
sreda, 18. julij 2018


"Twisted and sexy, this story grabbed me from the VERY FIRST WORD and never let me go. 6 STARS!" -Alessandra Torre, New York Times bestselling author

"Zapletena in sexy, Zgodba, ki me je potegnila vase že s prvo besedo in me ni razočarala. 6 zvezdic!" -Alessandra Torre, najbolj prodajana pisateljica New York Timesa

Broken Edge, the highly anticipated third installment to the "intensely sexy" and "mindblowing" Edge Series by New York Times bestselling author CD Reiss is available NOW!

Broken Edge, zelo pričakovana tretja knjiga v intenzivno vroči in odštekani zbirki Edge najbolj prodajane pisateljice CD Reiss je že v prodaji!

Title (Naslov): Broken Edge
Author (Avtor): CD Reiss
Genre (Kategorija): Romance (romantika)


You think you’d go far for love?
Think again.
She really knows how to push a man.
She finds the cracks and she goes right for them. She’ll travel across the world just to break me apart, piece by piece, until every last secret is exposed and every weakness revealed.
I swear to God, I love her so much I’ll let her do it.
I’ll let her do anything.
But when she hurts herself to protect me?
That’s a line in the sand.

Mislite, da bi za ljubezen šli dovolj daleč?
Premislite še enkrat.
Ona resnično ve kako osvojiti moškega.
Ona poišče pomanjkljivosti in se spravi na njih. Ona bo potovala okrog sveta, da bi me razbila na pol, košček za koščkom, dokler ne bi razkrila zadnje skrivnosti in vsake šibkosti.
Prisežem pri Bogu, da jo ljubim tako močno, da ji bom to dovolil.
Dovolil ji bom vse.
Kaj pa ko bo ranila sebe, da bi mene zaščitila?
To je črta v pesku.


Download your copy od Broken Edge today!
Prenesite svojo kopijo knjige Broken Edge že danes!

Amazon US
Amazon Universal
Google Play

ADD TO GOODREADS (s klikom na napis, lahko knjigo dodaš na svoj Goodreads)

Start the Edge Series today Free with Cutting Edge
Začnite brati zbirko Edge že danes s Cutting Edge, ki je zastonj.


CD REISS is a New York Times bestseller. She still has to chop wood and carry water, which was buried in the fine print. Her lawyer is working it out with God but in the meantime, if you call and she doesn't pick up she's at the well hauling buckets. Born in New York City, she moved to Hollywood, California to get her master's degree in screenwriting from USC. In case you want to know, that went nowhere but it did give her a big enough ego to write novels. She's frequently referred to as the Shakespeare of Smut which is flattering but hasn't ever gotten her out of chopping that cord of wood. If you meet her in person, you should call her Christine.

CD REISS je najbolj prodajana pisateljica po New York Timesu. Ona še vedno seka drva in nosi vodo, kar je zakopano v drobnem tisku. Njen odvetnik opravljanja to delo. Če jo pokličete in se ne bo oglasila verjetno vleče svoje vedro. Rojena je bila v New Yorku, preselila se je v Hollywood, da bi magistrirala v pisanju scenarijev na univerzi USC. Če vas zanima, od tega ni bilo nič ampak ji je dalo dovolj velik ego, da je začela pisati romane. Pogosto se obrača na Shekespeara, ki je laskav ampak ji ni odgovarjal tak način pisanja. Če jo kdaj srečate, ji lahko rečete Christine.

Connect with CD Reiss (CD Reiss lahko spremljate na njenih spletnih straneh): 

Thanks for reading!
Hvala, ker me berete!
 Knjigoljubka Maja

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