy Burke, je že v prodaji!

Title (Naslov): One Night of Scandal
Author (Avtor): Darcy Burke
Genre (Kategorija): historical romance (zgodovinska romantika)


Jack Barrett is an ambitious member of parliament with no time or desire for a wife. When he catches the Duke of Eastleigh’s sister sneaking inside one of London’s private gentlemen’s clubs, he’s shocked—and dangerously charmed—and assumes the role of protector, only to discover she has the means to destroy him.
Social pariah Lady Viola Fairfax masquerades as a man to pen a column in a popular women’s magazine. When she stumbles upon a brewing scandal that implicates a prominent MP, she seizes the chance to establish herself as a real journalist. However, the infuriating and intoxicating man may not be the radical he’s purported to be, and the more time they spend together, the more she risks the one thing she’s sworn never to do: fall in love.

Jack Barrett je ambiciozen član parlamenta in nima časa za ženo. Ko zasači sestro vojvode Eastleigh v Londonskem privatnem klubu za moške, je šokiran in nevarno očaran. Prevzame vlogo zaščitnika, da ugotovi, če ima sredstva s katerimi ga lahko uniči.
Socialna izobčenka Lady Viola Fairfax se zamaskira v moškega, da bi pisala za kolumno popularne ženske revije. Ko se spotakne ob mešanico škandalov v katere je vpleten pomemben MP, vidi možnost, da si ustvari kariero kot prava novinarka. Vendar razjarjen in opojen moški mogoče ni radikalen kakor hlini. Dlje časa ko preživita skupaj, bolj tvega edino stvar za katero se je odločila, da se nikoli ne bo zgodila: zaljubiti se.


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DARCY BURKE is the USA Today Bestselling Author of sexy, emotional historical and contemporary romance. Darcy wrote her first book at age 11, a happily ever after about a swan addicted to magic and the female swan who loved him, with exceedingly poor illustrations. Join her reader club at A native Oregonian, Darcy lives on the edge of wine country with her guitar-strumming husband, their two hilarious kids who seem to have inherited the writing gene, two Bengal cats and a third cat named after a fruit.

DARCY BURKE je najbolj prodajana pisateljica seksi ter čustvenih zgodovinskih in sodobnih romanc. Pri enajstih letih je napisala svojo prvo knjigo s srečnim koncem o labodu odvisnemu od magije in labodki, ki ga je ljubila; vsebovala je izjemno slabe ilustracije. Lahko se pridružite njenemu bralnemu klubu v Oregonu, živi na robu vinskega podeželja s svojim možem kitaristom, njunima zabavnima otrokoma, ki sta podedovala pisateljičine gene, z dvema bengalskima mačkama in tretjo mačko, ki je poimenovana po sadju.

Connect with Darcy (Darcy lahko spremljate na njenih družbenih omrežjih): 

Enjoy reading, Knjigoljubka Maja

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