Genre (Kategorija): Romantic Suspense (napeta romantika)
Release date (Datum izida): December 5 (5. december)
Ona me je spremenila v boljšega moža, ampak še vedno nisem dovolj dober, da jo obdržim.
Rojen in vzgojen sem v Brooklynu, s tetoviranimi rokami, mišičastim telesom in brezčutnim pogledom- sem kakršen sem. Poredni fant od katerega se mora držati stran.
Vedel sem, da ne bova dolgo skupaj. Ampak kakšen okus imajo njena usta, kako se njene obline prilagajajo mojim rokam... Nisem je mogel pustiti. Naredil sem vse, da bi jo obdržal.
Dal sem prstan na njeno roko in si uredil življenje. Vse samo za njo.
Moral bi storiti več.
Ena napaka naju je spravila narazen in ne vem več kaj narediti, da se vrne vse kar sva imela.
Vedel sem, da ne bo trajalo, ampak če bi lahko bil z njo samo še enkrat...Vem da zmorem ponovno.
Glejte me. Ljubim svojo ljubico; ne bom je izgubil ponovno.
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WILLOW WINTERS is so happy to be a USA Today, Wall Street Journal and #1 Contemporary Bestselling Romance author. She likes her action hot and her bad boys hotter. She certainly doesn't hold back on either one in her writing!
Willow started writing after having her little girl, Evie, December 2015. All during her pregnancy with Evie she continued to read and she only wanted to read romance. She was reading a book a day — sometimes two.
In January 2016 Willow was staying up late with Evie and just thinking of all these stories. They came to her constantly so she finally sat down and just started writing. She always wanted to do it so she figured, why not? Today Willow cannot be happier for making that decision!
She made me a better man, but I still wasn’t good enough to keep her.
Born and raised in Brooklyn, with sleeve tattoos, ripped muscle and a cold-hearted stare, I am who I am. The bad boy she knew to stay away from.
I knew we were never supposed to last. But the way her lips tasted, the way her curves felt under my hands… I couldn’t let go. I did everything I could to keep her.
I put on a ring on her finger and straightened out my life. All for her.
I should’ve known better.
One mistake tore us apart and I don’t know what I can do to salvage what we once had.
I knew it wasn’t supposed to last, but if I could make her stay with me once... I can do it again.
Watch me. I love my sweetheart; I’m not losing her again.
Ona me je spremenila v boljšega moža, ampak še vedno nisem dovolj dober, da jo obdržim.
Rojen in vzgojen sem v Brooklynu, s tetoviranimi rokami, mišičastim telesom in brezčutnim pogledom- sem kakršen sem. Poredni fant od katerega se mora držati stran.
Vedel sem, da ne bova dolgo skupaj. Ampak kakšen okus imajo njena usta, kako se njene obline prilagajajo mojim rokam... Nisem je mogel pustiti. Naredil sem vse, da bi jo obdržal.
Dal sem prstan na njeno roko in si uredil življenje. Vse samo za njo.
Moral bi storiti več.
Ena napaka naju je spravila narazen in ne vem več kaj narediti, da se vrne vse kar sva imela.
Vedel sem, da ne bo trajalo, ampak če bi lahko bil z njo samo še enkrat...Vem da zmorem ponovno.
Glejte me. Ljubim svojo ljubico; ne bom je izgubil ponovno.
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Damn me for what I’ve done,
Hate me for the lie.
Let the web weave and thread,
But don’t let what we have die.
I know it in my blood,
She’s mine to keep and hold.
I’ll stop fighting only once,
When I’m dead and cold.
The piles of dirt are getting larger. The metal shovels pierce the frozen soil. The sound cuts through my bones, one and then another and another.
It’s been constant as I stand here, helpless. I’ve never been colder, the wind and bitter snow beseiging my body, but I still don’t move.
I can’t take my eyes from the two graves.
The shovels spill the dirt, the piles mounting as my eyes drift to the tombstones.
The first my father, a man who died before his time. A death of tragedy.
And then to my wife’s. My love’s. Gone before her time. No one believes me. He put her there. James killed her.
My eyes pop open wide when I hear Kat whisper, “It’s all your fault.”
I wake up breathless, my heart pounding and I swear I can feel Kat’s hot breath on my neck even though I’m alone. My eyes dart around the room as I slowly lift my body into a sitting position on the bed.
Just a terror. The same as last night.
I’m quick to grab the video monitor for the security system from the nightstand and flick the button on to bring it to life. I had it installed after the break-in.
It’s only when I see Kat in our bed, that my heart starts to calm, and my heated skin seems to succumb to the chill of reality.
She’s okay.
I close my eyes and when I open them, it’s an image of her rolling over in bed. To my side. My fingers brush the glass where she is. I’ll be there soon. I’ll be with her and it’ll all be over. I won’t let her down.
WILLOW WINTERS is so happy to be a USA Today, Wall Street Journal and #1 Contemporary Bestselling Romance author. She likes her action hot and her bad boys hotter. She certainly doesn't hold back on either one in her writing!
In January 2016 Willow was staying up late with Evie and just thinking of all these stories. They came to her constantly so she finally sat down and just started writing. She always wanted to do it so she figured, why not? Today Willow cannot be happier for making that decision!
WILLOW WINTERS je zelo srečna, ker je pristala med najbolj prodajanimi pisatelji sodobnih ljubezenskih romanov. Rada ima vroče akcije in še bolj vroče poredne fante. Vsekakor tega pri pisanju ne skriva.
Willow je začela pisati, ko je rodila svojo deklico Evie, decembra 2015. Celotno nosečnost je nadaljevala z branjem knjig, brati pa je želela samo romance. Prebrala je knjigo na dan, včasih celo dve.
Januarja 2016 je ostajala pozno pokonci zaradi Evie in razmišljala o zgodbah. Zgodbe so se ji pojavljale v glavi, zato se je odločila, da začne pisati. Vedno si je to želela, zato si je rekla, zakaj pa ne. Danes ne more biti bolj srečna kot je, ker se je tako odločila.
Willow je začela pisati, ko je rodila svojo deklico Evie, decembra 2015. Celotno nosečnost je nadaljevala z branjem knjig, brati pa je želela samo romance. Prebrala je knjigo na dan, včasih celo dve.
Januarja 2016 je ostajala pozno pokonci zaradi Evie in razmišljala o zgodbah. Zgodbe so se ji pojavljale v glavi, zato se je odločila, da začne pisati. Vedno si je to želela, zato si je rekla, zakaj pa ne. Danes ne more biti bolj srečna kot je, ker se je tako odločila.
You can easily find Willow Winters online (Willow Winters lahko najdete na spletu):
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