sreda, 25. april 2018

Cover Reveal: FOREVER by ANNA B. DOE

Get ready for beautiful, emotionally heartbreaking conclusion to William and Anabel's story...

Title (Naslov): Forever
Author (Avtor): Anna B. Doe 
Series (Zbirka): New York Knights novella
Genre (Kategorija): Contemporary Sports Romance (sodobna športna romantika)
Cover Design (oblikovanje naslovnice): Oh So Novel

Release date (Datum izida): May 25th, 2018 (25. maj 2018)

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This story is as old as time.
Girl meets boy.
They fall in love and, after their fair share of highs and lows, they finally get their happily ever after …
Only in my story, happily ever after seems to be so far away.
William and I are together, but we’re apart.
It’s hard and painful, but we make do because not being together is harder than having a long-distance relationship.
Every turn is more painful than the last, and I’m not sure if I’m ready for it.
If we are ready for it.

For more than a year, I waited.
For more than a year, I was a good boy playing by the rules.
For more than a year, I’ve been waiting for the right moment.
I gave her time she needed.
The time we needed.
I watched her go in and out of my life, time and time again.
But I’m done playing this game.
I can see the pain in her eyes. The pain that matches my own.
It’s time to end this and claim what’s mine.
Because I’m hers, and she’s mine and we … We’re forever.

Ta zgodba je že stara.
Dekle spozna fanta.
Zaljubita se, delita vzpone in padce in končno spoznata svoj srečno za vedno...
Samo v moji zgodbi je ta srečno za vedno tako daleč stran.
William in jaz sva skupaj, vendar sva narazen.
Zelo težko in boleče je, vendar se trudiva, ker biti drug brez drugega je še težje kot imeti zvezo na daljavo.
Vsak trenutek je bolj boleč in nisem prepričana, če sem pripravljena tako nadaljevati.
Če sva midva pripravljena.

Več kot eno leto sem čakal.
Več kot eno leto sem bil priden fant in igral po pravilih.
Več kot eno leto sem čakal na pravi trenutek.
Dal sem ji čas, ki ga je potrebovala.
Čas, ki sva ga potrebovala.
Gledal sem jo, kako je prihajala in odhajala v moje življenje, vsakič znova.
Ampak zdaj imam dovolj te igre.
Ne morem gledati bolečine v njenih očeh. Bolečine, ki se ujema z mojo.
Čas je, da zaključim to in zahtevam kar je moje.
Ker jaz sem njen in ona je moja in midva...midva sva za vedno.


Lost & Found (New York Knights, book #1) 

One-click or read for free with KU!
Preberite prvo knjigo Lost & Found v zbirki.

What readers are saying about Lost & Found:
 “What I really admired about this book was the romance. It wasn’t an immediate fall into bed and declare their love for each other. It was realistic, rough on the edges, and slow burning. This isn’t something you see often in the sports romance genre (at least I haven’t found many like this) and Lost & Found is unique with the pacing, the story line and the honesty between all of the characters.” - Ashley

Kaj so bralci povedali o knjigi Lost & Found:
"Tisto kar najbolj občudujem v knjigi, je bila romanca. Ni bilo takoj skoka v posteljo in izpovedi ljubezni. Bila je realistična, naporna, večkrat na robu in počasi je napredovala. To ni tisto kar je pogosto v športnih romancah (vsaj jaz nisem našla takih) in Lost & Found je edinstvena v razvoju zgodbe in iskrenosti med liki." - Ashley


ANNA B. DOE is an indie author of the contemporary romance novel Lost & Found and Until. She has bachelor’s degree in Education Science and Spanish from University of Zadar. She works full time in an office and gives English and Spanish classes in her free time. When she’s not working for living or writing her newest book you can find her reading books, watching TV shows, or traveling the world. She is addicted to coffee and a big lover of dogs. Anna writes what she loves to read, which is romance. She is currently working on various projects. Some more secret than others.

ANNA B. DOE je neodvisna pisateljica sodobnih romantičnih romanov Lost & Found in Until. Diplomirala je iz znanstvenih študijev in spanščine na Univerzi v Zadru. Zaposlena je v pisarni, v prostem času pa poučuje angleščino in španščino. Ko ne dela in ne piše, jo najdete kako bere knjige, gleda televizijske nanizanke ter potuje po svetu. Je tudi velika ljubiteljica kave in psov. Piše take zgodbe, ki jih rada tudi sama prebira in to so romantične. Trenutno dela na raznovrstnih projektih. 

You can easily find Anna online (Anno lahko najdete na spletu): 

Enjoy life, Knjigoljubka Maja

sreda, 18. april 2018


Title (Naslov): Rebel Heart
Book Two in the Rush Series (druga knjiga v zbirki Rush)

Author (Avtor): Penelope Ward & Vi Keeland
New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestselling Authors

Genre (Kategorija): contemporary romance (sodobna romantika)

Model (model): Micah Truitt
Photographer (fotograf): Leonardo Corredor
Cover designer (oblikovanje naslovnice): Sommer Stein, Perfect Pear Creative

Release date (Datum izida): 5/22/2018 (22.5.2018)


Rush and Gia’s story continues in the gripping conclusion to Rebel Heir… 

How to screw up a great summer in the Hamptons: 

Sleep with your boss. Check. 

Blow all your money on a rental you can’t afford. Check. 

How to walk away from a man you fall in love with at the end of a summer: 

…I’ll let you know when I figure it out. 

Rebel Heir is the second book in the Rush Series Duet. Book One, Rebel Heir, is available for sale now.

Zgodba Rusha in Gie se nadaljuje od napetega zaključka iz Rebel Heir...

Kako si uničiti najboljše počitnice  v Hamptonsu:

Spati s svojim šefom. Kljukica.

Zapraviti ves svoj zaslužek za najemnino. Kljukica.

Kako na koncu poletja oditi od moškega v katerega se zaljubiš:

...Obvestim vas, ko ugotovim.

Rebel Heir je druga knjiga v Zbirki The Rush Duet. Prva knjiga Rebel Heir je že v prodaji.



PENELOPE WARD is New York Times, USA Today, and #1 Wall Street Journal Bestselling author. 
She grown up in Boston with five older brothers and spent most of her twenties as a television news anchor. Penelope resided in Rhode Island with her husband, son and beautiful daughter with autism. 
With over a million books sold, she is a seventeen-time New York Times bestseller and the author of over fifteen novels, including RoomHate which hit #2 on the New York Times bestseller list and #1 on the Wall Street Journal bestseller list. Other New York Times bestsellers include Stepbrother Dearest, Neighbor Dearest, Drunk Dial, Cocky Bastard, Stuck-Up Suit, Playboy Pilot and Mister Moneybags (the latter four co-written with Vi Keeland). 

PENELOPE WARD je ena izmed najbolj prodajanih pisateljic po svetu. 
Odrasla je v Bostonu skupaj s petimi brati. V svojih dvajsetih letih je delala na televiziji kot gostiteljica novic. Stanuje na Rhode Islandu z možem, sinom in prelepo hčerko z avtizmom. 
Prodala je na milijone knjig, sedemnajstkrat postala najbolj prodajana pisateljica po New York Timesu. Skupaj je napisala petnajst romanov, tudi RoomHate, ki kraljuje na prvih mestih lestvice Wall Street Journal Bestseller. Ostale najbolj prodajane knjige so Stepbrother Dearest (Prepovedana Romanca), Neighbor Dearest, Drunk Dial, Cocky Bastard, Stuck-up Suit, Playboy Pilot in Mister Moneybags (zadnje štiri je napisala skupaj s pisateljico Vi Keeland).

Connect with Penelope Ward (Penelope Ward lahko spremljate na njenih družbenih omrežjih): 

VI KEELAND is a #1 New York Times, #1 Wall Street Journal, and Today Bestselling author. With more than a million and a half books sold, her titles have appeared in over ninety Bestseller lists and are currently translated in twenty languages. She resides in New York with her husband and their three children where she is living her own happily ever after with the boy she met at age six. 

VI KEELAND je ena izmed najbolj prodajanih pisateljic po svetu. Prodala je milijon in pol knjig. Njene knjige so se pojavile na devetdesetih listah najbolj prodajanih knjig po svetu in so prevedene v dvajset jezikov. Z možem in tremi otroki živi v New Yorku. Našla je svoj "Skupaj za vedno" s svojim možem, ki ga je spoznala pri šestih letih.

Connect with Vi Keeland (Vi Keeland lahko spremljate na njenih družbenih omrežjih): 

With love, Knjigoljubka Maja

torek, 17. april 2018


Title (Naslov): Needing Him
Bishop Brothers Book 2
Author (Avtor): Kennedy Fox
Genre (Kategorija): Contemporary Romance (sodobna romantika)


Evan Bishop is your typical hotshot doctor. 
Hardass, brooding, and all business. 

Instead of working on the family ranch, Evan broke the mold and became an ER doctor. He’s good with his hands—in more ways than one—smart as a whip and is the definition of God’s gift to women. Being a gentleman is in his Southern roots, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t flawed. Exclusive dating has never been a top priority and his tragic past makes him stay at arm’s length. Deciding to let loose for a wild night, he takes a page from the Bishop brother’s relationship book and hooks up with a mysterious girl he’ll never have to see again, which is perfect for this self-proclaimed bachelor. 

Emily Bell is a city girl through and through but is determined to get away from her family and past. All she wants is a fresh start and to make a name for herself in the medical field. No random hookups and no dating coworkers—that’s her new motto after being burned time and again. When she agrees to attend a wedding as a plus-one, she’s soon ditched and left to drink solo—but not for long. Mr. Suit is the ultimate temptation with his Southern charm, messy blond hair, and irresistible sex appeal. Everything about him screams bad news, but he makes her reconsider her rules just for one night. 

After all, some rules are made to be broken. 

They want the same thing—one night of passion then they’ll go their separate ways. No cuddling afterward. No next day phone calls. No awkward goodbyes. Too bad the universe has other plans—one that’ll be obvious when they report to work on Monday morning. 

*A contemporary romance with a little Southern drama. This is book 2 in the Bishop Brothers series. Each book features a different brother and can be read as a complete standalone. HEA guaranteed!* Not suitable for readers under 18 due to adult language and sexual content.  

Evan Bishop je pomemben zdravnik.
Junaški, premišljen in posloven.

Namesto, da bi delal na družinskem posestvu, Evan postane zdravnik. Ima spretne roke- v več pomenih- je zelo pameten in je definicija boga za žensko. Kavalirstvo je v njegovih južnih koreninah, vendar to ne pomeni, da je brez napak. Zmenki mu nikoli niso bili prioriteta in njegova tragična preteklost mu je prinesla svobodno življenje. Odločitev, da se sprosti z eno divjo nočjo, obrne stran v knjigi Bishopovega bratstva. Zabava se s skrivnostnim dekletom, ki ga ne bo videl nikoli več in to se mu zdi perfektno za samooklicanega samca. 

Emily Bay je mestno dekle, ki je odločena, da pobegne od svoje družine in preteklosti. Vse kar si želi je nov začetek in kariera v medicinskem svetu. Nič druženja in zmenkov s sodelavci- je njen novi moto, ko je bila že mnogokrat ranjena. Ko privoli, da se bo udeležila poroke, se je tam kmalu ločila od ostalih in začela piti sama, vendar ne za dolgo. Mr. Suit je skušnjava z južnim naglasom, neurejenimi blond lasmi in nepremagljivo spolno privlačnostjo. Vse okoli njega vpije o slabostih, vendar jo prepriča, da znova premisli o svojih pravilih o eni noči. 

Navsezadnje se pravila lahko kršijo.

Oba si želita isto- eno strastno noč, nato pa bosta odšla vsak svojo pot. Nobenega ljubkovanja pozneje. Nobenih telefonskih klicev naslednji dan. Nobenih čudnih poslavljanj. Škoda, da ima svet za njiju druge načrte- vse to bi bilo mogoče, če se ne bi oba pokazala v službi na ponedeljkovo jutro.

*Sodobna romanca z južno dramo. Tole je druga knjiga v zbirki Bishop Brothers. Vsaka knjiga spremlja drugega brata in se lahko bere samostojno. Ni primerna za bralce mlajše od 18 let, ker vsebuje odrasle izraze in seksualne prizore.




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Brooke Cumberland & Lyra Parish are a duo of romance authors who teamed up to write under the USA Today Bestselling pseudonym, KENNEDY FOX. They share a love of You’ve Got Mail and The Holiday. When they aren’t bonding over romantic comedies, they like to brainstorm new book ideas. One day, they decided to collaborate and have some fun creating new characters that’ll make your lady bits tingle and your heart melt. If you enjoy romance stories with sexy, tattooed alpha males and smart, independent women, then a Kennedy Fox book is for you! 

Brooke Cumberland & Lyra Parish sta dve romantični pisateljici, ki uporabljata skupni psevdonim KENNEDY FOX. Obe obožujeta You've Got Mail (Čaka te pošta) in The Holiday (Počitnice). Ko ne gledala romantičnih komedij, ustvarjata nove ideje o knjigah. Nekega dne sta se odločili za sodelovanje in se zelo zabavali med ustvarjenjem novih likov, ki vas dame osvajajo in vaše srce stopijo. Če uživate v seksi romantičnih zgodbah, tetoviranih in pametnih alfa moških, neodvisnih žensk, potem so njune knjige prave za vas. 

Keep up with all their social media platforms for updates & info! (Spremljate ju lahko na družbenih omrežjih): 

Happy reading, Knjigoljubka Maja

ponedeljek, 9. april 2018


Title (Naslov): Rebel Heir
Book One in the Rush Series duet (prva knjiga v duetu Rush)

Author (Avtor): Penelope Ward & Vi Keeland

New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestselling Authors

Genre (Kategorija): contemporary romance (sodobna romantika)

Release date (Datum izida): 4/9/2018 (9.4.2018)


How to kick off a great summer in the Hamptons:

Snag a gorgeous rental on the beach. Check. 

Get a job at a trendy summer haunt. Check.

How to screw up a great summer in the Hamptons:

Fall for the one guy with a dark leather jacket, scruff on his face, and intense eyes that doesn’t fit in with the rest of the tony looking crowd. A guy you can’t have when you’ll be leaving at the end of the season.

Check. Check. Check.

I should add—especially when the guy is your sexy, tattooed God of a boss.

Especially when he not only owns your place of employment but inherited half of the town.

Especially when he’s mean to you.

Or so I thought.

Until one night when he demanded I get in his car so he could drive me home because he didn’t want me walking in the dark.

That was sort of how it all started with Rush.

And then little by little, some of the walls of this hardass man started to come down.

I never expected that the two of us, seemingly opposites from the outside, would grow so close.

I wasn't supposed to fall for the rebel heir, especially when he made it clear he didn’t want to cross the line with me.

As the temperature turned cooler, the nights became hotter. My summer became a lot more interesting—and complicated.

All good things must come to an end, right?

Except our ending was one I didn’t see coming.

Rebel Heir is the first book in the Rush Series Duet. Book Two, Rebel Heart, will release six weeks later on May, 22, 2018.

Kako preživeti najboljše poletje v Hamptonsu:

Najeti krasno hišo na plaži. Kljukica.

Dobiti službo v popularnem poletnem lokalu. Kljukica.

Kako si uničiti najboljše počitnice  v Hamptonsu:

Zaljubiti se v fanta s temno usnjeno jakno, čudovitim obrazom in izrazitimi očmi, ki se ne ujemajo z vso ostalo postavo. Fant, ki ga ne moreš imeti, ker boš ob koncu sezone odšla.

Kljukica. Kljukica. Kljukica.

Morala bi si dati- še posebej, ko je fant tako seksi, tetovirati God of a boos (šef Bogov).

Še posebej, ker on ni samo lastnik lokala kjer delam, ampak je podedoval polovico mesta.

Še posebej, ker je nesramen do mene.

Tako sem mislila.

Do tiste noči, ko je zahteval, da me pelje domov s svojim avtom, ker ni želel, da hodim po temi.

Tako se je z Rushem vse začelo.

Potem so se zidovi okoli njega počasi začeli spuščati.

Nikoli si nisem mislila, da bi se midva, na pogled čisto drugačna, lahko tako zbližala.

Nisem se nameravala zaljubiti v uporniškega dediča, še posebej, ko mi je jasno povedal, da ne želi prečkati svoje meje z mano.

Ko se je temperatura ohladila, so noči postale toplejše. Moje poletje je postalo veliko bolj zanimivo- in komplicirano.

Vendar se vse dobre stvari enkrat končajo, kajne?

Razen, da najinega konca nisem videla.

Rebel Heir je prva knjiga v zbirki the Rush series Duet. Druga knjiga Rebel Heart bo izšla šest tednov kasneje, 22. maja 2018.


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VI KEELAND is a #1 New York Times, #1 Wall Street Journal, and Today Bestselling author. With more than a million and a half books sold, her titles have appeared in over ninety Bestseller lists and are currently translated in twenty languages. She resides in New York with her husband and their three children where she is living her own happily ever after with the boy she met at age six. 

VI KEELAND je ena izmed najbolj prodajanih pisateljic po svetu. Prodala je milijon in pol knjig. Njene knjige so se pojavile na devetdesetih listah najbolj prodajanih knjig po svetu in so prevedene v dvajset jezikov. Z možem in tremi otroki živi v New Yorku. Našla je svoj "Skupaj za vedno" s svojim možem, ki ga je spoznala pri šestih letih.

Connect with Vi Keeland (Vi Keeland lahko spremljate na njenih družbenih omrežjih): 

PENELOPE WARD is New York Times, USA Today, and #1 Wall Street Journal Bestselling author. She grown up in Boston with five older brothers and spent most of her twenties as a television news anchor. Penelope resided in Rhode Island with her husband, son and beautiful daughter with autism. With over a million books sold, she is a seventeen-time New York Times bestseller and the author of over fifteen novels, including RoomHate which hit #2 on the New York Times bestseller list and #1 on the Wall Street Journal bestseller list. Other New York Times bestsellers include Stepbrother Dearest, Neighbor Dearest, Drunk Dial, Cocky Bastard, Stuck-Up Suit, Playboy Pilot and Mister Moneybags (the latter four co-written with Vi Keeland). 

PENELOPE WARD je ena izmed najbolj prodajanih pisateljic po svetu. Odrasla je v Bostonu skupaj s petimi brati. V svojih dvajsetih letih je delala na televiziji kot gostiteljica novic. Stanuje na Rhode Islandu z možem, sinom in prelepo hčerko z avtizmom. Prodala je na milijone knjig, sedemnajstkrat postala najbolj prodajana pisateljica po New York Timesu. Skupaj je napisala petnajst romanov, tudi RoomHate, ki kraljuje na prvih mestih lestvice Wall Street Journal Bestseller. Ostale najbolj prodajane knjige so Stepbrother Dearest (Prepovedana Romanca), Neighbor Dearest, Drunk Dial, Cocky Bastard, Stuck-up Suit, Playboy Pilot in Mister Moneybags (zadnje štiri je napisala skupaj s pisateljico Vi Keeland).

Connect with Penelope Ward (Penelope Ward lahko spremljate na njenih družbenih omrežjih): 

Happy reading, Knjigoljubka Maja

torek, 3. april 2018


Title (Naslov): Angels Fall
Series (Zbirka): Original Sin #2
Author (Avtor): JA Huss & Johnathan McClain
Genre (Kategorija): Romantic Suspense (napeta romantika)
Publication date (Datum izida): March 27, 2018 (27. marec 2018)


Sometimes angels fall.

Maddie doesn’t really owe drug lord, Carlos Castillo, money. So she hadn’t taken his threats seriously. Until now. He wants it, whether she owes it or not. And if she doesn’t have it in six weeks he’s gonna take her as payment instead.

Tyler would save the world if he could. That’s a fight that lasts forever. And if there’s one thing he’s good at, it’s fighting. So if Maddie thinks she’s gonna deal with an insane drug lord on her own, she’s crazier than he is.

She’s got a debt she can’t pay. He’s got more money than he needs.
She’s not gonna fall for his charm. He’s gonna make sure that happens.

They’re destined to be together. Even if Maddie doesn’t know it yet.
Sometimes your soul mate isn’t who you’d choose, it’s who you need.

Good thing you don’t get to choose. 

Včasih angel pade.

Maddie resnično ne dolguje denarja lordu drog Carlosu Castillo. Zato njegovih groženj ni jemala resno. Do sedaj. On želi dolg nazaj, če mu dolguje ali ne. Če mu ne more plačati, bo v šestih tednih vzel njo namesto plačila.

Tayler bi rešil svet, če bi ga lahko. To je boj, ki lahko traja večno. Boj je zadeva v kateri je dober. Če Maddie misli, da se lahko sama sooči z lordom drog, potem je še bolj nora kot on.

Ona je v dvomih, kako bo plačala dolg. On ima več denarja kot ga potrebuje.
Ona ne bo padla na njegov šarm. On se bo potrudil, da se bo to zgodilo.

Usojena sta si biti skupaj. Čeprav Maddie tega še ne ve.
Včasih tvoja sorodna duša ni tisti, ki ga izbereš, ampak tisti, ki ga potrebuješ.

Dobre stvari si ne moreš izbirati.

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“Who the fuck invited you?” I snarl at Tyler. “And how the hell did you even find out where I live?”
“I stopped by Pete’s. Met Pete. Sweet guy, by the way. I would’ve imagined a strip club owner as being kinda—”
“Pete told you where I live?” Jesus. Thanks, Pete. Fuck.
“No, no, not exactly.” Tyler’s standing way too close to me now. The girls are pretending not to be able to hear him, but it’s clear they’re eavesdropping. I hope they’re better at fucking guys for money than they are at spying.
Tyler leans in closer still, and I really, really wish he would not do that. Because I hate him and don’t want him anywhere near me. Or maybe because I can feel the heat of his body and he kinda smells delicious. Which just pisses me off more because I hate him.
He lowers his voice and continues explaining how he found me. “Don’t be mad at Pete. He didn’t want to tell me where you live. Seems like a really ethical guy.”
“Except he did tell you where I live.”
“Well, yeah, but it cost me five grand.” My eyes go wide. “I mean, he’s ethical for, y’know, a guy who runs a strip joint.”
 Nope. This is not going down like this. “Get. Out.” I’m pointing at the door now.
“No!” Diane whines. “No, no, no. We’re just getting to know him, Maddie! Oh, my God. This guy. Where the hell have you been hiding him all these months?”
“Where have I been hiding him?” I see red as I go to him, hands out, and slam them into his chest. The force of my push makes him step back… half a step. Maybe. “I wasn’t hiding him anywhere, you traitors! This asshole ducked out on me years ago. And when I needed him, when I was begging him to—”  I shake my head to clear my mind. “And then he shows back up and thinks everything’s gonna be fine just because we fucked a couple of times when I didn’t know it was him!”
There’s a beat before Annie says, “You fucked him?” with, like, way more excitement in her voice than she should.
“Not the point!” I shout as I slam my hands into his chest again.
But this time, he grabs my wrist and stops me, saying, “Can we please talk?”
I struggle in his grip, but he holds tight. I clench my teeth and spit, “Let go of me.”
He does. Immediately. Both hands up as if in surrender.
I decide to change my strategy. Because clearly Tyler Morgan is being Tyler Morgan. He attracts people to him like a siren song calling sailors to the rocks. He knows how to play up the act he perfected long ago. Seemingly genuine, charismatic, and fascinating as he leads the rest of us to our destruction.
So I pull the friend card out and whirl around to face Annie, Diane, and Caroline. Taking a deep breath, I say, “He’s not what you think,” in the calmest tone I can muster. My voice is shaky. My hands are trembling with anger. But I hold it together. “He ruined me,” I say. “He broke me into tiny pieces, dropped me to the ground, and walked all over me.”
Annie just stares at me, confused.
“What do you mean?” Diane asks.
“He left me, Diane. After Scotty died. He left me alone. He never came back. He never even showed up for his funeral. I begged him,” I say, starting to cry. “I begged him and he told me to stop. He just went on with his life like nothing happened. Like my brother didn’t just die the most horrific death possible. Like what we all meant to each other was meaningless. So I hope one of those stories he told you about our childhood included that little fact. And then…” I continue, drawing in a deep breath, willing the strength it takes to get this last part in so I can twist that knife in his chest the way he did mine. “And then he went off and made millions of dollars. Been living it up in a goddamned penthouse, no cares at all. No worries at all. While I’ve been back here…”
But I lose it there. I can’t say the words selling myself. Because I’ll die right now if I have to say that. I’ll die.
 There’s a filled beat while everyone stares at Tyler, who never breaks eye contact with me. And I really wish he would. Because his eyes are sad and hurt-looking and no fucking way will I fall for that shit. No. Fucking. Way.
Caroline mutters, “He’s a millionaire?”
Jesus Christ.


#1 Sin With Me



#3 Flesh Into Fire - Releasing April 17, 2018

#4 Passion Rising - Releasing May 8, 2018


Two accomplished writers come together to create unforgettable sexy romance. JA HUSS is the New York Times bestselling author of 321 and has been on the USA Today bestsellers list eighteen times. JOHNATHAN MCCLAIN is a veteran actor and writer whose work, either performed or written, is probably airing on at least one of the channels on your television right now. You can contact them on their website or find them at their social links below.

Dva izurjena pisatelja sta združila moči in ustvarila nepozabne seksi romance. 
JA HUSS je najbolj prodajana pisateljica po New York Timesu, pisateljica 321 knjig in je bila na osemnajstkrat na lestvici najbolj prodajanih USA Today. JOHNATHAN MCCLAIN je veteranski igralec in pisatelj katerega dela (tako igrana kot zapisana) so predvajana na vsaj enem televizijskem programu, ki ga gledate. Lahko se povežete z njima na njuni spletni strani ali pa jih poiščete na povezavah spodaj.

Stalk JA Huss (Povezave do JA Huss):  FACEBOOK    TWITTER    INSTAGRAM

Stalk Johnathan McClain (Povezave do Johnathana McClaina):  FACEBOOK    TWITTER    INSTAGRAM

Join their Facebook Fan Group (pridruži se njuni Facebook skupini):  FACEBOOK GROUP


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With love, Knjigoljubka Maja