četrtek, 15. februar 2018


Title (Naslov): Dark Wish
Author (Avtor): Yumoyory W Wilson
Genre (Kategorija): Adult (odrasli), Paranormal (paranormalno), Romance (romantika)

Publication date (Datum izida): September 8th 2017 (8. september 2017)


What do you get when you add free and dumb? 
Recommended for 18+ audience, containing mature sexual content and strong language.

My name is Makoto Heart and I’ve always wished for a chance at freedom. Every day, I prayed before the Starlight gods, asking for their divine assistance in accomplishing such a difficult task.
Being an experiment for as long as I can remember, my hopes of obtaining freedom have diminished, drastically. The disappointment haunted me, as myself and my spirits struggled to survive. I had no hope left, believing my final plea fell upon deaf ears, yet again.
But what happens when my prayers are finally answered? I’m thrust into fulfilling a destiny, with the help of six star knights. Suddenly, I am no longer experiment 555, but the stolen princess of Heila.
Freedom, how you have teased my troubled soul. May the Starlight gods guide me and my knights, on this path towards the unknown.
~In Stars We Trust~
Dark Wish is an extraordinary new paranormal reverse harem series

Kaj dobiš ko združiš svo in dobo?
Priporočamo za bralce starejše od 18 let, vsebuje odrasle seksualne prizore in vulgarne besede.

Moje ime je Makoto Heart in vedno sem hotela priložnost za svobodo. Vsak dan sem molila pred bogovi Starlights, prosila sem jih za njihovo božjo pomoč in da bi dosegla to težko nalogo. 
Tako dolgo kot pomnim, sem bila eksperiment, zato se je moje upanje po svobodi drastično zmanjšalo. Razočaranje me je priganjalo, tako jaz kot moja duša sva se borili za preživetje. Nimam več upanja, verjamem, da je moja zadnja prošnja ponovno padla na gluha ušesa. 
Ampak kaj se zgodi, ko so moje molitve končno uslišane? Jaz sem namen v izpolnjevanju usode s pomočjo šest zvezdnih vitezov. Nenadoma nisem več eksperiment 555, ampak ukradena princesa Heila.
Svoboda zdaj si okusila mojo težavno dušo. Naj bogovi Starlight vodijo mene in moje viteze po tej poti neznanega.
~Zvezdnim zaupamo~
Dark Wish je nenavadna nova paranormalna obratna harem zbirka


Why is it so cold or is his tingle inducing voice doing that?

"If you were wearing clothes, maybe you would feel, you know, less chilly?” Rose suggested, sounding uninterested in my current dilemma.

panicked, glancing down to see myself wearing only a pink laced bra and matching panties. Karen had given me a spare set of clothes to change into that were more feminine, reassuring me I’d have more selection and school uniform by tomorrow.

swear to starlight, I put something on before I slept...

"If you're referring to the sheet that you grabbed off the side of the bed, wrapping yourself up like a caterpillar cocooning itself for hibernation, and face planting into the bed, then yes. You essentially put something on.” Lexi mused, enjoyment oozing off her usual mellow voice.

groaned, putting my head into my hands. If I could die from embarrassment, this would be the moment. First night sleeping in a house filled with boys and I’d miraculously broke into one of the rooms, snuck myself into an occupied bed, and now was on full display like an underwear model.

Talk about first impressions.



ADD TO GOODREADS (s klikom na napis, lahko knjigo dodaš na svoj Goodreads)


YUMOYORI W WILSON is from Toronto, Ontario. She loves to sleep and write her days away. She works at night as a registered nurse. She has a little addiction to bubble tea and coffee but loves to workout. She has big plans for the writing world and can't wait to share them with everyone.

YUMOYORI W WILSON prihaja iz Toronta, Ontario. Rada spi in piše več dni. Ponoči dela kot izučena medicinska sestra. Malo je odvisna od čaja z mehurčki in kave, vendar rada telovadi. Kar se tiče pisanja ima velike načrte in komaj čaka, da jih deli z bralci. 

Connect with Yumoyori (Yumoyori lahko spremljate na njenih spletnih straneh): 


Enjoy reading, Knjigoljubka Maja

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