
nedelja, 17. marec 2019


Title (Naslov): My Name Is Rose
Author (Avtor): Alexa Kingaard 
Published by (Založba): Acorn Publising
Publication date (datum izida): March 15th 2019 (15. marec 2019)
Genre (kategorija): Contemporary (sodobni roman), Young Adult (mladinski roman)


Rose is unsettled, curious, and bored. Life in a hippie commune is her parent’s dream come true, not hers. She doesn’t share their passion for living off the land, nor does she enjoy the isolation that is thrust upon her. When she convinces them to send her to public school in the nearby town, a new world opens up to her.
As she pursues her education, Rose chooses a different path, leaving her parents heartbroken at her insistence they are hiding something from her. She’s convinced her father isn’t the man her mother married.
Although she finds love far away from her roots and upbringing, her wounds only deepen as she keeps her family at arm’s length. What she loses during those years can only be retrieved with her understanding that “a Rose by any other name is still a Rose.”

Rose je nestabilna, radovedna in zdolgočasena. Življenje v skupnosti hipijev je bila želja njenih staršev in ne njena. Ne čuti strasti do življenja na deželi, niti ne uživa v izolaciji kateri je prepuščena. Ko starše prepriča, da jo pošljejo v javno šolo, ki je v bližini njihovega kraja, se ji odpre popolnoma nov svet.
Ko Rose nadaljuje z izobraževanjem, si izbere drugo smer življenja. Svoje starše pusti z zlomljenim srcem, saj je prepričana, da ji nekaj prikrivajo. Prepričana je, da njen oče ni moški s katerim je mama poročena. 
Čeprav ljubezen najde daleč stran od svojih korenin in vzgoje, so njene rane še globlje, ko ima svojo družino na dosegu roke. Vse kar v teh letih izgubi, si lahko povrne nazaj, če bo razumela, "da je Rose še vedno Rose".


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ALEXA KINGAARD was born in San Diego, CA and has lived most of her life in the area. She currently resides in Carlsbad and is the mother of an adult son and daughter who continue to be her biggest fans and cheerleaders. A realtor for fifteen years, she remains involved with her profession and praises her brokers and clients for giving her the nod to be creative.
She gives all the credit for completing her debut novel, Keep Forever, to her inspiration and late ex-husband, Jeff, who battled the residual effects of the Vietnam War for decades after his return.
Her second novel, My Name Is Rose, will be released through Acorn Publishing March 15, 2019.

ALEXA KINGAARD se je rodila v San Diegu v Kaliforniji in je večino svojega življenja živela na tem območju. Trenutno prebiva na Carlsbad, je mati odraslega sina in hčere, ki je njena največja oboževalka in navijačica. Petnajst let je nepremičninska agentka, še vedno vpletena v svoj poklic ter še vedno hvali svoje posrednike in stranke, kateri so ji dali spodbudo za ustvarjalnost.
Vse pohvale za njen prvenec Keep Forever pripisuje svojemu inspiracijskemu bivšemu možu Jeffu, ki se je po vrnitvi iz Vietnamske vojne še desetletja boril z posledicami vojne.
My Name Is Rose je njen drugi roman, ki je izšel 15.marca 2019 pri založbi Acorn Publising.

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Blitz-wide giveaway (INTL)
$20 Amazon Gift Card

There is also a 2nd giveaway the author is hosting here:

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With love, Knjigoljubka Maja

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