
torek, 10. september 2019

Release Blitz: MAKE ME by LANI LYNN VALE

Title (Naslov): MAKE ME
Author (Avtor): Lani Lynn Vale
Series (Zbirka): KPD Motorcycle Patrol, Book 4
Release day (datum izida): Sept 10 (10. september)


Royal St. James got her name when she was born. Not because her mother loved her royally, but because Royal was a giant pain in the ass. She’s spent her entire life fighting to live, and the last thing she needs is to deal with some pretty-boy police officer who wouldn’t know a hardship if it came up and bit him in the…you know.

Justice Rector wasn’t born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He was raised to work hard and always fight for what he believed in. His father was a cop, and ever since he could remember, he wanted to be one, too.

It was a complete coincidence that he ends up going undercover and meeting Royal St. James. It was just one day, a single moment in time. All routine.

Just do the buy, make the bust, and get out.

But Royal St. James, aptly named, screws everything up.


All of a sudden, he has a decision to make: blow his cover and save the girl, or save himself.

Of course, he does the most stupid thing possible.

By saving the girl who most assuredly did not want to be saved.

Royal St. James je dobila ime že ob rojstvu. Ne zato, ker je njena mama imela rada svojo kraljestvo, ampak ker je bilo kraljestvo velik trn v peti. Celoten svoj obstoj se je borila za življenje in zadnja stvar, ki jo je potrebovala, je bil policist, ki ni vedel, da se spušča v težave, ki ga lahko udarijo po...saj veste čem.

Justice Rector ni bil rojen s srebrno žlico v ustih. Vzgojen je bil s trdim delom in vedno se je boril za svoja prepričanja. Njegov oče je bil policaj in ves čas, ki ga pomni, si je to želel postati tudi on.

Bilo je čisto naključje, da je prišel delat pod krinko in spoznal Royal St. James. Bilo je nekega dne, nekega trenutka. Iz navade.

Opravi nakup, izpelji racijo in pobegni.

Ampak Royal St. James, primerno imenovana, vse pokvari. Kraljevo.

Nenadoma mora sprejeti odločitev: se razkrinkati in rešiti dekle, ali rešiti sam sebe.

Seveda naredi najbolj neumno stvar, kar je mogoče.

Reši dekle, ki brez dvoma ne želi biti rešeno. 




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LANI LYNN VALE is a USA Today Bestselling Author of over thirty titles. She is married with three children, two dogs, two cats, a donkey, and a couple (a couple also meaning over twenty) chickens.
When she's not writing, you can find her curled up in her favourite chair reading.
Lani is married with three children and lives in the Great State of Texas.

LANI LYNN VALE je najbolj prodajana pisateljica z več kot tridesetimi naslovi. Je poročena mati treh otrok, dveh psov, dveh mačk, osla in nekaj (nekaj pomeni več kot dvajset) piščancev.
Ko ne piše, zagotovo sedi v svojem naslonjaču in bere.
Lani je poročena in s svojimi tremi otroki prebiva v veliki državi Texas. 

Connect with Lani (pisateljici lahko sledite na): 

Happy reading, Knjigoljubka Maja

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