
sreda, 15. maj 2019


One Night of Passion, the next standalone in the all-new historical and romantic The Wicked Dukes Club Series from New York Times bestselling author Erica Ridley is available now!

One Night of Passion, naslednja samostojna zgodovinska romanca v zbirki The Wicked Dukes Club najbolj prodajane pisateljice Erice Ridley, je že v prodaji!

Title (Naslov): One Night of Passion
Author (Avtor): Erica Ridley
Genre (Kategorija): historical romance (zgodovinska romantika)


Meet the unforgettable men of London's most notorious tavern, The Wicked Duke. Seductively handsome, with charm and wit to spare, one night with these rakes and rogues will never be enough…

Lifelong romantic Thaddeus Middleton is on the hunt for a wife. He hopes to find a woman more attracted to him than to money. Instead, he finds himself drawn to a spitfire who isn’t interested in him at all! At least, that’s what she says when she’s not kissing him beneath the stars...

Miss Priscilla Weatherby will inherit a fortune… provided she remains unwed and scandal-free. Easy enough, until she meets a man more dangerous than haughty lords and heartless rakes. Thad is a sweet, sexy delight, whose passionate embrace will ruin everything—including her! She’ll sacrifice anything for independence. Even love…

Spoznajte nepozabne moške v najbolj znanih Londonskih razvpitih gostilnah, zlobne vojvode. Zapeljive lepotce s šarmom in vsem kar je potrebno, da vam ena noč s tem razuzdancem in falotom nikoli ne bo dovolj...

Vseživljenjski romantični Thaddeus Middleton je na lovu za ženo. Upam, da bo našel žensko, katero bo bolj privlačil on kot denar. Namesto tega najde privlačnost do sikajoče ženske, katere on ne zanima! Vsaj tako pravi ona, ko ga ne poljublja pod zvezdami...

Gospodična Priscilla Weatherby bo podedovala bogastvo...pod pogojem, da ostane neporočena in brez škandala. To gre z lahkoto, dokler ne spozna moškega, ki je bolj nevaren kot ošabni lordi in brezsrčni razvratneži. Thad je ljubezniv, seksi, radosten, čigar strastni objem bo uničil vse- vključno z njo. Za neodvisnost bo žrtvovala vse. Celo ljubezen...

ADD TO GOODREADS (s klikom na napis, lahko knjigo dodaš na svoj Goodreads)


Download your copy today! 
Priskrbite si svojo knjigo že danes!


Start the series of standalones today with One Night of Seduction!
Začnite brati zbirko samostojnih knjig s prvo knjigo One Night of Seduction!



ERICA RIDLEY learned to read when she was three, which was about the same time she decided to be a writer when she grew up. Now, Erica is a New York Times and USA Today best-selling author of historical romance novels. The Dukes of War features roguish peers and dashing war heroes who return from battle only to be thrust into the splendor and madness of Regency England. In Rogues to Riches, Cinderella stories aren’t just for princesses… Lovable rogues sweep strong-willed young ladies into whirlwind adventure. The 12 Dukes of Christmas is a laugh-out-loud historical romance series of heartwarming Regency romps nestled in a picturesque snow-covered village. When not reading or writing romances, Erica can be found riding camels in Africa, zip-lining through rainforests in Costa Rica, or getting hopelessly lost in the middle of Budapest.

ERICA RIDLEY se je naučila brati pri treh letih, kar je bilo enako kot to, da se je odločila, da bo pisateljica, ko odraste. Danes je Erica najbolj prodajana pisateljica zgodovinskih romanc. The Dukes of War sledijo sleparskim višjim plemičem in privlačnim vojnim herojem, ki se vračajo iz bitk samo z namenom blišča in norostjo Regentske Anglije. Rogues to Riches niso zgodbe o Pepelki samo za princeske... Ljubki faloti popeljejo mlada dekleta močne volje v vrtinčaste pustolovščine. The 12 Dukes of Christmas je zbirka zgodovinskih romanc, ki vas bo glasno nasmejala; prijetni regentski škandali, ki vas udobno namestijo v vasjo pokrito s snežno odejo. Ko ne bere ali piše romanc, lahko najdete Erico v Afriki med ježo kamel, v Kostariki med zip-liningom skozi deževni gozd, ali pa izgubljeno v središču Budimpešte.

Connect with Erica (Erico lahko spremljate na njenih družbenih omrežjih): 

Stay up to date with Erica by joining her mailing list:

Happy reading, Knjigoljubka Maja

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