
sreda, 24. julij 2019


Title (Naslov): All Roads Lead to You
Author (Avtor): Jennifer Probst
Release Day (Datum izida): July 23, 2019 (23. julij 2019)

All Roads Lead to You, an all-new standalone contemporary romance by New York Times bestselling author Jennifer Probst.

All Roads Lead to You je nova samostojna sodobna romanca najbolj prodajane pisateljice Jennifer Probst.


Happily single, Harper Bishop trusts in only one passion—her rescue farm and healing her thoroughbred, Phoenix. Her dream is to lead him to the Triple Crown. But how unreachable is it without experience or help? A handsome new guest at her family’s B&B has what it takes to make it come true. And with his irresistible brogue, warm smile, and soothing touch, he’s a major distraction.
After a bitter betrayal, horse trainer Aidan O’Connor has fled Ireland for a vacation in New York’s Hudson Valley. When he sees the horse with the fighting spirit he’s inspired with a new goal: to train Phoenix to win. He’s also facing an unexpected new challenge: his feelings for Harper.
How can she dare to open her heart to a man who’ll only be there long enough to break it?
So Harper and Aiden agree: try to keep it professional, and focus only on Phoenix and the finish line. But along the way they could also learn a few lessons in love, trust, and taking chances. And as painful as it promises to be, saying goodbye.

Srečno samska Harper Bishop verjame v samo eno strast- svojo reševalno kmetijo in svojega čistokrvnega angleškega konja Phoenix. Njene sanje so, da ga pelje na tekmovanje Triple Crown. Kako nedosegljivo je to brez izkušenj in pomoči? Novi čedni gost na njihovi družinski kmetiji B&B ima vse kar ona potrebuje, da si sanje uresniči. Z njegovim nepremagljivim naglasom, toplim nasmehom in pomirjujočim dotikom postane zelo moteč.
Po težki izdaji je trener konjev Aidan O'Connor pobegnil iz Irske na počitnice v New York's Hudson Valley. Ko vidi konja z bojevito dušo, si postavi nov cilj: Phoenix bo treniral do zmage. Sooči se tudi z nepričakovanim izzivom: s svojimi čustvi do Harper.
Kako si upa odpreti srce moškemu, ki bo tukaj samo toliko časa, da ji ga zlomi?
Harper in Aiden privolita: držala se bosta profesionalnosti in se osredotočila samo na Phoenix in končno linijo. Na tej poti pa se lahko naučita tudi nekaj o ljubezni, zaupanju in tveganju. In seveda tako kot obljublja, je poslavljanje tudi boleče.


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 Ignoring her tingling nipples and flip-flopping belly, she threw back her shoulders and rose to full height. “I clearly remember having this same conversation a few weeks ago,” she said, trying not to let her voice wobble. “We agreed to keep it strictly business.” 
 “We did. But it’s getting harder for me not to touch you.” 
 Her heart galloped in her chest. Sweat pricked her skin. She remained silent, tangled between her head and her heart. 
 A rough laugh escaped his lips. “This would be easier on my ego if you’d admit you’re having the same problem.”
 She shook her head and pressed her fisted hands against her eyes. “You sure don’t know the art of subtlety, do you?” 
 He shrugged. “No time for that shit. Well?” 
 She let out a half laugh, half groan. “I think this is the strangest conversation I’ve had with a man.” 
 “Are you hot for me, Harper?” His voice was all grit and gravel and sexy as hell. 
 Lust speared through her, raw and hungry and demanding. “Yeah.” 
 “Good. I’m obsessed with kissing you. So I have a proposal.” 
 “Of course you do.” 
 “One kiss. Let’s try it out. Maybe it’ll bomb once we give ourselves permission,” he said. 
 “I’m swooning from your romantic intentions.” 
 His lips kicked up in a grin. She wanted to trace her finger over his mouth to see if it was as soft as it looked. “Sorry. What do you think?” 
 “I think I’ve stepped into a new dimension. Tell me this, Irish. Do we want the kiss to bomb?” 
 He nodded. Eased closer. “I think it would be for the best. Neither of us wants a complication in our solid business partnership. We have a long road ahead of us. Sex makes things messy.” 
 Her brow shot up. Oh, he was good. Pretending to be all rational and cool while he stalked her like a graceful panther. Her blood grew thick and heavy, and the throbbing between her thighs raged. The real problem revolved around one simple, plain fact. 
 She was dying to kiss Aidan O’Connor. 
 Just once.
 The tiny voice inside her flared to life and whispered a warning.: One kiss will never be enough. Not from this man. Not with the way you already feel about him. 
 God, she didn’t want to listen to reason right now. 
 Harper tilted her head. “True. If the kiss fails, we can get back to work without all this bullshit. Move on and focus on the real relationship here.”
 “Phoenix,” he said. 
 “Exactly. Can you promise one thing?” 
 He took a few more steps. His scent wrapped around her like a silken cloud, spicy and clean and addicting. The leashed heat from his body practically ripped a purr from her throat. She curled her fingers, digging her nails into her palms to try and hold back from jumping into his arms. 
 “What do you need me to promise, love?” 
 A shiver worked down her spine. She imagined that lilting brogue whispering dirty commands in her ear while he thrust deep inside her. “If the kiss sucks, no hurt feelings. We move on and don’t talk about it. I can’t take any weirdness between us.”
 “Agreed. I hate weird.” 
 He was right there, face close, inches from her body. The last time he was this close, he was angry. This time, his eyes crackled with hunger. His powerful thighs braced hers, and when he leaned in, his hard erection pressed against the seam of his jeans so she felt every glorious inch of promise. She licked her lips in anticipation, and slowly raised her arms to hook around his shoulders. 
 “Just once,” she whispered in warning.
 He cupped her cheeks with rough, calloused palms. His amber gaze locked on hers. “Yes.”
 “We’ll get it out of our system and move on.” 
 His mouth closed over hers.


JENNIFER PROBST wrote her first book at twelve years old. She bound it in a folder, read it to her classmates, and hasn’t stopped writing since. She holds a masters in English Literature and lives in the beautiful Hudson Valley in upstate New York. Her family keeps her active, stressed, joyous, and sad her house will never be truly clean. Her passions include horse racing, Scrabble, rescue dogs, Italian food, and wine—not necessarily in that order.
She is the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of sexy and erotic contemporary romance. She was thrilled her book, The Marriage Bargain, spent 26 weeks on the New York Times. Her work has been translated in over a dozen countries, sold over a million copies, and was dubbed a “romance phenom” by Kirkus Reviews. She is also a proud three-time RITA finalist.
She loves hearing from readers. Visit her website for updates on new releases and her street team at

JENNIFER PROBST je napisala svojo prvo knjigo pri dvanajstih letih. Pospravila jo je v mapo, jo prebrala svojim sošolcem, od takrat ni nehala pisati. Ima magisterij iz angleške literature in prebiva v čudoviti Hudson Valley v severnem delu države New York. Njena družina pravi da je aktivna, poudarjena, vesela in žalostna, če njena hiša ni dovolj očiščena. Njena strast so konjske dirke, Scrabble, reševalni psi, italijanska hrana in vino - ne nujno v tem vrstnem redu.

Je najbolj prodajana pisateljica seksi in erotičnih sodobnih romanc. Bila je navdušena nad svojo knjigo The Marriage Bargain, ko je bila 26 tednov na lestvici New York Times najbolj prodajanih knjig. Njena dela so bila prevedena v ducat različnih državah, prodana v več kot milijonih kopijah in imenovana "romantični fenomen" od Kirkus Reviews. Je tudi ponosna, da je bila trikat finalistka za nagrado RITA.
Rada je v stiku s svojimi bralci. Za novejše informacije in nove knjige se lahko pridružite njeni ekipi na spletni strani

Connect with Jennifer (Jennifer lahko najdete na): 

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With love Knjigoljubka Maja

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