Title (Naslov): Park Avenue Player
Author (Avtor): New York Times Bestselling Authors Penelope Ward & Vi Keeland
Genre (kategorija): A Standalone Contemporary Romance (samostojna sodobna romantika)
Release Date (datum izida): September 23, 2019 (23. september 2019)
Photographer (Fotograf): Hudson Taylor
Cover Designer (oblikovanje naslovnice): Letitia Hasser, RBA designs
PENELOPE WARD is New York Times, USA Today, and #1 Wall Street Journal Bestselling author of contemporary romance.
She grew up in Boston with five older brothers and spent most of her twenties as a television news anchor. Penelope resides in Rhode Island with her husband, son, and beautiful daughter with autism.
With over two million books sold, she is a 21-time New York Times bestseller and the author of over twenty novels. Her books have been translated into over a dozen languages and can be found in bookstores around the world.
PENELOPE WARD je ena izmed najbolj prodajanih pisateljic po svetu.
Odraščala je v Bostonu skupaj s petimi brati. Svoja dvajseta leta je preživela na televiziji kot gostiteljica novic. Penelope stanuje na Rhode Islandu z možem, sinom in čudovito deklico z avtizmom.
Prodala je 2 milijona knjig in 21-krat postala najbolj prodajana pisateljica po New York Timesu. Izdala je več kot dvajset romanov. Njene knjige so bile prevedene v več jezikov in se prodajajo po celem svetu.
Find Penelope here (Penelope lahko najdete na družbenih omrežjih):
VI KEELAND is a #1 New York Times, #1 Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Bestselling author. With millions of books sold, her titles have appeared in over a hundred Bestseller lists and are currently translated in twenty-five languages. She resides in New York with her husband and their three children where she is living out her own happily ever after with the boy she met at age six.
VI KEELAND je ena izmed najbolj prodajanih pisateljic po svetu. Prodala je na milijone knjig. Njene knjige so se pojavile na stotih listah najbolj prodajanih knjig po svetu in so prevedene v petindvajset jezikov. Z možem in tremi otroki živi v New Yorku. Našla je svoj "Skupaj za vedno" s svojim možem, ki ga je spoznala pri šestih letih.
Genre (kategorija): A Standalone Contemporary Romance (samostojna sodobna romantika)
Release Date (datum izida): September 23, 2019 (23. september 2019)
Photographer (Fotograf): Hudson Taylor
Cover Designer (oblikovanje naslovnice): Letitia Hasser, RBA designs

It started out like any normal day.
Then the fender bender happened.
The guy I collided with drove an expensive car and was drop-dead gorgeous. Too bad he was also a total jerk. We argued over whose fault it was and any other thing that came out of his condescending mouth.
Eventually, the police came and we went our separate ways. The insurance companies would have to figure things out. I had a job interview to get to anyway—one I was excited about.
Though that excitement changed to disappointment the moment the person interviewing me walked in. The guy from the accident.
Yeah, so I didn’t get the position.
The problem was, I really wanted it. No, I needed it. Anything to get me out of my current career and back into working with kids.
So, even though Hollis LaCroix was as intimidating as he was devastatingly handsome, I went back to see him and begged for a chance.
To my surprise, he gave me a shot taking care of his troubled niece.
At least my attraction to him wouldn’t be able to go anywhere. I wasn’t about to jeopardize my job or the strong bond Hailey and I formed.
But resisting the magnetic pull between us wasn’t that simple. (Then there was our little underwear game—don’t ask.)
We continued to flirt without crossing the line—until it finally happened.
This is the part of the story where we fall in love and live happily ever after, right?
Well, life has a way of throwing some major curveballs.
Ours was one I didn’t see coming.
Then the fender bender happened.
The guy I collided with drove an expensive car and was drop-dead gorgeous. Too bad he was also a total jerk. We argued over whose fault it was and any other thing that came out of his condescending mouth.
Eventually, the police came and we went our separate ways. The insurance companies would have to figure things out. I had a job interview to get to anyway—one I was excited about.
Though that excitement changed to disappointment the moment the person interviewing me walked in. The guy from the accident.
Yeah, so I didn’t get the position.
The problem was, I really wanted it. No, I needed it. Anything to get me out of my current career and back into working with kids.
So, even though Hollis LaCroix was as intimidating as he was devastatingly handsome, I went back to see him and begged for a chance.
To my surprise, he gave me a shot taking care of his troubled niece.
At least my attraction to him wouldn’t be able to go anywhere. I wasn’t about to jeopardize my job or the strong bond Hailey and I formed.
But resisting the magnetic pull between us wasn’t that simple. (Then there was our little underwear game—don’t ask.)
We continued to flirt without crossing the line—until it finally happened.
This is the part of the story where we fall in love and live happily ever after, right?
Well, life has a way of throwing some major curveballs.
Ours was one I didn’t see coming.
Začelo se je kot vsak normalen dan.
Potem pa sem čelno trčila z avtom.
Moški v katerega sem trčila, je vozil drag avto in bil čeden za umret. Škoda, da je bil totalni bebec. Prepirala sva se o tem kdo je kriv za nesrečo ter o vsem kar je prišlo ven iz njegovih vzvišenih ust.
Končno je prišla policija in sva lahko odšla vsak svojo pot. Zavarovalnica bo reševala naprej. Šla sem na razgovor za službo, katere sem se res veselila.
To veselje se je spremenilo, ko sem zagledala osebo s katero bom imela razgovor. Z moškim iz prometne nesreče.
Seveda nisem dobila priložnosti.
Zelo sem si želela te službe. Potrebovala sem jo. Karkoli, da me izvleče ven iz trenutne kariere in se vrnem v delo z otroki.
Čeprav je bil Hollis LaCroix ustrahovalen in presenetljivo čeden, sem se vrnila in ga prosila za priložnost.
Na moje presenečenje me je vzel na preizkus, da skrbim za njegovo problematično nečakinjo.
Vsaj moji privlačnosti ne bo treba nikamor. Nisem želela ogroziti moje službe zaradi močne vezi, ki se je ustvarila med Hailey in mano.
Ampak upirati se magnetni privlačnosti med nama ni bilo lahko. (Potem je tu še najina majhna igra spodnjega perila - ne sprašujte.)
Nadaljevala sva s spogledovanjem do meje - dokler se ni končno zgodilo.
To je del zgodbe, ko sva se zaljubila in živela srečno za vedno. Kajne?
Seveda ti življenje vrže kdaj drugačno žogo.
Najina je bila taka, da je nisem pričakovala.
Potem pa sem čelno trčila z avtom.
Moški v katerega sem trčila, je vozil drag avto in bil čeden za umret. Škoda, da je bil totalni bebec. Prepirala sva se o tem kdo je kriv za nesrečo ter o vsem kar je prišlo ven iz njegovih vzvišenih ust.
Končno je prišla policija in sva lahko odšla vsak svojo pot. Zavarovalnica bo reševala naprej. Šla sem na razgovor za službo, katere sem se res veselila.
To veselje se je spremenilo, ko sem zagledala osebo s katero bom imela razgovor. Z moškim iz prometne nesreče.
Seveda nisem dobila priložnosti.
Zelo sem si želela te službe. Potrebovala sem jo. Karkoli, da me izvleče ven iz trenutne kariere in se vrnem v delo z otroki.
Čeprav je bil Hollis LaCroix ustrahovalen in presenetljivo čeden, sem se vrnila in ga prosila za priložnost.
Na moje presenečenje me je vzel na preizkus, da skrbim za njegovo problematično nečakinjo.
Vsaj moji privlačnosti ne bo treba nikamor. Nisem želela ogroziti moje službe zaradi močne vezi, ki se je ustvarila med Hailey in mano.
Ampak upirati se magnetni privlačnosti med nama ni bilo lahko. (Potem je tu še najina majhna igra spodnjega perila - ne sprašujte.)
Nadaljevala sva s spogledovanjem do meje - dokler se ni končno zgodilo.
To je del zgodbe, ko sva se zaljubila in živela srečno za vedno. Kajne?
Seveda ti življenje vrže kdaj drugačno žogo.
Najina je bila taka, da je nisem pričakovala.
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PENELOPE WARD is New York Times, USA Today, and #1 Wall Street Journal Bestselling author of contemporary romance.
She grew up in Boston with five older brothers and spent most of her twenties as a television news anchor. Penelope resides in Rhode Island with her husband, son, and beautiful daughter with autism.
With over two million books sold, she is a 21-time New York Times bestseller and the author of over twenty novels. Her books have been translated into over a dozen languages and can be found in bookstores around the world.
PENELOPE WARD je ena izmed najbolj prodajanih pisateljic po svetu.
Odraščala je v Bostonu skupaj s petimi brati. Svoja dvajseta leta je preživela na televiziji kot gostiteljica novic. Penelope stanuje na Rhode Islandu z možem, sinom in čudovito deklico z avtizmom.
Prodala je 2 milijona knjig in 21-krat postala najbolj prodajana pisateljica po New York Timesu. Izdala je več kot dvajset romanov. Njene knjige so bile prevedene v več jezikov in se prodajajo po celem svetu.
VI KEELAND is a #1 New York Times, #1 Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Bestselling author. With millions of books sold, her titles have appeared in over a hundred Bestseller lists and are currently translated in twenty-five languages. She resides in New York with her husband and their three children where she is living out her own happily ever after with the boy she met at age six.
VI KEELAND je ena izmed najbolj prodajanih pisateljic po svetu. Prodala je na milijone knjig. Njene knjige so se pojavile na stotih listah najbolj prodajanih knjig po svetu in so prevedene v petindvajset jezikov. Z možem in tremi otroki živi v New Yorku. Našla je svoj "Skupaj za vedno" s svojim možem, ki ga je spoznala pri šestih letih.
Connect with Vi Keeland (Vi Keeland lahko spremljate na njenih družbenih omrežjih):
With love, Knjigoljubka Maja
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