
ponedeljek, 13. januar 2020

Release Blitz & Review: SKYE by KELSIE RAE

Skye is here!!
Are you a sucker for a bad boy marriage of convenience love story with a twist?

Skye je izšla!!
Ali ste za ljubezensko zgodbo z zapletom in dogovorjeno poroko s porednim fantom?

Title (Naslov): SKYE
Author (Avtor): Kelsie Rae 
Series (Zbirka): Signature Sweethearts
Release day (datum izida): January 13, 2020 (13. januar 2020)

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Walking down the aisle toward my arch enemy wasn't exactly what I was picturing when I planned out my dream wedding as a little kid.
However, as I take in his chiseled jaw and sexy smirk, I remember why I agreed to this sham of a marriage.
It's because I'm a glutton for punishment and love a good underdog story, and the more I get to know Liam, the more I can see that he's exactly that.
The underdog.
I just hope I'm not wrong about him.

Marriage is a load of crap and my dad knows it, which is why he insisted I find a wife if I ever wanted to touch my inheritance.
Little does he know, I don't have a problem getting my hands dirty in order to get what I want. And if I have to use my little brother's nanny to prove it, I will.
Besides, the girl drives me insane. It's not like we have anything in common other than our mutual disdain for each other.
This'll be a walk in the park.
I hope.

Kot otrok si nisem predstavljala, da bom med načrtovanjem svoje sanjske poroke hodila po poti proti mojemu sovražniku.
Skratka, ko sem zagledala njegovo izklesano čeljust in seksi nasmeh, sem se spomnila zakaj sem privolila v to prevarantsko poroko.
Ker sem mazohist in ljubim dobro izobčeno zgodbo. Bolj ko spoznavam Liama, bolj vidim, da je točno tak.
Upam, da se ne motim o njem.

Zakon je poden od podna in moj oče to ve. Zato je tudi vztrajal, naj si poiščem ženo, če kdaj želim pravice do moje dediščine.
On ve, da mi ni problem si umazati roke, da dobim kar želim. Če moram za to izkoristiti varuško mojega malega brata, bom to storil.
Poleg tega me dekle spravlja ob pamet. Nič nimava skupnega razen obojestransko zaničevanje do drug drugega.
To bo samo sprehod v parku.


Available on ALL platforms!
Download now for only $2.99!

Na voljo na vseh platformah!
Priskrbite si svoj izvod zdaj za samo $2.99!


Originalen naslov: Skye
Avtor: Kelsie Rae
Zbirka: Signature Sweethearts #8
Prevod: /
Založba: Kindle edition (e-knjiga, ARC, 2020)
Ocena: 5 ★★★★
Kategorija: romantika (romance), novi odrasli (new adult), sodobna romantika (contemporary romance)
Glavni liki: Skye, Liam, Broody, Mr. Davis, Saylor, Sway, Anthony
Kraj dogajanja: New Hampshire (ZDA), Italija

English review is on Goodreads!

Kelsie Rae je napisala še eno čudovito zgodbo. Res je neverjetna pisateljica. Z vsako novo knjigo me bolj očara. Če še niste brali njenih knjig, je skrajni čas, da začnete zdaj. Zbirke Signature Sweethearts ni potrebno brati po vrsti, saj vsaka knjiga vsebuje samostojno ljubezensko zgodbo. Samo junaki se med seboj poznajo. Ustvarila sem tudi kolaž fotografij, ki spominjajo na zgodbo (spodnja slika).

Skye je bila zelo čustveno branje. Vmes sem se smejala in bolj, ko sem šla proti koncu, sem imela tudi solzne oči. Ta ljubezenska zgodba vsebuje vse. Od dogovorjenega lažnega razmerja, do druge priložnosti, od sovraštva do ljubezni... Celo dogaja se na dveh celinah, kar mi je bilo tudi prijetno brati.

Liam naj bi bil predstavljen kot nek poredni fant in ženskar, vendar ga jaz nisem dojemala kot "bad boy-a". Bil je na trenutke pravi bedak in takrat bi mu celo jaz povedala svoje. Drugače je deloval pravi prijazni sladkorček. Všeč mi je bil njegov šarm in humor. Sicer sem bila tik pred koncem malo jezna nanj, ampak mu je bilo oproščeno. Za Skye je zelo lepo skrbel že od vsega začetka, čeprav je bil na začetku malo nesramen. Najbolj všečni so mi bili dialogi med Skye in Liamom. Ti so me tudi najbolj nasmejali, lahko bi rekla, da sem se kar zabavala. Res sta bila smešna. Enega izmed smešnih odlomkov si lahko preberete tudi spodaj.

Knjiga me je pozitivno presenetila. Prebrala sem jo v dveh dneh, saj je lahkotno berljiva. Če iščete ideje za poletno branje, dajte kar na seznam.😊 
Sama sem brala ARC (Advance Reader Copy= kopija knjige, ki jo dobijo bralci pred njenim izidom), ki mi jo je podarila pisateljica, za iskreno mnenje. Že čakam naslednjo njeno zgodbo, da vidim kaj si bo umislila tokrat. 


"Is someone jealous?” Liam asks, having the decency to keep his voice low so only I can hear.
Pursing my lips, I grit out, “No."
His chuckle makes me turn in my seat to face him with a glare.
"Seriously! I’m not!” I defend myself. “It’s a respect thing, ya know? They know we’re married. They’re not stupid. I’m wearing a ring. You’re wearing a ring. They can’t be that dense. But they’re acting like I’m not even here!” I whisper shout. “And I need to pee, but I’m afraid if I leave you alone for two seconds, they’ll each grab a leg like their a couple of dogs in heat, and go to town!"
This time, his laughter isn’t quiet at all. It’s a full blown, slap your knee, tears in your eyes, gut laugh that has heads turning in front and behind of us, including the two girl dogs to my left. In fact, I can feel them staring at my red face right now, already applauding their success like they’ve already won. 
Kill me now.
"Hey Skye?” Liam rumbles low in his throat before nudging me playfully.
ignore him and hunch a little lower in my seat.
keep staring straight ahead of me.
"Skye,” he repeats a third time.
"Leave me alone,” I mumble under my breath.
"Come on, it was funny! I mean, the imagery! Am I right?"
With another quick glare in his direction, he shuts up, but it doesn’t make his smile disappear. Nope. That thing is still firmly in place.
"Okay, look. You’re right,” he caves after another few seconds of tense silence. “They’re being disrespectful to you by ogling the hot American guy so openly. So what should we do about it?"
He’s enjoying this way too much, but I do appreciate the camaraderie thing he’s trying to initiate. I gotta give him a little credit.
Wearing my heart on my sleeve, I mutter, “I don’t know?"
"You don’t know? Come on… I’m sure you can think of something..."
"I can’t think straight! I need to pee!” I huff.
His amused expression transforms into a mischievous one right before my eyes.
"I have an idea."
Gaze narrowing, I ask, “And what’s that?"
"You want to make them back off?"
I nod.
"You want to make them jealous?"
I'm stupid enough to nod a second time.
"Then follow my lead."
One of his big warm hands grips the side of my face before he leans in and presses his mouth to mine. Sliding right past first base, his tongue slips between my lips before his other hand manages to find my upper thigh. Then he glides it right up toward very dangerous territory.
Ripping my mouth away from his, I grab his wrist that’s dangerously close to my crotch and pant, “What the hell are you doing?"
"Making them question their own desirability instead of making you question yours."


1. Liv
1.5. Luke
2. Breezy
3. Jude
4. Rhett
5. Sophie
6. Marcus
7. Anthony
8. Skye
9. Saylor (coming soon)


KELSIE RAE is a sucker for a love story with all the feels. When she's not chasing words for her next book, you will probably find her reading or, more likely, hanging with her husband and playing with her three kiddos who love to drive her crazy.
She adores photography, her yorkie, her boxer, and her devon rex. Now that she's actively pursuing her writing dreams, she's set her sights on someday finding the self-discipline to not binge-watch an entire series on Netflix in one sitting.
If you like to connect with Kelsie, follow her on Facebook, sign up for her newsletter, or join Kelsie Rae's Reader Group to stay up to date on new releases, exclusive content, giveaways, and her crazy publishing journey.

KELSIE RAE pada na ljubezenske zgodbe z vsemi vpletenimi čustvi. Ko ne izbira besed za svoje nove knjige, si vzame čas za branje ali pa se druži s svojim možem in igra s svojimi tremi otroki, ki jo spravljajo ob pamet.
Obožuje fotografiranje ter svoja psa yorški terier in bokser in mačko devon rex. Zdaj, ko aktivno uresničuje svoje sanje s pisanjem, si želi, da bi nekega dne odkrila disciplino kako ne pogledati celotne serije na Netflixu v enem nizu.
Če želite stopiti v stik s Kelsie, ji lahko sledite na Facebooku, se vpišete na njene spletne novice, ali se pridružite njeni bralni skupini, kjer dobite vse informacije o novih izidih, nagradnih igrah in njenih založniških potovanjih.

Follow Kelsie online (Sledi Kelsie na spletu): 

I love her books!
Obožujem njene knjige!
Enjoy reading, Knjigoljubka Maja

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