petek, 4. januar 2019



Title (Naslov): WHEN AUGUST ENDS
A Standalone Contemporary Romance Novel
(samostojen sodobni romantični roman)

Author (Avtor): New York Times, USA Today, and #1 Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author Penelope Ward
Genre (Kategorija): contemporary romance  (sodobna romantika)

Cover Information (informacije o naslovnici)
Cover designer (Oblikovanje naslovnice): Letitia Hasser, RBA designes
Cover Model (model na naslovnici): Joseph Cannata
Cover Photography (fotografija naslovnice): Adam Zivo

Publishing date (Datum izida): 2/25/2019 (25.2.2019)


What do you do when a sexy, older man moves into your family’s summer rental? 

Well, apparently, you make a fool of yourself—over and over. Things didn’t exactly get off on the right foot with Noah Cavallari. Our first encounter was embarrassing, to say the least. 

But despite that, I found myself waking up every day with a new-found energy. Nothing exciting ever happened on the lake—not until Noah moved into the small boathouse on our property. He’d booked it for the entire summer…and I was still trying to figure out why. 

When my mother became ill, I inherited the responsibility of making sure our guests were well taken care of. I should have been in college. Instead, I was living my best life…as a maid. 

Dark, handsome, and mysterious, everything about Noah screamed forbidden. 

I knew he was just passing through town for the summer. 

I knew he was probably too old for me. 

Yet, I was drawn to him. Not to mention, he tried to save my life when he mistakenly thought I was drowning. 

I wanted him and made no secret of it. 

His own attempts to warn me away soon gave way to late-night moonlight chats by the lake. We were slowly easing into a friendship that was gearing up to explode into something I might not recover from. 

Because he’s leaving at the end of the summer. 

And I have no idea what I’ll do when August ends.

Kaj bom naredila, ko se postaven starejši moški preseli v vašo družinsko počitniško hišo?

Očitno se maram osmešiti, vedno znova. Stvari z Noahom Cavallarijem ne grejo vedno po planu. Najino prvo srečanje je bilo sramotno.

Kljub temu sem vsak dan vstala s polno energije. Nič vznemirljivega se ni dogajalo ob jezeru, dokler se Noah ni naselil v hiško na našem posestvu. Rezerviral jo je za celo poletje... jaz pa sem se trudila ugotoviti zakaj.

Ko je moja mama zbolela, sem prevzela vso odgovornost in poskrbela, da so bili naši gostje v odlični oskrbi. Lahko bi šla študirati. Namesto tega pa sem si izbrala drugačno življenje...kot sobarica.

Temen, čeden in skrivnosten. Vse na Noahu mi je govorilo, da je prepovedan.

Vedela sem, da bo v mestu samo čez poletje.

Vedela sem, da je prestar zame.

Ampak sem se zagledala vanj. Da ne pozabim omeniti, kako se je trudil me rešiti, ko je mislil, da se utapljam.

Želela sem si ga in tega nisem skrivala.

Njegovi poskusi, da me odvrne od sebe, so kmalu izzveneli in se spremenili v pozne nočne pogovore ob jezeru. Počasi sva postajala prijatelja, katero je eksplodiralo v nekaj od česar ne bom okrevala.

Zato, ker bo konec poletja odšel.

Nimam ideje kaj bom počela, ko bo konec avgusta.


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(**Na Amazonu eknjie ni v pred naročilu. Izšla bo okoli datuma izida.**)


Ward Pic

PENELOPE WARD is New York Times, USA Today, and #1 Wall Street Journal Bestselling author of contemporary romance. 
She grew up in Boston with five older brothers and spent most of her twenties as a television news anchor. Penelope resides in Rhode Island with her husband, son, and beautiful daughter with autism. 
With over one-point-five million books sold, she is a twenty-time New York Times bestseller and the author of over twenty novels. 

PENELOPE WARD je ena izmed najbolj prodajanih pisateljic po svetu. 
Odraščala je v Bostonu skupaj s petimi brati. Svoja dvajseta leta je preživela na televiziji kot gostiteljica novic. Penelope stanuje na Rhode Islandu z možem, sinom in čudovito deklico z avtizmom. 
Prodala je 1,5 milijonov knjig in dvajsetkrat postala najbolj prodajana pisateljica po New York Timesu. Izdala je več kot dvajset romanov.


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What do you think about the cover? Kakšna se vam zdi naslovnica?
With love Knjigoljubka Maja

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