
petek, 18. oktober 2019

Cover Reveal: RULES by ANNA B. DOE

Title (Naslov): Rules
Author (Avtor): Anna B. Doe 
Series (Zbirka): Greyford High
Release Date (Datum izida): November 8, 2019 (8. november 2019)
Genre (kategorija): Mature YA/NA Sports Romance (mladinska in odrasla športna romanca)
Cover Designer (oblikovanje naslovnice): Najla Qamber, Qamber Designs & Media

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Senior year.
Three girls. Three guys.
Truth and consequence. 
Broken trust and shattered hearts.
Lost innocence and new experiences. 
One more year before running away.
One more year to save her. 
The countdown begins.

When Maximillian Sanders moved to Greyford, he had three goals: mend the broken relationship with his sister, keep her safe, and get into a division one college, playing hockey. There he meets the girl who breaks his heart and turns his world upside down, and it's her best friend who helps pick up the pieces.

Brook Taylor learned the hard way that in order to survive this ugly world, she needed to live by her own rules. Then she meets Max and for the first time, she’s tempted to break them. He’s off limits, and she has a plan that doesn't include a hot hockey player. 

He says he wants her, but she can see the truth in his eyes. She should have just followed her rules and guarded her heart. 

Those three little rules were supposed to save her, until she broke them all.

Zadnji letnik.
Tri dekleta. Trije fantje.
Resnica in posledice.
Zlomljena resnica in strta srca.
Izgubljena nedolžnost in nove izkušnje.
Še eno leto preden pobegnem.
še eno leto, da jo rešim.
Odštevanje se začenja.

Ko se je Maximillian Sanders preselil v Greyford, si je zastavil tri cilje: popraviti odnos s svojo sestro, poskrbeti, da bo varna in igrati hokej ter priti na študij s hokejsko ligo. 
Tukaj je spoznal dekle, ki mu je zlomilo srce in obrnilo njegov svet na glavo. Njena najboljša prijateljica mu je pomagala sestaviti razbite koščke srca.

Brook Taylor se je na težak način naučila kako preživeti ta grdi svet. Živeti mora po svojih pravilih. Nato spozna Maxa in prvič se sreča s skušnjavo kako ga osvojiti. On je prepovedan in ona ima načrt, ki ne vključuje seksi hokejista.

Rekel ji je, da jo želi, ampak ona vidi resnico v njegovih očeh. Mora samo slediti svojem pravilom in zaščititi svoje srce.

Ta tri pravila naj bi jo varovale, dokler jih ne prekrši.


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Available in Kindle Unlimited!



LINES (Greyford High #1)

HABITS (Greyford High #2)

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ANNA B. DOE is a young adult and new adult contemporary romance author. She writes real-life romance that is equal part sweet and sexy. She's a coffee and chocolate addict. Like her characters, she loves those two things dark, sweet and with extra spices.
When she's not working for a living or writing her newest book you can find her reading books or binge-watching TV shows. Originally from Croatia, she is always planning her next trip because wanderlust is in her blood.
She is currently working on various projects. Some more secret than others.

ANNA B. DOE je pisateljica sodobnih romanc za mladino in odrasle. Piše realne romance, ki so enako sladke in seksi. Odvisna je od kave in čokolade. Tako kot njeni junaki ima tudi sama to dvoje rada temno, sladko in dodatno začinjeno.
Ko ne dela za preživetje in ne piše svoje nove knjige, si vzame čas za branje in gledanje televizijskih nanizank.
Prihaja iz Hrvaške, vendar vedno načrtuje nova potovanja, saj ima popotništvo v krvi.
Trenutno dela na različnih projektih. Nekateri so bolj skrivnostni kot drugi.

You can easily find Anna online (Anno lahko najdete na spletu):

I really want to read this one. Tole si pa res želim prebrati.
With love, Knjigoljubka Maja

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