Author (Avtor): Micalea Smeltzer
Genre (kategorija): Romantic comedy (romantična komedija)
Release date (datum izida): April 26, 2019 (26. april 2019)
Genre (kategorija): Romantic comedy (romantična komedija)
Release date (datum izida): April 26, 2019 (26. april 2019)
1. Don’t be a smoker. That’s gross.
2. Don’t be a jerk. I have no time to deal with your mood swings.
3. Clean up after yourself. Is it really so hard to put dirty clothes where they belong?
If you meet these qualifications, call me.
Desperately Seeking Roommate
When I put the ad in my university’s newspaper, the last thing I ever expect is for the star football player to respond.
From what I know of him, Abel Russo is a womanizer and an absolute jerk.
Sadly, he’s the only thing stopping me from being evicted by my annoyingly gleeful landlord.
It should be easy enough—there’s no chance we’ll fall for each other. But then he gives me lingering looks, and I might just be looking back.
All I wanted was a roommate, but I’m about to get so much more than I bargained for.
1. Mora biti nekadilec. To je ogabno.
2. Ne sme biti tepec. Nimam časa, da bi se ubadala s tvojimi nihanji razpoloženja.
3. Pospravljaj za sabo. Ali je res tako težko pospraviti umazana oblačila na mesto kamor spadajo?
Če si se že srečal s temi sposobnost, me pokliči.
S spoštovanjem,
Obupana Iskalka Sostanovalca
Ko sem objavila oglas v časopisu na univerzi, nisem pričakovala, da se bo odzval nogometni zvezdnik.
Kar vem o njemu je to, da je ženskar in popoln tepec.
Na žalost je on edini zaradi katerega nisem bila prisilno izseljena od nadležnega škodoželjnega najemodajalca.
To bi lahko šlo- ni možnosti, da bi se zaljubila. Potem pa mi namenja dolgotrajne poglede in jaz ga pogledujem nazaj.
Vse kar sem si želela je bil sostanovalec, ampak verjetno bom dobila veliko več kot sem ponudila.
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1. Mora biti nekadilec. To je ogabno.
2. Ne sme biti tepec. Nimam časa, da bi se ubadala s tvojimi nihanji razpoloženja.
3. Pospravljaj za sabo. Ali je res tako težko pospraviti umazana oblačila na mesto kamor spadajo?
Če si se že srečal s temi sposobnost, me pokliči.
S spoštovanjem,
Obupana Iskalka Sostanovalca
Ko sem objavila oglas v časopisu na univerzi, nisem pričakovala, da se bo odzval nogometni zvezdnik.
Kar vem o njemu je to, da je ženskar in popoln tepec.
Na žalost je on edini zaradi katerega nisem bila prisilno izseljena od nadležnega škodoželjnega najemodajalca.
To bi lahko šlo- ni možnosti, da bi se zaljubila. Potem pa mi namenja dolgotrajne poglede in jaz ga pogledujem nazaj.
Vse kar sem si želela je bil sostanovalec, ampak verjetno bom dobila veliko več kot sem ponudila.
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Abel’s lips turn up but he doesn’t take his eyes off the road. “Like what you see, Blondie?”
My cheeks redden at being caught, but I stick my chin haughtily into the air unwilling to cower at being called out. “Maybe there’s a bug on your face.”
That smile of his widens. “There’s not.”
“So confident,” I mutter, crossing my arms over my chest and staring out the windshield.
“Why wouldn’t I be? You kissed me.”
“I kissed you back, big difference.” I kick my flip-flops off and rest my bare feet on the dashboard.
“Kissing back is still kissing.”
“Ugh,” I toss my hands up, “you’re impossible.”
“Impossibly handsome? Charming? Irresistible? All three? Definitely all three.” He answers his own question.
Hi. I’m MICALEA. Ma-call-e-uh. Weird name, I know. My mom must’ve known I was going to be odd even in the womb. I’ve written a lot of books. Like a lot. Don’t ask me how many, I don’t remember at this point. I have an unhealthy addiction to Diet Coke but I can’t seem to break the habit. I listen to way too much music and hedgehogs have taken over my life. Crazy is the word that best sums up my life, but it’s the good kind of crazy and I wouldn’t change it for anything.
Živijo. Sem MICALEA. Ma-Call-e-uh. Vem, da je čudno ime. Moja mama je verjetno vedela, da bom čudna že ko sem bila v zibelki. Napisala sem veliko knjig. res veliko. Ne sprašujte me koliko, ker se ta trenutek ne spomnim. Odvisna sem od dietne kokakole, ne morem se znebiti te navade. Poslušam veliko glasbe, ježki pa so postali del mojega življenja. Življenje je malo noro, ampak dobro noro in ne bi ga spremenila.
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