torek, 6. marec 2018


Title (Naslov): Sin With Me
Original Sin Series Book One
Author (Avtor): JA Huss & Johnathan McClain
Genre (Kategorija): Romantic Suspense (napeta romantika
Publication date (Datum izida): March 6, 2018 (6. marec 2018)


Sin with Me is the first book in a four-book contemporary romance series by New York Times bestselling author, JA Huss, and veteran actor and writer, Johnathan McClain. Each full-length novel will release three weeks apart starting on March 6, 2018.

Two broken people in a city fueled by sin.

Maddie isn’t looking to be saved. She knows the only person you can count on is yourself. Her moral compass might not point true North these days—but at least she’s still standing.

The Military taught Tyler about loyalty. Being there for your brothers is the only thing that matters—but when it mattered most, he wasn’t.

She’s got a ticket straight to Hell. He’s already been there and back.
Some sins scar your soul so deeply, you’ll never be the same.

But this Devil in disguise might just be the angel he needs to forgive himself.

Sin With Me je prva knjiga izmed štirih v zbirki sodobnih romanc najbolj prodajane pisateljice JA Huss in veteranskega igralca in pisatelja Johnathana McClaina. Vsake tri tedne bo izšla ena knjiga v zbirki od 6. marca dalje.


Dva zlomljena človeka v mestu napojenem z grehom.

Maddie se ne želi rešiti. Ve, da se zanese lahko samo sama nase. Njen kompas trenutno ne kaže severa-ampak vsaj še stoji.

Vojska je Taylerja naučila kaj pomeni svoboda. Stati ob strani svojemu bratu, to je edino kar je trenutno pomembno-vendar, ko je bilo to najpomembnejše ni bil tam.

Dobila je vstopnico za pekel. On je že bil tam in nazaj. 
Nekateri grehi zaznamujejo tvojo dušo tako močno, da nikoli več nisi enak.

Vendar ta hudič je le angel v preobleki, ki mu je potrebno odpustiti.



   I lift my gaze to look up at her face one more time. Her head is back, her eyes are closed, and I hear a moan of yearning as I press my mouth forward and she feels my warm breath on the entrance of her beautiful, bare pussy.
   The world has disappeared. We are not in an alley behind a strip club. We are on a cloud. High above everyone and everything. We are ascending. And I am intent on taking her higher and higher until the earth falls far away and we are both transported from the poison and pain of this small world.
    At least for a moment.
   I gently kiss the inside of her thighs. First the right, then the left. Then I nuzzle my nose against the soft, already wet space between her legs. I breathe in deep, taking in every bit of the way she smells. I can’t get enough. I want to bury my face inside of her warmth and let her become my oxygen.
   I can’t get close enough down on my knees as I am, so I grab her around the waist, throw her legs over my shoulders, and rise up to my full height so that I can keep her placed directly above my greedy mouth.
   I flick my tongue against the folds of her opening and her knees shudder. So I lick more slowly—I don’t want her to come just yet—parting her wider with my fingers and letting my tongue slide inside. She tastes even better than she smells. Like the ocean on a perfect summer day.
   I find her clit and wrap the whole of my mouth around it, building up pressure on her with my tongue and pulling back until I hear her say, “Oh, my God. Oh, my God, what are you doing to me?” And now I’m sucking and smiling at the same time.
   I pull my mouth off long enough to look up and say, “Just getting started…"




Two accomplished writers come together to create unforgettable sexy romance. JA HUSS is the New York Times bestselling author of 321 and has been on the USA Today bestsellers list eighteen times. JOHNATHAN MCCLAIN is a veteran actor and writer whose work, either performed or written, is probably airing on at least one of the channels on your television right now. You can contact them on their website or find them at their social links below.

Dva izurjena pisatelja sta združila moči in ustvarila nepozabne seksi romance. 
JA HUSS je najbolj prodajana pisateljica po New York Timesu, pisateljica 321 knjig in je bila na osemnajstkrat na lestvici najbolj prodajanih USA Today. JOHNATHAN MCCLAIN je veteranski igralec in pisatelj katerega dela (tako igrana kot zapisana) so predvajana na vsaj enem televizijskem programu, ki ga gledate. Lahko se povežete z njima na njuni spletni strani ali pa jih poiščete na povezavah spodaj.

Stalk Julie (Povezave do Julie):  FACEBOOK    TWITTER    INSTAGRAM

Stalk Johnathan (Povezave do Johnathana):  FACEBOOK    TWITTER    INSTAGRAM

Join their Facebook Fan Group (pridruži se njuni Facebook skupini):  FACEBOOK GROUP


5 $100 Gifts Cards - and 25 signed copies of Sin With Me (Both authors) 
ends 3.26.2018

Look these covers! Poglejte te naslovnice!
With love, Knjigoljubka Maja

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