Series (Zbirka): New York Knights #1
Author (Avtor): Anna B. Doe
Genre (Kategorija): NA romance (romantika)
Cover design (oblikovanje naslovnice): Emily Witting, Emily
Witting Designs and Photography
Release date (Datum izida): 22.7.2017
I don't know what I want to do with my life. The only thing I am sure of is that this is not what I imagined my life to be. So, instead of staying and trying to figure out what is wrong, I choose to run away. I choose the unknown. I choose the adventure.
My name is Anabel Majer, and I'm lost.
I have it all-well, almost all: family, health, money, fame, career, women, you name it. The only thing I am missing is a Super Bowl ring-or so I thought until the night everything changed. One night, a small Tinkerbell collided with my life, and I am gone.
My name is William Price, and I found her.
She is everything he wanted.
He is everything she needed to stay away from.
What happens if at the end of the journey you lose more than you find?
Ne vem več kaj si želim početi v svojem življenju. Edina stvar v katero sem prepričana je, da si takega življenja nisem predstavljala. Namesto, da bi poskušala ugotoviti kaj počnem narobe, sem raje pobegnila od tega. Pustila sem se v nevednosti in izbrala pustolovščino.
Moje ime je Anabel Majer in sem izgubljena.
Imel sem skoraj vse: družino, zdravje, denar, slavo, kariero, ženske. Edina stvar, ki mi je manjkala je Super Bowl prstan. Vsaj tako sem mislil do tiste noči, ki je spremenila vse. Neko noč je v moje življenje vstopila majhna Zvončica in bil sem izgubljen.
Moje ime je William Price in našel sem njo.
Ona je vse kar si je želel.
Ne vem več kaj si želim početi v svojem življenju. Edina stvar v katero sem prepričana je, da si takega življenja nisem predstavljala. Namesto, da bi poskušala ugotoviti kaj počnem narobe, sem raje pobegnila od tega. Pustila sem se v nevednosti in izbrala pustolovščino.
Moje ime je Anabel Majer in sem izgubljena.
Imel sem skoraj vse: družino, zdravje, denar, slavo, kariero, ženske. Edina stvar, ki mi je manjkala je Super Bowl prstan. Vsaj tako sem mislil do tiste noči, ki je spremenila vse. Neko noč je v moje življenje vstopila majhna Zvončica in bil sem izgubljen.
Moje ime je William Price in našel sem njo.
Ona je vse kar si je želel.
On je vse kar je potrebovala.
Kaj se zgodi, ko na koncu potovanja izgubiš več, kot najdeš?
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“Hey handsome.” One of the three girls slides in between J.D. and me.
She leans into me, her hand gripping my bicep. I can smell the heavy perfume
that surrounds her. “Whatcha drinkin’?”
She smiles sweetly, but I can’t be deceived with sweet innocent smiles,
especially not when at the same time, she is showing me not just a good amount
of cleavage with her lacy bra, but also pressing her boobs against my upper
Money, fame, and sex—I’ve been in the world of professional football
for a few years now, and I know how to recognize girls who are interested in
one out of three or all three things, not necessarily in that order.
“Beer,” I say, rolling my eyes in my mind. It’s not like I’m not
holding a bottle right in my hand. “Want some?”
She bats her long eyelashes and gives me a sly smile.
They all discuss what they want to drink and she gets on her toes to
get closer to my ear so I can hear her better, pressing her whole body into
mine. I offer to go get it, just so I can move from the table for a few minutes
and breathe something not as intoxicating as her strong perfume.
“I’ll go with you,” J.D. says, and we both start walking through the
crowd to the nearest bar.
We don’t make it but a few steps before I hear Matt calling after us.
I turn around and see him signal for another round for them too. Just
as I continue after J.D., I feel a small body collide with mine.
Everything happens so fast.
I put one hand on her stomach, and with my other, I catch her hand to
steady her. Long strands of dark hair caress my hand. They are soft and silky,
and I feel heat and electricity running through my body.
She is so small, some would say tiny even. The top of her head doesn’t
quite reach my chin. Even in a club with smoke, alcohol, and sweat, I can smell
her fresh scent, sweet and flowery.
For a nanosecond, I meet her gaze.
Despite the dark, I can see her eye color—it’s the prettiest,
strangest shade of blue I’ve ever seen in my life—piercing, dark, and shiny.
I got suked into this book from the beginning and I loved every part of it. This is a really sweet, funny, well-written new adult romance. It's great for summer reads. -KnjigoljubkaThe drama was so different than other romance novels that I have come across. The complexity was intense. The angst and the hope I have these character was so surreal. Lost and Found is a book that is one-click worthy! -Crystal's Book World
I love how different this book is from the other football stories. -RosemaryLove17
Will is a football player and Anabel is au pair working in the US. They have an instant connection but their romance is a slow burn one. -Amazeballs Book Addicts
I love how the whole storyline has been portrayed. The story makes sure you stay on the edge of your seat. Such a gripping, nail biting read that will leave you waiting to turn those pages till you have devoured the entire book. -Amanda Williams
ANNA B. DOE is an indie author of the contemporary romance novel Lost & Found, book one in the New York Knights series. She is also a college student at the University of Zadar in Croatia where she is studying education science and Spanish. When she isn't studying (which is most of the time), she's reading books, watching TV shows, or traveling the world working as an au pair. She is addicted to coffee and a big lover of dogs. Anna writes what she loves to read, which is romance. She is currently working on the second book in the New York Knights series and the first of her new YA series.ANNA B. DOE je neodvisna pisateljica sodobnega romantičnega romana Lost & Found, ki je prva knjiga v zbirki the New York Knights. Je študentka na Univerzi v Zadru na Hrvaškem, kjer študira znanstvene študije in španščino. Ko ne študira, bere knjige, gleda televizijske nanizanke ter potuje po svetu, kjer dela kot au pair. Anna je tudi velika ljubiteljica kave in psov. Piše take zgodbe, ki jih rada tudi sam prebira in to so romantične. Trenutno je zaposlena s svojo drugo knjigo v zbirki the New York Knights in s prvo knjigo v novi mladinski (YA) zbirki.
You can find out more about Anna online (Več o Anni lahko najdete na njenih družbenih omrežjih):
Meni je bila knjiga fantastična!
Happy reading, Knjigoljubka Maja
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