
sreda, 18. september 2019


"This book was like the best sort of dessert. I. Am. Addicted." - #1NYT bestselling author Rachel Van Dyken

"Ta knjiga je bila najboljša osama zame. Jaz. Sem. Odvisna." - najbolj prodajana pisateljica Rachel Van Dyken

Fake Date, an all-new standalone contemporary romance by New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Monica Murphy is LIVE!

Fake Date, nova samostojna sodobna romanca najbolj prodajane pisateljice Monice Murphy, je že v prodaji!

(Naslov): FAKE DATE
Author (Avtor): Monica Murphy


Working at Bliss Lingerie, Sarah Harrison deals with all sorts of—interesting clientele. Yet no one sparks her interest more than Jared Gaines, the ultra-rich, ultra-sexy businessman who frequents her shop, buying delicate little “gifts” for the women in his life.
But one day, Jared sends her a gift from Bliss. Then another—and another. So when Sarah walks into his office demanding to know why he can't stop sending her gifts, he makes her an offer she somehow can’t refuse: be his fake girlfriend for the weekend while attending his brother’s engagement party.
Next thing Sarah knows, she’s in San Francisco, pretending to be in love with Jared. Not that it’s a hardship. Once you get the man away from the office, he’s much more relaxed. Sweet. Funny. Even…thoughtful? Oh, and sexier than ever, of course.
Their pretend relationship feels very real, very quickly. Soon Sarah’s in over her head. Could what she and Jared share turn into something real? Or is it all actually…fake?

Sarah Harrison dela v Bliss Lingerie, kar ji omogoča, da se sooča z različnimi ljudmi, predvsem z zanimivimi strankami. Seveda je noben ni navdihnil tako kot jo je Jared Gaines, ultra bogati in ultra seksi poslovnež, ki pogosto obiskuje njeno trgovino ter kupuje nežna majhna "darila" za ženske v njegovem življenju.
Nekega dne Jared pošlje darilo iz Blissa njej. Nato še enega - in še enega. Ko Sarah stopi v njegovo pisarno, da od njega zahteva naj ji neha pošiljati darila, ji ponudi ponudbo, ki jo ne more zavrniti. Prosi jo, naj bo njegovo lažne dekle čez vikend ter odide z njim na bratovo zaročno zabavo.
Naslednji trenutek je Sarah v San Franciscu in se pretvarja, da je zaljubljena v Jareda. Saj ni težko. Ko enkrat spraviš moškega iz pisarne, je veliko bolj sproščen. Prijazen. Smešen. Celo...pozoren? In seveda seksi kot še nikoli.
Njuno lažno razmerje zelo hitro postane resnično. Ali lahko tisto, kar si Sarah in Jared delita postane nekaj resničnega? Ali pa je v resnici vse samo...zaigrano?


ADD TO GOODREADS (s klikom na napis, lahko knjigo dodaš na svoj Goodreads)


MONICA MURPHY is the New York Times, USA Today and #1 international bestselling author of the One Week Girlfriend series, the Billionaire Bachelors and The Rules series. Her books have been translated in almost a dozen languages and has sold over one million copies worldwide. She is both self-published and published by Random House/Bantam and HarperCollins/Avon. She writes new adult, young adult and contemporary romance.
She is a wife and a mother of three who lives in central California on fourteen acres in the middle of nowhere along with their one dog and too many cats. A self-confessed workaholic, when she's not writing, she's reading or hanging out with her husband and kids. She's a firm believer in happy endings, though she will admit to putting her characters through angst-filled moments before they finally get that hard won HEA.

Monica Murphy je najbolj prodajana pisateljica knjižnih zbirk One Week Girlfriend, The Billionaire Bachelors in The Rules. Njene knjige so bile prevedene v ducat jezikov in bile prodane v milijonih izvodih po celem svetu. Ona deluje kot samo založnica in sodeluje z založbami Random House/Bantam in HarperCollins/Avon. Piše sodobne ljubezenske romance za odrasle in mladino.
Je žena in mama treh otrok, ki prebiva v srednji Kaliforniji na štirinajstih posestvih sredi ničesar. Obkrožajo jo pes in preveč mačk. priznava, da je deloholičarka. Ko ne piše, bere knjige ali je v družbi moža in otrok. Verjame v srečne konce, čeprav priznava, da svoje karakterje predstavi pred mnoge preizkušnje preden končno pridejo do svojega srečnega za vedno. 

Connect with Monica (Monici lahko sledite na): 

This one sound interesting.
Tale se sliši zanimiva.
Happy reading, Knjigoljubka Maja

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