
petek, 13. oktober 2017


Title (Naslov): Into Your Hurricane
Author (Avtor): Jillian Elizabeth
Genre (Kategorija): Romance (romantika)


Andrea Jensen was rocked to the core when her heart was broken. Her life is changing quickly, she’s nervous and excited for where it’s headed as she works to finish college and secure a teaching career.

Trent Zito is in his last year of law school. While finishing school, interning for his successful uncle at his law firm- he's working to secure his future.

When their paths cross, magic, hearts and love collide. Trent and Andrea begin to share a special relationship that moves quickly. His charm is the perfect distraction, and her naivety is exactly what he seeks.

Just when she thinks their lives are moving along a path to lifelong happiness together, she realizes that the hurricane of destruction she's headed to with him could be worse than the heartache she once had. The storm hits without warning, changing everything in an instant.

When the storm settles and the retreats…..what will be left?

Srce Andree Jensen je bilo zlomljeno. Njeno življenje se hitro spreminja. Trenutno je živčna in navdušena, ker zaključuje študij in začenja kariero kot učiteljica.

Trent Zito zaključuje zadnji letnik prava. Medtem dela v uspešnem pravnem podjetju svojega strica, da si ustvari kariero in prihodnost.

Ko se njune poti križajo, se združijo magija, srce in ljubezen. Trent in Andrea se zapleteta v razmerje, ki napreduje zelo hitro. Njegov šarm je popolna zapolnitev, in njena naivnost je točno tisto kar je iskal.

Ko je že mislila, da bosta naredila velik korak k svoji življenjski sreči, ugotovi, da, je orkan uničenja, ki prihaja iz njegove strani močnejši od glavobola. Nevihta pride brez opozorila in v trenutku spremeni vse.

Ko se nevihta umiri in ustali...kaj se bo zgodilo naprej?

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JILLIAN ELIZABETH is an avid reader herself and has honed in her love for reading over the last few years as a proofreader. She enjoys spending time with her two teenage daughters, spending time with friends and runs a Preschool and Childcare Center with her family.
Taking on writing was something totally new and with a push from her family and friends decided to give it a try.
When she isn't writing, you can find her reading other close friends books and just loving life.

JILLIAN ELIZABETH je navdušena bralka, ki je skozi vsa leta z ljubeznijo do branja postala profesionalna bralka. Svoj prosti čas rada preživlja z dvema najstniškima hčerkama, s svojimi prijatelji in vodi Prescool and Childcare Center skupaj s svojo družino.
Pisanje je zanjo nekaj čisto novega. S podporo družine in prijateljev je preizkusila tudi to.
Ko ne piše, bere knjige svojih prijateljev in ljubi življenje.

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Enjoy reading! Knjigoljubka Maja

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