
sreda, 12. junij 2019


Opposites don't merely attract...they combust.

Nasprotja se ne samo privlačijo...lahko se skurijo.

Take Me Down, an all-new, sexy contemporary standalone from Wall Street Journal and New York Times bestselling author Carly Phillips, is available now!

Take Me Down, nova samostojna seksi sodobna romanca najbolj prodajane pisateljice Carly Phillips, je že v prodaji!

Title (Naslov): Take Me Down
Author (Avtor): Carly Phillips
Genre (Kategorija): contemporary romance (sodobna romantika)


Parker Knight was going through the motions… and then he met her.

Parker Knight lived and lost his dream. Now he works for his family’s business, wearing a suit and pretending to be happy. A weekend away to plan a corporate retreat turns into a revelation when he lays eyes on Emily Stevens, the sexy owner of a small inn that’s seen better days. One look at Emily and the run down bed and breakfast and suddenly Parker has a purpose. He turns his short stay into a longer one, intending to act on the intense chemistry and desire that runs hot between them. While there, he plans to give Emily and her father’s inn a much needed infusion of cash and manpower.

Coming off an emotionally abusive marriage, Emily has an immediate bias against suave, city guys … But despite the slick exterior, Emily discovers Parker is sweet, charming and eager to help. And when she caves to their incredible passion, she discovers he makes her feel just as good in bed as out. Yet no matter how hot they burn or how well they mesh, Parker’s time with her has an expiration date. And Emily has an ex who refuses to accept that their relationship is over.

Parker isn’t a man who gives up. Sweet, sexy Emily Stevens is his chance to reclaim his life. He wants to take care of this woman who makes him feel … everything. If only he could figure out how to merge his two lives, everything would be perfect. But when her ex makes his move, Parker realizes what’s important. He only hopes he isn’t too late.

Parker Knight je šel skozi nato je srečal njo.

Parker Knight je živel in izgubil svoje sanje. Zdaj je zaposlen v družinskem podjetju, nosi obleko in se pretvarja, da je srečen. Vikend za načrtovanje umika, se spremeni v odkritje, ko zagleda Emily Stevens, seksi lastnico majhnega gostišča, ki je videla boljše dni. En pogled na Emily in Parker že ima namen, tako za spanje kot zajtrk. Svoj kratek obisk podaljša. Ukrepati namerava na to izrazito kemijo in poželenje, ki ju čuti med njima. Emily in gostišču njenega očeta namerava dati potreben denar in delovno silo.

Emily je ravno prišla iz čustveno zlorabljenega zakona in zato ima neposredno pristranskost do mestnih fantov. Kljub uglajeni zunanjosti Emily kmalu spozna, da je Parker čudovit, očarljiv in pripravljen pomagati. Ko se preda njuni neverjetni strasti, ugotovi, da jo lahko osreči v postelji in izven nje. Ni važno koliko časa bosta preživela skupaj ali koliko se bosta drug drugemu prilegala, Parkerjev čas se izteka in moral se bo vrniti. Emily pa ima bivšega, ki si noče priznati, da je njuno razmerje končano.

Parker ni moški, ki bi obupal. Sladka seksi Emily Stevens je priložnost, da si povrne svoje življenje. Rad bi skrbet za to žensko ob kateri ponovno čuti...vse. Če bi le lahko ugotovil, kako združiti njuni življenji, potem bi bilo vse perfektno. Ampak ko napravi korak njen bivši, Parker ugotovi kaj je pomembno. Upa, da ni prepozen.


Download your copy today! 
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CARLY PHILLIPS gives her readers Alphalicious heroes to swoon for and romance to set your heart on fire, and she loves everything about writing romance . She married her college sweetheart and lives in Purchase, NY along with her three crazy dogs: two wheaten terriers and a mutant Havanese, who are featured on her Facebook and Instagram. She has raised two incredible daughters who put up with having a mom as a romance author. Carly is the author of over fifty romances, and is a NY Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Bestseller. She loves social media and interacting with her readers. Want to keep up with Carly? Sign up for her newsletter and receive TWO FREE books at

CARLY PHILLIPS daje svojim bralkam alfa heroje vredne omedlevice in romance, ki ti vžgejo srce. Obožuje vse od pisanja romanc. Poročila se je s študentskim prijateljem in stanuje v Purchase s svojimi tremi psi: dvema pšenična terierja in mešancem havanskim bišonom, kateremu sledijo na Facebooku in Instagramu. Vzgojila je dve čudoviti hčerki, ki sta podpirali mamo kot pisateljico romantičnih zgodb. Carly je avtorica več kot petdesetih romanov in je najbolj prodajana pisateljica na svetu. Obožuje družbena omrežja in komuniciranje s svojimi bralci. Če želite biti na tekočem z njenim delom, se lahko naročite na njene novice na spletni strani, kjer prejmete tudi DVE BREZPLAČNI knjigi.

Connect with Carly (Carly lahko spremljate na njenih družbenih omrežjih): 

Have you already read any of her novels? Ali ste že prebrali kateri njen roman?
Enjoy reading, Knjigoljubka Maja

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