
sreda, 15. januar 2020


Getting Off Easy, an all-new opposites attract standalone romance from New York bestselling author Erin Nicholas is available now!

Getting Off Easy, nova samostojna romanca o nasprotni privlačnosti najbolj prodajane pisateljice Erin Nicholas, je že v prodaji!

Title (Naslov): GETTING OFF EASY
Author (Avtor): Erin Nicholas
Genre (Kategorija): romance (romantika)


New Orleans firefighter, James Reynaud’s true love is hanging out in the jazz clubs on Frenchmen Street and playing piano with some of the best musicians in the city. But driving his cute, bookworm neighbor Harper Broussard crazy is right up there on his list of favorite things.

The buttoned-up linguistics professor across the hall is a little older, a lot smarter, and way too good for him. And she knows it. But wow is she beautiful when she blushes.

She’s equally gorgeous when she’s saving his butt. Because now things just got serious. A baby has been, literally, dropped off on his doorstep and to say he’s in over his head is an understatement. Not that Harper knows anything about babies either. But at least they now have something in common.

Resnična ljubezen New Orleanskega gasilca James Reynauda se zadržuje v jazz klubih na ulici Frenchmen in igra klavir skupaj z najboljšimi glasbeniki v mestu. Nora soseda Harper Broussard je knjižni molj, njeno najljubše opravilo pa je spravljati njega ob pamet.

Profesorica jezikoslovja na drugi strani hodnika je malo starejša, zelo pametna in veliko predobra zanj. Ampak, ko zardeva je čudovita.

Enako krasna je, ko reši njegovo rit. Ker zdaj stvari postajajo resne. Dojenček je bil dobesedno odložen pred njegovimi vrati in rečeno, da je v njegovi glavi je precenjeno. Harper ne ve ničesar o dojenčkih. Ampak zdaj vsaj imata nekaj skupnega.


Download your copy today!
Priskrbite si svoj izvod že danes!

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New York Times and USA Today bestselling author ERIN NICHOLAS has been writing romances almost as long as she’s been reading them. To date, she’s written over thirty sexy, contemporary novels that have been described as “toe-curling,” “enchanting,” “steamy,” and “fun.” She adores reluctant heroes, imperfect heroines, and happily ever afters.
Erin lives in the Midwest, where she enjoys spending time with her husband (who only wants to read the sex scenes in her books), her kids (who will never read the sex scenes in her books), and her family and friends (who claim to be “shocked” by the sex scenes in her books).

Najbolj prodajana pisateljica ERIN NICHOLAS piše romance skoraj toliko časa, kot ji bere. Do danes je napisala več kot trideset seksi sodobnih romanov, ki so bili opisani kot “očarljivi”, “strastni” in “zabavni”. Sama obožuje svojevoljne heroje, pomanjkljive junakinje in srečen konec za vedno.
Erin stanuje v Midwestu, kjer uživa v skupnih trenutkih s svojim možem (kateri edino želi prebrati seksi scene v njenih knjigah), s svojimi otroci (kateri ne bodo nikoli prebrali seksi scen iz njenih knjig) ter svojo družino in prijatelji (ki pravijo, da so “šokirani”, ko preberejo seksi scene v njenih knjigah).

Connect with Erin (Erin lahko sledite na): 

I want to read this one.
Tole si želim prebrati.
Enjoy reading, Knjigoljubka Maja

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