
četrtek, 2. november 2017


Title (Naslov): WINTER'S SIREN
Author (Avtor): Krystal Jane Ruin
Genre (Kategorija): Paranormal (paranormalno), young adult (mladinski roman)
Publication date (Datum izida): November 1st, 2017 (1. november 2017)

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For the last five years, Fawn has been the star soprano of a secluded opera house, forced to sing for her kidnapper.
His daughter, Devi, waits patiently in the shadows, hiding a face so horrible that no one who’s seen it will look at it again.
As Fawn plots her escape, whispers spread through the shaded corridors of dark sorcery, warning her that she must flee by the next opening night.
But when Fawn draws close to the exit, it’s Devi who’s standing in her way, leading Fawn to suspect that Devi has something to gain if she fails.
(a dark reimagining of Swan Lake)

Zadnjih pet let je bila Fawn zvezda soprana oddaljene operne hiše, kjer je bila prisiljena peti za svojega ugrabitelja.
Njegova hči Devi je potrpežljivo čakala za sencami. Svoj obraz je skrivala, ker ko jo kdo pogleda, je ne bi videl nikoli več.
Ko Fawn snuje svoj pobeg, so ji skozi zasenčen koridor s temno čarovnijo šepetalci sporočili, da mora bežati do naslednje otvoritvene noči.
Ko Fawn končno prispe do izhoda, se ji nasproti postavi Devi. Misli, da bo nekaj pridobila, če ji ne uspe pobegniti.
(temačni zapis Labodjega jezera)



Frosty air nips at my nose. I stand almost knee deep in fresh fallen snow, letting the diffused sunlight hit my face. There is no sound. Peace settles over me. In this moment, I truly feel like I’m in the middle of nowhere.
Something cold and wet explodes on the back of my neck. For a moment, I fear the worst. A boil. Pus. My father’s description of my mother’s face plays out in my mind.
But then I hear Andrew laughing behind me. I touch the rough skin on my neck and bring a shaky and damp glove to my face. Snow. It’s just snow.
It’s the middle of the day, and my face is uncovered. To make everything worse, it’s bright outside. Freezing and overcast, but bright.
My hands fly to my face automatically.
“Are you going to let me get away with that?” Andrew laughs again.
I twist around and peek at him through my fingers.
He stands before me, his arms spread wide. A thick coat covers his arms, and in his gloved hands, he holds another snowball. “You have two seconds to stop me!”
I flip my hood over my head and drop down to gather snow in my hands.
Another snowball bursts against my head. The wetness plasters my hair to my face. I hurl my deformed ball in his direction. It misses him completely.
Another wad of snow lands on my neck while I gather a larger, rounder ball of snow. “Cheating!” I throw my handful at him. It lands weakly by his knees.
“Here, let me help you.” He climbs towards me and gathers a nice, solid ball in his fist. He hands this to me, and then stands back and spreads his arms wide again. “Try again.”
I throw it square at his nose.
“Ow!” He covers his face and cries out dramatically. “It’s in my eyes!”
“Stop it! Are you serious?” I navigate closer to him, and he falls back into the snow. I run to his side and hear laughter bubbling out from behind his hands. “Jerk!” I shovel snow over his body, and he laughs all the while.
Then he goes still. I stop.
“Andrew?” I lean in close. “Andrew?”
He lunges out of his shallow grave and tackles me to the ground.
A panicked scream leaves my body as he lands on top of me, heavy and warm. Then a strange sound comes out of my mouth. Something that’s never come out of it before. Laughter.
His braid hangs down, inches from my sunken cheek. Suddenly aware of how close his head is to mine, the laughter dies in my throat, and I slap my gloves to my cheeks.
“You have such beautiful eyes,” he says.
My breath is trapped in my chest. It hurts. I don’t know how much he can see of my face—my hood is pulled low and my hair and hands cover everything else—but I fear it’s too much.
“Andrew . . .”



KRYSTAL JANE RUIN is the author of supernatural and paranormal fiction, living in the Tennessee Valley with a collection of swords and daggers. When she's not hoarding stuffed pandas, hourglasses, and Hello Kitty replicas, she can be found in YouTube hole or blogging about books, writing, and random things at

KRYSTAL JANE RUIN je pisateljica nadnaravnih in paranormalnih fikcij. Živi v dolini Tennessee s svojo kolekcijo mečev in bodal. Ko si ne kopiči stvari, peščenih ur in Hello Kitty replik, je aktivna na YouTube kanalu in blogu, kjer piše o knjigah, pisanju in poljubnih stvareh


Why paranormal and what other genres are you interested in writing?
I’ve always been drawn to dark stories. Some of my first memories are of me trying to scare myself for some reason. Haha. My writing tastes have always been a lot more narrow than my reading tastes. But I would like to experiment with some dark historical fantasy and supernatural horror. I might talk myself into trying another high fantasy story one day.

Zakaj paranormalne zgodbe? Ali vas pritegnejo še kateri drugi žanri?
Vedno sem bila za temačne zgodbe. Eden mojih prvih spominov je, kako sem sama sebe strašila. Haha. Moj pisalni okus je bil vedno bolj omejen, kot moj bralni okus. Želim si eksperimentirati z temačno zgodovinsko fantazijo in nadnaravno grozljivko. Mogoče se bom prepričala in nekoč napisala visoko fantazijsko zgodbo. 

If you were a teacher, what subject would you teach?
Shakespearean Drama! But I’d also be happy to do plain Shakespeare or plain Drama. Either one of those would be most up my alley. If a class existed that was dedicated to Edgar Allan Poe, I’d also be interested in that.

Če bi bili učiteljica, kateri predmet bi učili?
Shakespearsko dramo! Srečna bi bila tudi z navadnim Shakespearom ali navadno dramo. Eno izmed teh dveh bi bil moj zagon. Če bi bil razred navdušen nad Edgarjem Allanom Poemo, bi bila tudi zadovoljna.

If you could live in any novel, which one would you choose and why?
Is it weird if I say I want to live in Middle Earth? I read The Hobbit a long time ago, but I’ve only recently watched all the movies, and I’m obsessed with them! I hate the thought of giant spiders and trolls and orcs, but I wouldn’t leave Hobbiton anyway, and I think I’d love it there. Also, no creatures there. Bonus. (I mean, if Gandalf was with me, I might could be talked into going on an adventure.)

Če bi lahko živeli v romanu, katerega bi izbrali in zakaj?
Ali bi bilo čudno, če povem, da bi želela živeti v Srednjem svetu? Že dolgo časa nazaj sem prebrala Hobbita, pred kratkih pa sem pogledala še filme in postala obsedena z njim. Sovražim orjaške pajke, trole in orke, ampak vseeno ne bi zapustila Hobbitona. Mislim, da bi mi bilo tam všeč. Seveda brez bitij. Plus. (Samo če bi bil Gandalf z mano, bi se dala prepričati, da bi odšla na pustolovščino.)

Are you a plotter, panster, or hybrid writer?
I often pants the beginnings of stories or pants my outline as I write, but I always have a clear plan and direction I’m going in. That said, I have to have a finished outline at some point. It helps me remember little details better, and I write faster with one, as well.

Ali si zarotniški, panster* ali hibridni pisatelj?
Zgodbo začnem spontano, ali pa si zapišem osnutek. Ko pišem naprej, imam vedno jasen načrt in navodila. Se pravi, da najprej dokončam osnutek do neke točke. Ta mi pomaga, da si bolje zapomnim določene detajle ter da hitreje pišem.
(*panster pomeni pisatelj, ki nima nič, niti osnutka in si za vsako sproti izmišljuje dogajanje zgodbe. Nisem zasledila slovenskega izraza za tole besedo.)

What is your mutant power?
Freezing everything! Don’t ask what for. I have a long-standing fantasy of water manipulation, and I would just love that. In my head, it’s like a cross between Ice Man and Storm. Ice Storm anyone? No?

Kaj je vaša posebna moč?
Zamrzujem vse! Ne sprašujte me zakaj. Z veseljem bi imela dolgoletno fantazijsko manipulacijo vode. V moji glavi si to predstavljam kot križanca med Ledenim možem in Nevihto. Ledena nevihta? Ne?

What three movies would you take to a deserted island to watch over and over again for a year?
Easiest question ever. The Little Mermaid, Clueless, and The Craft. They are my favorite top three movies of all time, but I feel sorry for anyone who knows me after returning from such a trip. I have a really bad habit of quoting movies, and I’d likely have them all completely memorized by then.

Katere tri filme bi vzeli na samotni otok, da bi jih gledali vedno znova?
Najlažje vprašanje. Majhna morska deklica, Nimaš pojma in The Craft. To so moji najljubši filmi vseh časov. Bogi tisti, ki me bodo poznali po vrnitvi iz samotnega otoka. Imam namreč slabo navado, da si zapomnim citate iz filmov.

What inspired you to write WINTER’S SIREN?
Usually, this is the hardest question ever, but I love fairy tales, I love retellings, and I love the theatre: ballet, musicals, opera. My love of theatre directly influenced the direction of this story. You don’t want to know what it looked like before.

Kaj vas je navdihnilo, da ste napisali WINTER'S SIREN?
To je najtežje vprašanje, kar sem jih dobila. Obožujem pravljice, obožujem retelling* in obožujem gledališča: balet, muzikal, opero. Moja ljubezen do gledališča je imela velik vpliv na nastanek te zgodbe. Ne želite si vedeti kakšna je bila prej.
(*retelling je ponoven zapis ali priredna neke zgodbe, knjige, pravljice, filma)

You can find out more about Krystal online (Več o Krystal lahko najdete na njenih družbenih omrežjih): 


A Grimm's Fairy Tale anthology + swag (incl. keychain, quill pen, candle, bookmarks, and a notebook with the book cover on it)
Giveaway end Nov 9th.


I love that cover! Naslovnica je čudovita!
Happy reading, Knjigoljubka Maja

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