
torek, 21. januar 2020


Will Kane & Anastasia’s relationship bloom into the romance of a lifetime, or will their dreams of success get in the way of true love?

Ali bo zveza med Kanom in Anastasio zacvetela v življenjsko romanco, ali se bodo njune sanje o uspehu postavile proti njuni ljubezni?

Dream With Me, an all-new standalone contemporary romance in the beloved With Me In Seattle Series by New York Times Bestselling Author Kristen Proby is LIVE!

Dream With Me, nova samostojna sodobna romanca v priljubljeni zbirki With Me In Seattle najbolj prodajane pisateljice Kristen Proby, je že IZŠLA!

Title (Naslov): DREAM WITH ME
Author (Avtor): KRISTEN PROBY
Genre (Kategorija): contemporary romance (sodobna romantika)


Kane O’Callaghan knows what it is to have his work shown all over the world. His pieces are on display in palaces and museums, including the O’Callaghan Museum of Glass just outside of his beloved hometown of Seattle. Kane is a bit of a recluse, spending time on his farm alone and committed to his art. His life is full.

Until the day he meets her.

Wandering through museums is Anastasia Montgomery’s favorite way to spend her time. Not only does art feed her soul, but it inspires her own art of designing wedding cakes. When her muse seems to be gone, she finds her again among the beauty in the museums of Seattle, and the O’Callaghan Museum of Glass is her favorite. She’s never met the artist, but he must be absolutely brilliant, if he can make such beautiful things out of glass.

Bumping into a grumpy stranger at the museum wasn’t in Anastasia’s plan. And then discovering it was Kane himself was absolutely humiliating.

But when she sees him again at a charity fundraiser, and ends up spending an incredible, unforgettable night with the mysterious glass smith, Anastasia finds herself thinking of Kane and little else, even her precious work. Will this relationship bloom into the romance of a lifetime, or will their dreams of success get in the way of true love?

Kane O'Callaghan ve kaj pomeni pokazati svoje delo celotnemu svetu. Njegovi kosi so na razstavi v palačah in muzejih, tudi v O'Challaghanovem Muzeju stekla zunaj njegovega ljubljenega mesta Seattla. Kane je samotarski tip, na svoji farmi rad preživlja čas sam, predan je samo svoji umetnosti. Njegovo življenje je popolno.

Do dne, ko sreča njo.

Anastasia Montgomery najraje preživlja čas s postopanjem po muzejih. Umetnost ne nahrani samo njene duše, ampak ji je tudi inspiracija pri njeni osebni umetnosti oblikovanja poročnih tort. Ko njena muza izgine, jo najde ponovno v muzeju v Seattlu in O'Callaghamov muzej stekla je njen najljubši. Nikoli ni srečala umetnika, ampak ve, da mora biti briljanten, če izdeluje tako čudovite stvari iz stekla.

Trčiti v tečnega tujca v muzeju ni bil Anastazijin plan. Ko ugotovi, da je to Kane, je za njo prav ponižujoče.

Ko ga ponovno sreča v dobrodelni organizaciji, preživi neverjetno in nepozabno noč s skrivnostnim oblikovalcem stekla. Anastasia razmišlja o Kanu in njegovim dragocenim delom. Ali bo njun odnos zacvetel v življenjsko romanco, ali pa bodo njune sanje o uspehu napoti njuni pravi ljubezni?


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KRISTEN PROBY was born and raised in a small resort town in her beloved Montana. In her mid-twenties, she decided to stretch her wings and move to the Pacific Northwest, where she made her home for more than a dozen years.
During that time, Kristen wrote many romance novels and joined organizations such as RWA and other small writing groups. She spent countless hours in workshops, and more mornings than she can count up before dawn so she could write before going to work. She submitted many manuscripts to agents and editors alike, but was always told no. In the summer of 2012, the self-publishing scene was new and thriving, and Kristen had one goal: to publish just one book. It was something she longed to cross off of her bucket list.
Not only did she publish one book, she’s since published close to thirty titles, many of which have hit the USA Today, New York Times and Wall Street Journal Bestsellers lists. She continues to self publish, best known for her With Me In Seattle and Boudreaux series, and is also proud to work with William Morrow, a division of HarperCollins, with the Fusion Series.
Kristen and her husband, John, make their home in her hometown of Whitefish, Montana with their two pugs and two cats.

KRISTEN PROBY je bila rojena in vzgojena v majhnem letovišču v njej ljubi Montani. V srednjih dvajsetih se je odločila, da razširi svoja krila in se preseli na Pacific Northwest, kjer si je ustvarila dom za več kot ducat let.
Ta čas je Kristen napisala številne romantične romane in se pridružila organizaciji RWA (Romance Writers of America) in ostalim manjšim skupinam pisateljev. Številne ure je preživela v delavnici, večkrat kot lahko prešteje je vstala pred zoro samo zato, da je lahko pisala preden je odšla na delo. Predlagala je nekaj rokopisov agentom in urednikom, ki so jo vedno zavrnili. Poleti 2012 je bila samozaložba nekaj novega in je začela cveteti. Kristen je imela en cilj: objaviti samo eno knjigo. Bilo je nekaj, kar je želela izven svojega seznama.
Ni samo objavila ene knjige, objavila je približno trideset naslovov, mnogi od njih so postali najbolj prodajani. Nadaljevala je kot samozaložnica, najbolj poznana po zbirki With Me In Seattle in zbirki Boudreaux. Zelo je ponosna, da dela z Williamom Morrowom, ki je del HarperCollinsa, na zbirki Fusion.
Kristen in njen mož John sta ustvarila svoj dom v njenem domačem kraju Whitefish v Montani skupaj z dvema mopsoma in dvemi mački.

Connect with Kristen (Kristen lahko spremljate na): 

It sound great!
Sliši se odlično!
Happy reading, Knjigoljubka Maja

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